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Can I use the domain ""?
  • The main problem I see you running into is that if they decide for any reason to go after you (even just cause now they want your domain), it won't matter if they have a solid legal standing or not. They can afford to tie you up in court indefinitely, and you will likely be unable to outlast them.

    Source: This is exactly what happened to my family. We have the same last name as a large corporation, and in the early days of the internet we registered a domain based on a name-related slogan they had used in an older commercial compaign. We were just hosting a basic family website and email, and clearly had no conflicting or overlapping IP. We even checked in advance - they did not own a trademark for the slogan or the name.

    A few years later, they decided the wanted the domain for themelves, but instead of offering us a fair price to purchase, they first filed a trademark for the slogan and then sued us for the domain. If we'd had the funds to continue fighting we would have eventually won, but we're just a middle class family and they're a large multi-national corporation with near infinite funds to pay their lawyers. We lost the domain, and it cost us a small fortune in legal fees fighing it.

    Proceed with caution.

  • Linux Mint on Intel Silicon Mac
  • I can't answer for Mint specifically, but I'm running kubuntu on a similar 2012 MacBook Pro and it runs great for just an old i5 (16 GB ram with an SSD really helps a lot). More importantly, all the Apple hardware is fully supported, right down to the keyboard & screen brightness buttons, volume buttons, etc. Runs way better than macOS ever did.

  • Are there people here who make music themselves?
  • Interesting! Unfortunately you're too far away for a live session with me, I'm in the US. The singer for my Oktoberfest band lives in Munich, and we tested this already. There's just too much latency to play together live across the globe.

    Side note, Jitsi Meet is the tool I use for video though. Jitsi video with Jamulus audio and you've got an impressive working online solution for live music. Bandwidth isn't a huge factor since Jamulus reguires very little bandwidth per channel (and the video doesn't really matter as much). But Latency matters a LOT, and distance from the server has a massive impact on that.

    I wish you luck in your endeavor though; I hope it works out for ya!

  • Are there people here who make music themselves?
  • I'm a keyboardist with extensive experience playing live online. It's really revolutionized rehearsals for my bands actually. I run a low-latency Jamulus server to host live music though. What did you have in mind?

  • Customize icons & fonts?

    I purchased a Pixel 7 for my wife specifically to install Lineage OS 21, replacing a Samsung Galaxy which hasn't received updates for years. She hates changing phones, but I sold her on a Pixel + Lineage so she can keep the phone as long as possible, still receiving OS updates.

    I'm super happy with the outcome, finding Lineage to be a huge win. However, my wife is extremely particular about customizing her interface, and finds Lineage (or maybe it's just the newer Android 14?) lacking the customization options she wants. She's coming from a much older Android version, possibly relying on a few Samsung-specific options.

    In particular, Lineage's Trebuchet launcher doesn't seem to let her group apps as folders in the app drawer (tray?) - only on the primary Home screen. When she swipes up, she gets an overload of apps all at once, and she wants to group those into folders the same way the Home screen allows. The Home screen itself she prefers to keep super clean. The config she likes was easy to setup her older Samsung running vendor-ROM Android, and she's super frustrated that she can't seem to get that under Lineage.

    Also, she absolutely hates the default app icons and font choices. I'm hoping to get a recommendation for a replacement Launcher, and/or add-on apps that allow her to customize these specific settings. F-Droid apps would be ideal, though paid GApps (ugh!) would still do in a pinch. I just want her to love her new phone, and without these options she never will.

    Thanks so much!

    Your Computer Isn't Yours: Apple stores every program Mac users run, and when and where they ran it
  • Good enough to test drive the OS awhile and get a feel for their OS and desktop environment? Absolutely. Good enough to test their low-level device drivers on your Mac hardware? Not really. For that you'll want to build a live-boot image on USB stick. Asahi was built expressly with the intent to run linux natively on apple silicon hardware though, so your chances are pretty good that everything should just work. Start with a vm though, see if you even like their environment. It should run pretty fast since it'll just be virtualized on native hardware and not emulated.

    Have fun!

  • Looking for Cloud Storage Replacement, but I don't like NextCloud
  • Yeah, they provide a "Flow" section where you can setup firewall-like rules to control your flow of traffic. You can configure rules that say, allow ssh to a specific server, but only from a specified devices, while allowing ssh, https and smb to another server from any device, blocking all other TCP traffic. UDP is a little weirder to control, but there's a decent tutorial with example configs.

    I hear about TailScale a lot, and I know its super popular in the self-hosting & linux communities. I haven't used it myself though, so can't offer a comparison vs ZeroTier. I found ZeroTier refreshjngly easy to use and install on client devices, so haven't had reason to look elsewhere yet.

    Anyway, have fun with your endeavor!

  • Looking for a good tablet PC distro

    I just inherited a handful of Samsung Series 7 Slate PCs that I'd like to rebuild to be as "tablet-like" as possible for a few non-technical friends and family. They power up but arrived with non-functional Windows 7 installs. They're Intel Core i5s with 4G RAM and 128G SSDs, so they should run pretty well under any popular Linux distro. I'm personally comfortable in the command line and don't want to sacrifice the fact that these are "real computers with a real OS" on them, but I'd still like them to behave somewhat similar to Android tablets for less techie users.

    If these were laptops with keyboards and trackpads I'd probably just install kubuntu or Mint on them and call it a day, but I'm not sure if KDE Plasma behaves well on a touchscreen tablet interface with (hopefully) an on-screen keyboard and so forth. Ubuntu Touch sounds somewhat promising, but I haven't really played with it. I don't want to waste hours trying to get device drivers to work for the touchscreen and other built-in hardware, so I'm hoping for a novice-friendly distro that usually just works out of the box on most hardware.

    Does anyone have an obvious choice they'd like to recommend? Thanks so much!

    Edit - Update:

    Zorin OS (Edu) for the win, with Pop! OS essentially a tie. Both distros do a fantastic job out of the box offering tablet options like on screen keyboards that automatically pop up when needed. I'm giving Zorin the win only because it just happened to be the last distro I installed and haven't had a reason to replace it yet.

    Distros I tested for use on these tablets:

    Bliss OS - Honestly, I really wanted to like this, in spite of it being an Android clone instead of a proper Linux DE. It sports an obviously tablet-friendly UI that almost won me over... except there were horrible issues just typing in basic settings like wifi password. The keyboard kept disappearing mid-password, making me start over repeatedly. I finally had to grab a real keyboard to join wifi, and it still misbehaved. Not an experience I want my less geeky family members to share.

    kubuntu - I run this on a personal laptop and was biased toward it from the start. It isn't really a great tablet experience though, even with xvkbd installed. Works great while docked of course, since it's a Linux DE I already use.

    ubuntu-unity - Another good DE, but just not very tablet friendly. I guess I hoped this would be more like Ubuntu Touch, which I was really excited about as a new phone possibility awhile ago, but just never really went anywhere. Instead it's just Ubuntu with the Unity DE and no automatic on-screen kb.

    Pop! OS - I really like this, and might start playing with it more as a laptop OS as well. I truly love KDE Plasma, but I also find Pop!'s DE really intuitive.

    Zorin OS (Edu) Loved this, left it installed. Their built-in Windows App compatibility (wine + PlayOnLinux) comes pre-configured to provide a surprisingly refreshing user experience. On a fluke, I wanted to see if I could run my mixer app on the tablet, and starting with nothing more than downloading the installer .exe file from Mackie's website, Zorin prompted me all the way through to a working app. Friendliest wine experience I've ever had, by miles.

    Anyone have anything else they'd like to recommend? I'm always interested. Did I not give a popular distro a fair enough shot? I admittedly didn't invest a huge amount of time stress-testing each distro beyond initial setup and config from within the tablet-specific interface. I was mainly testing for out-of-box tablet experience, especially in regards to basic setup like joining wifi and attempting to browse the web, which shouldn't require a hard kb connected IMO.

    Edit 2: Fixed copy/paste edit issue, no new info)

    [Help] Cloudflare Zero Trust WebDAV Access zero trust webdav access help - Lemmy

    I’m trying to secure a WebDAV server behind Cloudflare using Google OAuth. This works great in a web browser, but I need our users to natively mount the WebDAV share to their local Mac/Windows/Linux desktops as a mounted network volume, and I haven’t figured out a way to accomplish this. I’m hoping ...

    (crossposted from c/Cloudflare on The Cloudflare community doesn't appear to be active yet, so I was hoping some fellow self-hosters might have a good suggestion. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

    Cloudflare DetachablePianist
    zero trust webdav access help

    I'm trying to secure a WebDAV server behind Cloudflare using Google OAuth. This works great in a web browser, but I need our users to natively mount the WebDAV share to their local Mac/Windows/Linux desktops as a mounted network volume, and I haven't figured out a way to accomplish this.

    I'm hoping there might be some way to first require authentication in a browser window, store that authenticated user's IP address "somewhere on Cloudflare", then continue to allow https access from their IP through other connection means, including a secondary browser that hasn't also been explicitly authenticated, or more to the point - a native OS mount request of the https volume. The origin server also requires it's own Digest authentication, so once I've verified a particular IP address is a valid user, I'm willing to allow them to direct-authenticate to the server.

    Anyone have any thoughts on how do this? If not possible through Cloudflare, I'll gladly take an alternate solution that enables 2FA for the native OS mount mechanism. It just has to be cross platform, and allow a proper network volume mounted to the user's desktop. Google OAuth is preferred, but any 2FA solution from the desktop (not a browser) will do the trick.

    Thanks in advance!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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