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Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says
  • Yeah really. Trust the science. Trust the doctors. NHS says it and it will be so.

  • Rational Self Interest
  • Leftists can't meme

  • Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
  • You think I give a fuck about the police? Lmao.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 Passes Half a Million Reviews on Steam and 96% Are Positive
  • Don't care, don't play new games, too expensive. Will wait for 90% off.

  • Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
  • I would be upset if I gave a fuck about a sport that's just a bunch of violent, wife beating fleons lecturing me on what a piece of shit they think I am.

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • No he wasn't, Gene Simmons even got into a big fight with him about it.

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • Reminder, Lemmy Kilmister collected nazi memorabilia. It might not be as deep as you think. Half the time metal with neo nazi themes just sounds like a bunch of dinosaures yelling.

  • De-escalation
  • Anyone who agrees with this post is arguing for capitalism

  • "All the land was claimed by others before we were born"
  • Communists are the only people who believe that we are the only animals that can completely upend and violate the rules of nature that all other animals have to live by.

  • What do you think about Lemmy, so far?
  • Full of commie rats

  • Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift.
  • "I wonder what you guys consider as “far right”."

  • Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift.
  • "Maybe having a father in the home is good for society"

  • Female surgeons sexually assaulted while operating
  • Enjoy your multicultural values now.

  • Peak civilisation
  • In 2012 the chaos module was deployed

  • 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner
  • I'd be mad at the guy that stabbed me, and grateful for the guy that patched me up, since the union and the confederacy were different.

  • 'If the Black players don’t like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is' - Buffalo Bills owner
  • Not nearly as common as NFL players that beat the shit out of their wives.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Well of course it is, it's a commie shithole, and the internet already has enough of those.

  • The best rendition? Probably.
