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Anon meets his gf's parents
  • The first sentence is real, the rest is just a fun bit of hyperbole. It really is not that common for an overprotective father to brandish a gun at his daughter's new boyfriend, but it has happened enough times to become something of a trope.

  • GNU-Linux
  • It's not meant to be a stereotype applied to all men, just the a thing that some men do. It happens when a man assumes, perhaps subconsciously, that the woman he is speaking to is his intellectual inferior and would surely benefit from his opinion on whatever topic without any regard to her possible expertise on the topic, or even his own lack thereof. I've rarely witnessed it myself, but know women who have had to put up with it. Stereotypeing all men as "manslainers" would be rude, but mocking the men who actually behave that way is cool with me.

  • Outstanding idea.
  • They are paid both taxpayer and private money to put things, including people now, safely into orbit. A thing they do frequently and reliably, without any explosions. Yes, their dramatically destructive development method of launching unproven prototypes and pushing them to the limit does seem wasteful, but it actually has allowed their engineers to very effectively identify the weak points in their systems and remove or compensate for them, resulting in designs that are redundant only where needed, but still reliable. Despite a lot of competition from international and the older American aerospace companies, they remain one of the most cost effective and reliable options for space launches in the game.

    Now, I'm all for some Musk mocking these days after how much of a jackass he's revealed himself to be, and I am now convinced that Space-X succeeded in spite of him, but it is successful.

  • Trump wanted to drain the swamp to make it easier for the swamp creatures to get around
  • If the politicians and bureaucrats that Trump and friends pushed out are like murky swamp water, then the ones he brought in are like raw sewage, so I always said that he only wanted to "drain the swamp" so he'd have room to pump in said raw sewage.

  • Tea Time
  • Teas are generally not boiled, but steeped in hot water that was boiling a moment ago. I was going to say that cowboy coffee is boiled, but then I looked it up, and even then, the pot is pulled off the heat before adding the grounds.

  • ADHD Life Hacks which worked for you?
  • I have something similar. I practice doing certain routine micro-habits until they become ingrained in muscle memory and always do them.

    For example, I still set my keys down without thinking most times they are in my hand, but thanks to spending several hours practicing the motion years ago, I now always unthinkingly set them where they belong: clipped to my beltloop and tucked into my pocket. Anytime I identify a need to add one of these to my life I spend an hour practicing experiencing the trigger and then doing the motion. To learn the keys-in-pocket habit, I held my keys, clipped and tucked. Pull them out, note the feel of them in my hand, and repeat, over and over. It feels silly to practice doing something so easy, but once it becomes muscle memory, it doesn't rely on my faulty thinking memory. I'll do several sessions of practice every few days until I can feel that it's fully 'set' as an unthinking motion. They're a pain to establish, but they are well worth it and have saved me a ton of grief over the years.

    One of these automatic habits saved me this morning. I always pat my keys when closing a locking door behind me (even if it isn't locked), and this morning I had missed swapping my keys to my new pair of pants. I would have been locked out of my house and late for work if patting my empty pockets hadn't alerted me just before a pulled the locked door close behind me. I have some other ones that I haven't mentioned, because I can't think of what they are. I'd notice the problems they prevent coming back if I stopped doing them, so I can only assume they must still be working.

  • Xi Jinping claimed the US wants China to attack Taiwan, FT reports
  • U.S.: Please don't attack Taiwan.

    China: You're trying to reverse psychology me into attacking, but I won't be fooled.

    U.S.: Oh, good. So, you agree not to attack Taiwan?

    China: I will if I want to and it's none of your business.

  • 6 Signs The Exterminator You Hired Is On The Bugs’ Side
  • They ask if they can have the bugs

    If the infestation is honey bees, then they usually will, or rather call in a bee removal expert. If you've never seen it, look up a few bee removal videos on YouTube. Fascinating stuff.

  • 9/11 affected us all
  • Damn, this brought back a memory. I was squarely in the their target demographic in '99 and I hated the new design. Not that Mom ever shopped there anyway. I was aware of the '01 redesign, but was too teenager to care. Not having kids of my own, I never even noticed the current version.

  • fantasy
  • If you mean what I think you mean, then you're being down voted because your phrasing isn't clear. I interpreted your comment to mean that removal any of dark skinned characters would often make the depiction less historically accurate, due to their historical presence as a minority of some sort across much of medieval Europe. If so, I agree that is amusingly ironic.

  • AI is the future
  • Neither, in this case it's an accurate summary of one of the results, which happens to be a shitpost on Quara. See, LLM search results can work as intended and authoritatively repeat search results with zero critical analysis!

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