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Birding is Voyeurism.
  • A shit ton that grows all the time. I can't keep up with them and always finding new ones myself.

  • Become a Better Programmer by Taking a Shower
  • up-yours-woke-moralists

    Clean your room and your nasty ass!

  • Can you offer investment advice? I'm debt-free, about to start earning $2k more per month than I need to survive. Please offer any suggestions for optimal investment method(s).
  • Not a financial pro just advise-

    If your job offers a 401 or anything with matching funds - do that. It's money you won't miss and what money the company matches is free money.

    Start a safety cushion. This should be about 3-6 months of income to fall back on or you van tap into in case of life's Iittle mishaps. Car repairs, medical, house repairs, family emergency, job loss ect.

    CD - cash deposit rates are actually worth investing right now. Over 5% returns and they are guarenteed funds. The more the government jacks up rates, the higher % CDs will be offered. They pay out a flat % over X amount of time. 3 months, 6 months, 12, 18. I wouldn't go more than 18 months as rates can can change. Most you should be alble to withdrawl the money in case of emergency. They usually pay part interest evey month so you'll still have the money in case you need to, but the amount you get will be the time invested so you wont get the full 5% for example if you pull out 6 months into a 12 month CD. You'll only gain 2.5%.

    Some of them require higher starting balances than others, but most are pretty easy to get into. Take part of that cushion and make it work for you. Savings accounts offer jack squat. Not very aggressive but better than the stock market casino where even good companies are getting taken for a ride. The market right now is very broken.

    If you can, save for some gold, silver, platinum to diversify. The US is going to experience some wild inflation due to it's continued war mongering and isolation of the world and it's resources. I don't think the world is going to forgive us for the whole Palestine / Ukraine thing. Look at the price of gold back in 2000 before 9/11 - $200 / ounce. It's now around $2,000 an ounce. It's a known hedge against inflation. I wish I did that earlier. Unless we get really into space mining and reach the Golden Nugget asteroid, they should continue to be a hedge. Learn about SPOT price and PREMIUMS over spot prices. If you have funds backed by physical assets there might be storage fees or maintenance fees associated eith them. Take a look at ONE GOLD and APMEX or JM BULLION.. There are others but these are some of the larger more trusted orgs for example. There are many ways to get access to these commodities.

    Shop around for a good financial adviser professional tell them about your current situation and retirement goals. Be careful of higher fees. There are annual fees for these funds and percentage takes when you do withdrawl in retirement. But they can help get in diverse and larger funds and ask about Roth IRA's. (tax free withdrawls since you already paid taxes on the funds) There are usually minimums associated with certain funds.

    Don't count on or put all your eggs in one basket. You're going to want to spread RISK so in case a market or sector crash or some other thing happens that royally fucks something up you won't lose all your assets in one blow.

  • 'I’m calling from Israeli intelligence. We have the order to bomb. You have two hours'
  • I will never forgive Israel. That flag will forever be seared as one of fascism and genocide to me.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Bunch of genocidal racist fanatics.

  • Google ends deal to build 15,000 Bay Area homes due to “market conditions”
  • But I thoufht the free market had the solution to all our problems! What do you mean government is more efficient? That's sicko-specter

  • Pentagon Confirms U.S. Flying Surveillance Drones Over Gaza
  • obama-drone Tango 10 tango 10 we got an ambulance convey coming out of that residential block you all just leveled. God damn there's more red mist than concrete dust. How'd you manage that?

    Send in clean up. I swore an oath to protect the constiution of the United States and zeroing war crime victims is helping to keep the homeland safe from land locked improvrished permanently disabled us-foreign-policy im-doing-my-part freedom-and-democracy

  • I got covid :(

    I ain't 'fraid of no sleep. I ain't 'fraid of no bed.

    Get better soon comrade fidel-salute-big

  • 0 Parents Explain Why ‘Bluey’ Is Too Woke

    Bluey, an Australian cartoon about an anthropomorphic blue heeler puppy, has been repeatedly accused of indoctrinating children with a left-wing agenda. The Onion asked parents why they believe the popular children’s show is too woke, and this is what they said.

    Parents Explain Why ‘Bluey’ Is Too Woke
    0 McConnell THREATENS Republican Trying to Stop CORRUPTION, "Anti-War" Tulsi Pushes MORE $ for Israel

    Mitch McConnell has gone full mask off mode in response to Senator Hawley proposing a removal of Citizens United. Ron Placone is here to go over this very te...

    McConnell THREATENS Republican Trying to Stop CORRUPTION, "Anti-War" Tulsi Pushes MORE $ for Israel

    25:52 for Tulsi dunk. Its pretty !cringe cw extreme Islamophobia and racism. Queerphobia.

    0 God Throws Celibate Monk Pity Wet Dream

    THE HEAVENS—Admitting that His heavenly dictates had made the Franciscan friar suffer enough, God, Our Lord and Heavenly Father, reportedly threw celibate monk Roberto Nevastri a pity wet dream this week. “He’s been so good resisting temptation and respecting chastity over the past few decades t...

    God Throws Celibate Monk Pity Wet Dream

    !volcel-judge Which one of you wrote this?

    0 Amazon Fires Employee Who Tested Positive For Having Food In Their System

    MOUNT JULIET, TN—Notifying the woman that she had run afoul of the corporation’s rules of employment, Amazon is said to have fired a warehouse employee Wednesday after the worker tested positive for having food in her system. “This meeting is to inform you that you have violated Amazon’s strict zero...

    Amazon Fires Employee Who Tested Positive For Having Food In Their System
    Israel in Search of Its Hiroshima: Massive Bomb Wipes Out 20 Apt. Buildings, Kills, Wounds 400 Civilians
  • This war we started replacing missles, attacks, with "blasts". Like the hospital attack was a "blast". Like a gas line blew or an oopsie. Anytime they want to water down what happened it's just a enigmatic "blast".

    Israeli line for civillian deaths "well that's war". The world will remember how casual Israel is about it's genocide. It rolls off them like water.

  • Bernie shrugged.

    Oh now you're concerned? !flattened-bernie

    Confronting Blinken and Austin over Gaza Genocide

    Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]

    One mistake some analyists make is that their enemies should be our enemies. Yassar Arafat, Cornel Gaddafi, Fidel Castro support our struggle to the hilt. They do not support it only in rhetoric, but they are placing resources at our disposal.

    He just mopped the floor with Koppel.


    40 minutes long. Erdogan is done with the West's stupid games.

    Video is in Turkish. Use subtitles / auto translate.

    Comer Releases Evidence of Direct Payment to Joe Biden

    House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today announced the committee obtained bank records revealing a $200,000 direct payment from James and Sara Biden to Joe Biden in the form of a personal check. In September, Chairman Comer issued three subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records.

    In 2018, James Biden received $600,000 in loans from, Americore—a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator. According to bankruptcy court documents, James Biden received these loans “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

    On March 1, 2018, Americore wired a $200,000 loan into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account – not their business bank account. On the same day, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden. 

    Chairman Comer released a video outlining this direct payment and the questions President Biden must answer for the American people.
