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Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Our PIGS brothers โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • At least they are legally employing people, in other countries in Southern Europe people work an illegal amount of time but as long as the official contract declares a lower amount of hours it's fine (neither retirements funds nor taxes nor insurance are paid for the extra time, obviously).

  • Indian farm worker in Italy โ€˜left to die on roadโ€™ with severed arm
  • This is Italy: racial discrimination, labor exploitation, inexistent law enforcement.

  • word o phrase for nature
  • Just my opinion: "sona ma" = "knowledge of nature", whereas "ma sona" = "land of knowledge".

  • word o phrase for nature
  • I looked it up in the Toki Pona dictionary and "nature" is translated as:

    • "ma" with a frequency of 3
    • "ma kasi" with 1
    • "nasin ma" with ยฝ
    • "ale" with ยฝ
    • "ale pi pali jan ala" ยฝ
    • "nasin" ยฝ

    The second last one is the one I wouldn't have never expected, does it mean "everything not created by the work of any man"?

  • word o phrase for nature
  • I have heard "ale" meaning "nature" or at least I've interpreted it like this (all the nature), e.g. in the song "pipi li tawa kasi" by Marcus Scriptor.

  • best lemmy app for android
  • If you prefer an open source app, native, complete, with a decent UI and an active developer community, the official one is definitely the best. And I mean Jerboa, because it is the official client made by the very same people that are making Lemmy (so always compatible and up-to-date with the server development).

    Otherwise, if you don't mind using a closed source app, Summit is the most feature rich one and it is maintained by a professional industry-level native Android developer who really knows what he's doing.

    Finally, if you want to experiment with a cross platform app, open source and well maintained, with a really nice user interface, have a try with Thunder.

  • Dutch exit poll suggests neck and neck race between far right and center left in EU election
  • The far right has been ruling my country for 2 years now. Their campaigns have been specifically targeting Muslim migrants (even foreign workers, because they can marry locals, become citizens and generate offspring and other bullsh1t)... but looking at the facts and not the propaganda, this government has quietly more than doubled the number or yearly visas released for work reasons, just to say "look we cut irregular migration to a minimum".

  • Informazione. Lโ€™influenza del governo sui giornali, la prima pagina de Il Mattino di stamane
  • Sta alla responsabilitร  di ognuno scegliere bene le fonti e, anche dopo aver scelto, interpretare sempre con senso critco i contenuti. Nell'era dell'informazione l'ignoranza รจ una scelta.

    In ogni caso, "censura" e "propaganda" sono due fenomeni diversi, la seconda รจ perfettamente legale e tutte le forze politiche vi fanno ricorso, la prima invece mi pare sia da tempo caduta in disuso, almeno nel nostro paese.

  • EU approval for chat control
  • Maybe try to seduce policemen being better at sexting?

  • Chatcontrol sta arrivando: gli utenti che rifiutano la scansione non potranno condividere foto e link
  • Alcuni cittadini sono piรน uguali degli altri, come sempre...

  • Chatcontrol sta arrivando: gli utenti che rifiutano la scansione non potranno condividere foto e link
  • Ce lo chiede l'Europa... Penso sempre che, fortunatamente, non ho nulla da nascondere. Spero perรฒ che sia valido per tutti i cittadini, compresi i membri del parlamento e della commissione europea.

  • France considers approval of European chat control plan
  • Me not having any chat because I don't have any friend

  • rule (credited lower right corner)
  • ona li tomo tawa, a!

  • Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side
  • I agree in that Summit is the most feature complete and polished Lemmy client for Android.

  • Informazione. Lโ€™influenza del governo sui giornali, la prima pagina de Il Mattino di stamane
  • La libertร  di stampa e di informazione comporta, tra le altre cose, anche che il fatto i lettori possano scegliere a quali fonti rivolgersi da una pluralitร  di punti di vista.

    Chi non รจ d'accordo, semplicemente, non comprerร  il giornale. Il cambio di politica editoriale potrร  portare al successo o al fallimento della testata.

  • A common creature

    Cross-posted from:

    Out with the old: Gen Zers ready to take the reins
  • As a European I can reassure you: younger generations aren't considered by politics (and in turn young people don't consider politics at all and don't even go to vote, abstentionsism is skyrocketing). The headline is a little exaggerated.

  • A queste elezioni europee guardano tutti a destra
  • A rischio di dire qualcosa di controverso, non posso fare a meno di notare un parallelismo su quanto avvenuto negli anni '90 del secolo scorso nella nostra scena nazionale.

    Allo stesso modo in cui Forza Italia, attraverso l'alleanza con Alleanza Nazionale, ha di fatto normalizzato e portato all'accettazione di politici appartenenti all'area reazionaria della destra piรน estrema, ora il PPE, per puro opportunismo politico, ha deciso di allearsi con i partiti piรน radicali.

    Sรฌ tratta, perรฒ, di una valutazione miope proprio perchรฉ inserita in un contesto internazionale in cui i partiti di estrema destra sono euroscettici e non faciliteranno nรฉ politiche comuni nรฉ l'integrazione europea stessa. Di fatto รจ un processo di autodistruzione.

  • Manifesti razzisti per elezioni europee, mi sono sentito male e vergognato

    Purtroppo tutte le grandi cittร  della provincia di Vicenza sono state tappezzate di questi manifesti nell'ultima settimana.

    Ma che gente abbiamo che ci dovrebbe rappresentare?

    Found and cross posted here

    Cross posted from:

    question for the devs: how are you getting the "Modded comment list" in the moderator zone?

    I am struggling to find which Lemmy API to call for such use case, I wanted to emulate this feature in a small project of mine.

    Looking at the source code of Voyager it seems it just makes a GET comment/list (with the Subscribed feed type) and filters the results a posteriori based on the community ids, which does not seem to work if I reproduce locally and is not efficient if the user has a lot of subscriptions to many communities, so it must be done in some other way because Voyager does it instantly.

    If anyone knows the answer, any help is appreciated.

    Pro-Palestine protesters in Florence, Pisa charged by police Pro-Palestine protesters in Florence, Pisa charged by police - General News -

    Police in the Tuscan cities of Florence and Pisa on Friday charged demonstrators protesting in favour of Palestine as the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza showed no sign of letting up. (ANSA)

    Pro-Palestine protesters in Florence, Pisa charged by police - General News -

    Violence used against peaceful students.

    sina wile ala wile e ilo nanpa tawa ma Lemi?

    sina wile ala wile lukin e ilo nanpa wan pi ma Lemi? ona li jo e toki ante lon toki pona.

    Do you want to try a Lemmy client which has a toki pona translation for its user interface?

    o lukin e ona!

    Mum wake up, new division just came through

    An isogloss or a political border? ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ

    Cross-posted from:

    Racoon Monks

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    [solved] was my account purged/kicked out/muted?

    I was moderating this community and yesterday all of a sudden not only that community does not appear any more in my subscriptions, but also all the posts and comments I created there are "gone" from my user detail (i.e. they are not returned by the GET /user call), but they are still there and visible from anonymous users and from other accounts. Did I break some rule?

    version 1.0.0-RC14 released! Release 1.0.0-RC14 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat: highlight unread items in inbox feat: add setting option for default inbox type enhancement: improved Spanish translation (thanks to u/ enhancement: improve...

    Release 1.0.0-RC14 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    I've not been publishing many posts here because I assume all people interested in the project are already getting the updates either via Google Play or GitHub/Obtainium, so I'm not going to focus much on the release cycle but will provide some announcements about how the project is going and what to expect from the future.

    We are continuing gathering opinions and suggestions for improvements, the most "friendly" channel so far has been the email, in any case don't be afraid to speak up, even criticism is welcome so don't say "it's ok" if you think it isn't! Thank you as always rb_c for all your reports and pieces of advice.

    The first user-contributed translation has been received and integrated for Spanish ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Thank you again u/ for your work. This is a community project and we're all on it together, so it's really great news!

    On the app side, I think I'll be working on some new features, like:

    • adding/removing mods to a community
    • showing the modlog
    • show upvote percentage (% of upvotes over total rates)
    • supporting GIF images.

    I would also like to create a project website on GitHub pages, with tutorials, credits, etc.

    Finally: when will the app be available for open tests on Google Play? I'm currently stuck due to the limit of 20 users for 14 days continuously, I have less than half of the user base required so far, so without new testers I won't be able to proceed. If you are getting the app via Obtainium or directly from GitHub, please consider switching to Google Play or otherwise we won't be able to reach the general public.

    Thank you to everyone and always remember:

    ๐Ÿฆ L. F. E. T. ๐Ÿฆ

    Meloni intervistata dal TgPoste diventa un caso Meloni intervistata dal TgPoste diventa un caso - Ultima ora -

    Opposizioni all'attacco sull'intervista della premier Giorgia Meloni a TgPoste. Venti di minuti di trasmissione andata in onda venerdรฌ contemporaneamente in tutti gli uffici postali italiani oltre che online. (ANSA)

    Meloni intervistata dal TgPoste diventa un caso - Ultima ora -

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    Coil goes multiplatform Coil Goes Multiplatform with Colin White

    In this edition, we dive into the dynamic world of Android development with Colin White, the creator of the widely acclaimed Coil library. Join us as we discuss the latest developments, insights, and the exciting roadmap for Coil.

    At least they took the grant from the Kotlin Foundation... Let's wait for version 3 to be ready!

    Dev rule

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    version 1.0.0-RC11 released! Release 1.0.0-RC11 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed feat(mod-tools): ban and re-allow users fix(ui): navigation and status bar colors fix(posts): loading in anonymous mode enhancement(l10n): language selection redesign enhancement(ui...

    Release 1.0.0-RC11 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    A new version of the application has been released with a series of bug fixes, new localizations, UI improvements and some new features (e.g. banning users from your moderated communities).

    The application is now officially availabile on Google Play for a closed group of testers. If you want to try it out, please send me an email with the account you use on Google Play to be added to the test program.

    Your help is really needed because we need to have at least 20 testers continuously for 14 days to be able to promote the app to open testing or production.


    Niccolรฒ's Venerandi last video about eIDAS 2.0.

    DieguiTux8623 Dieguito ๐Ÿฆ

    software developer, FOSS enthusiast, ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

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