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Beleafs you should be shedding
  • Another one: your own suffering doesn't matter because other people have it worse.

  • An Alabama woman was imprisoned for 'endangering' her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower.
  • She is serving a 15-year sentence when what the jail did was more endangering to the baby than what she did. Heinous.

  • Digi Detox
  • Stare into space. Get sheet of paper. Plan life on paper. Execute plan by doing things.

  • One year since Mahsa Amini’s death, a protester shot in the eye during Iran’s crackdown continues her struggle from exile
  • To be shot in the face and still return to protesting against injustice is the height of bravery and dedication.

  • What personally transformative experience have you recently had?
  • I had neurosurgery to correct brain stem compression. I regained the ability to walk without weakness and tremors and to function in general.

    I had to fight my insurance company for months because they denied my first surgery due to their perceived lack of "medical necessity."

  • 'Young Life' by Bo Bartlett (1994)
  • The way she is holding his stomach is like he's expecting.

  • Sentient spiders
  • Mission of Gravity by Hal Clement has sentient centipede-like aliens. A very good book even 70 years later.

  • Americans Are Less Motivated to Work This Year Compared to Last, New Data Shows
  • You mean you are not motivated to make rich people even richer? Shame.

  • She is showing him who is boss.
  • He seems to be enjoying himself, lol.

  • The deceitful bitter bolete
  • Can confirm that it does not taste good!

  • Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • I think as mainstream porn has become more extreme more people are viewing it as harmful.

  • Warning: Hot take: the longer I’m a parent, the more I feel that we shouldn’t be able to have children
  • I have high-functioning autism and a child on the spectrum. Parenting is difficult enough without adding in extra complications. However, the fact that you have an understanding of your shortcomings and are working to remedy them puts you ahead of many parents already.

    It sounds like you are both going to need to work on interactions. That's OK, you may just need some extra help and patience. Parenting is a learning process for both the parent and the child.

    Here's something that has worked for me and my son. We would take walks outside in different natural surroundings and point out things we find. If I found a mushroom I would point it out and talk about it. If he found an insect he would get excited and show it to me. A very low pressure environment that gets people talking and learning.

    I would also be honest with his therapists about your autism. You may benefit from joint sessions with him and sessions alone with your own therapist. It is important to find the right therapists who are willing to help both of you without judgment. If one is not working out, don't be afraid to move to another.

  • Break the Chains
  • Employee-ownership of the company, like Bob's Red Mill.

  • LitterBox Comics - Chicken Strip
  • Your own species provides complete nutrition!

  • Break the Chains
  • It's a modified form of slavery:

    'The abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass initially declared "now I am my own master", upon taking a paying job.[31] However, later in life he concluded to the contrary, saying "experience demonstrates that there may be a slavery of wages only a little less galling and crushing in its effects than chattel slavery, and that this slavery of wages must go down with the other".'

  • Frackers can use dangerous chemicals without disclosure due to “Halliburton loophole”
  • I am in the middle of fracking country. I can't go to certain parks because the chemical smell the wells give off makes me lightheaded. One of the workers I met said they also use copious amounts of biocides to keep the wells clear of growth.

  • Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms
  • Huh? Homemaker is a unpaid job and is very useful when it involves cleaning, organizing, and cooking.

  • Blurry Pictures of Cats EfficaciousSkink
    One of his favorite activities is kicking his sister in the head
    Hospital patients can monitor nature cams

    Exposure to nature is healing and soothing. People recovering in hospitals spend a lot of time waiting. I think it would be great if live nature cam feeds were made available in hospitals and patients could text to a number when species appear or events happen.

    A portion of the screen would display the picture and name of the species to look out for and the code you need to text to the number.

    Turtles! EfficaciousSkink
    Baby softshell turtle found in Louisiana creek

    Little turt was returned unharmed!
