My parents had a porn blocker, and all it made me do was learn enough about computers to circumvent it. Even if they put age verification in front of every porn site in the world there's still torrents and chat rooms and forums all over where you can find it, and kids will find it. Next thing they'll mandate is putting toothpaste back in the tube.
Even if there was some secure, hardened way of verifying people’s ages without handing over PII to random websites, these age verification laws are still utterly ridiculous.
It’s not the government’s job to parent your kids on the internet. If you don’t want your kids visiting specific websites or viewing specific content, you take 15 minutes out of your goddamn day to do your job as a parent, and set up a content blocker on your home network.
The sicko in me hopes they spend the next two weeks linking every policymaker in the state to their pornography habits and just dump the whole dataset online. Yeah, it would probably counterproductive and not great for democracy but I wouldn’t it be the sickest burn of all time?
I think a lot of these states are going about this wrong. We should be helping parents restrict access for their children rather than trying to verify identities of adults who likely want to remain anonymous.
"You show me some lazy prick who's laying around all day watching game shows and stroking his penis and I'll show you someone who's not causing any fucking trouble"
-George Carlin
Republicans really believe shit like this and banning abortion will be successful at restoring the nuclear family... at gunpoint.
What it will really do is increase sexual assault, suicide, violence in general...
Of course that will be everyone else's fault for not submitting to their attempts at coercion correctly. Republicans insist on personal responsibility, exclusively for their many enemies and explicitly not for themselves.
The funniest bit is, they are the reason for the death of the nuclear family and the reason it won't be restored. If you give the owner class all the money out of the asses of the working citizens that would have kids, herp derp they won't have kids.
If they really wanted the "traditional American family" to come back, they need only restore tax levels to pre-reagan levels, and actually enforce them. Instead they'd rather threaten everyone for masturbating instead of making new wage slaves they can't afford to raise so Republicans can also get that dopamine hit of schadenfreude by calling them irresponsible for having kids they can't afford.
I'm pretty disturbed by the attitude of lot of the comments on this thread. While this law is probably not going in the right direction, this knee jerk reaction of calling any regulation of porn "puritanical" and an infringement of your rights is crazy to me. I feel like access to internet porn is not a fundamental human right, and it's not puritanical to maybe want to prevent kids from being unwittingly exposed to a shitload of porn at a young age.