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Fedora 41 Looks To Finally Say Goodbye To Python 2.7
  • Generally the lifecycle with this sort of thing is old_thing becomes an alias to new_thing, and eventually old_thing gets dropped as an alias down the line.

    It's still decent advice to learn dnf native calls and to update scripts using yum to those native calls.

  • Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse
  • I believe google hangouts and xmpp would like to have a word with you. There was probably a universe where federated xmpp was as ubiquitous as sms, but in this universe, google federated, brought users over with cool features, and then defederated when they had all the users.

    If you want another example from the same company in modern times, look at chrome and http/css/js. Google's chokehold on the web ecosystem with chrome means that whatever they do, everyone else has to follow suit or not be compatible with the browser that something like ~75-90% of users use

  • DE For Multi-Monitor Setup
  • I'm a big fan of tiling window managers like i3 or awesome (awesome wm). Awesome is the one I use. It's tiling and the entire interface is built from scripts that they encourage you to modify. Steep learning curve but once you get it how you like, there's nothing like it.

  • Delivery Goes Wrong: New Cybertruck Slices Owner's Wrist During Inspection
  • There are a multitude of established, studied, simple changes that could be made to make things safer for pedestrians with relatively little needed in the way of sacrifice from car designers

    Can you share some of these? I had a small stint in the auto design industry and am genuinely curious.

  • Republicans enraged by Biden’s efforts to keep gas prices lower
  • I'm way more worried about where the energy is coming from and what the true cost of storage is, rather than where I get it from. Every conversion/storage has an energy and materials cost. As bad as petrol burning is, I have to imagine coal burning + transfer loss has to be about as bad. Not to mention the nature of lithium cells.

    We don't need more charging stations to make EV viable, we need more nuclear power plants and cleaner battery tech first.

  • GPU Faker - Bypass GPU restrictions imposed by games like Arena Breakout Infinite
  • That is usually more incompetence than malice. They write a game that requires different operation on amd vs Nvidia devices and basically write an

    If Nvidia: Do x; Else if amd: Do Y; Else: Crash;

    The idea being that if the check for amd/Nvidia fails, there must be an issue with the check function. The developers didn't consider the possibility of a non amd/Nvidia card. This was especially true of old games. There are a lot of 1990s-2000s titles that won't run on modern cards or modern windows because the developers didn't program a failure mode of "just try it"

  • Hello GPT-4o
  • I am not joking lol but I do sometimes forget most people don't live in this space the same way I do. I think people use these names because the programs themselves are forked often and the software names are very unspecific otherwise. I meant to imply that I was using the main branches of these softwares.

  • Hello GPT-4o
  • I have this running at home on a used r630 (CPU only). oobabooga/automatic1111 for LLM/SD backends, vosk + mimic3 for tts/stt. A little bit of custom python to tie it all together. I certainly don't have latency as low as theirs, but it's definitely conversational when my sentences are short enough.

  • login redirects to
  • Not that I remotely want to defend reddit, but from a development standpoint it's much easier to maintain and secure a single login workflow. Whatever nonsense the new/old font ends require, it's probably much easier to make that work with a single unified token than it is to maintain both separately.

    As long as the login remembers which frontend it came from, I wouldn't be too up in arms here. If it dumps you out to www/new.reddit then that's completely fucked and there's no excuse.

  • Current list of disabled things for crota race
    • Tessellation Exotic Fusion Rifle
      • infinite alt fire mode glitch
    • Warlock Weavewalk Aspect (currently disabled in all raids and PvP activities)
      • unknown? (at least to me, please reply if you know why)
    • Titan Banner of War Aspect
      • 0 ammo swords can hit nova bomb hard
    • Foetracer Exotic Hunter Helmet
      • surge glitch
    • Elemental Munitions Mod
      • unknown?
    • Overload Hand Cannon Artifact Mod (Crota's End only)
      • malf + lucky pants damage glitch
      • glitch also works with secant, so secant might *did end up on this list soon?
    • Frenzied Stacks Artifact Mod
      • unknown?
    • All Ammo Reserve Mods
      • infinite special ammo glitch w/loadout swapping
    • All Font Armor Charge Mods
      • infinite extra stats from loadout swapping glitch to break armor charge timer
    • Malfeasance Exotic
      • probably pre-emptive in case the secant/mod disables weren't comprehensive
    • Secant Filaments Exotic
      • see overload HC & Malf
    • Empowering Finisher armor mod
      • probably for those who still have class items with multiple finisher mods?

    Bungie has said some of these will be equippable but will come with a "major light level penalty" if equipped in crota race. Read: Double/Triple/Quadruple check that you don't have any of these slotted or you might end up getting oneshot and very confused as to why.

    Edit: added malf, secant, empowering finish

    Solstice PSA: EAZ runs require equipping at least one piece before queuing; more can be swapped in after boss kill

    feather/ash conversion is 1:X where X is the number of pieces of armor equipped when the loot roll takes place. X must be > 0 during queue time.

    Optimal strategy:

    1. Equip the class armor piece and queue
    2. Complete the event and kill the boss
    3. Switch to a loadout with 5 armor pieces between the boss dying, and the loot rolling

    You will get the optimal 1:5 conversion with this method. Up to 20 feathers per run can be consumed based on the number of balls successfully thrown at the bonfire

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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