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NO PASARÁN - 20 rappeurs en 9'43 contre le RN (Clip officiel)
  • Pas le meilleur morceau mais on apprécis le geste

  • tankie censorship problem
  • As a marxist, I'm myself tired of how tankies deals with criticism. And I don't even understand how people can stay with "Stalin was not so bad", knowing that he never planned to apply the last state of the Communist theory, and even if it did, massacre are not acceptable (sounds obvious), same applying with China and their open market.
    In my country (France), Stalinism isn't a thing, all communists are against what happend in USSR, and most are anti-china.

  • France : la jeunesse n’emmerde plus le RN | ARTE Reportage
  • Ne vous méprenez pas pour autant: nous restons là, quand même nombreux à être actifs dans les milieux militants de gauche et d'extrème gauche. Le vrai problème c'est surtout l'abstention (si seulement on avait un meilleur mode de scrutin...). J'émet la théorie que beaucoup de jeunes votant RN ne sont pas politisés et ont une confiance aveugle envers le parti (+ le repli identitaire digne de l'Italie de Mussolini) La classe sociale joue aussi. La jeunesse bourgeoise à peur de la gauche. Et puis c'est plus facile d'accuser les immigrés que les actionnaires. Bref, il reste une jeunesse antifasciste, et nous feront notre travail. Aux générations plus vielles de nous suivre. 🚩🏴

  • Un Insoumis exclu après avoir brandi un drapeau palestinien à l’Assemblée
  • Il est temps d'en finir avec toutes les colonies. Libérez la Palestine et la Kanaki !

  • Bonne fête aux travailleuses et travailleurs !
  • Et merde, j'ai touours dit "du travail"...

  • I really like Pokemon
  • Really cool, could you share the dots please ?

  • from the director of RED IS DEAD:
  • "Red is dead" ? Are you French by any chance ? Because it really reminds me of "La cité de la peur" by Les Inconnus

  • What’s in a name?
  • Naming your kid Byte or Bit is a bad idea in french-speaking countries

  • What can I do with an old Power Mac G5 ?
  • People are making PCs with this case

  • What can I do with an old Power Mac G5 ?
  • Unfortunately, not many linux distros support PowerPC and Minecraft is now way to heavy for this old hardware...

  • What can I do with an old Power Mac G5 ?
  • I have for project to build a gaming pc, but I think I won't use it for this (for now, I'll see when I'll be more experienced)

  • What can I do with an old Power Mac G5 ?
  • I have also a G3, so I could probably make a "new art" coffee table x)

  • What can I do with an old Power Mac G5 ?

    Hey, I have an old Power Mac g5 gathering dust at home, and I was asking myself: "What can I do with this old man ?" I first thought of just taking the case, but it's not optimal to build a PC :P It is also too much power consuming to make it a sever. Do you have any idea ? Thanks !

    Get network access in VM on Android 14
  • Have you checked if alternatively AnLinux could do the job you want ?

  • Best #Chess Clock? Currently using Simple Chess Clock /via #android
  • That's just a chess clock... I mean... do you really need wonderful GUI quantum ai-powered & Knucles chess clock ?

  • GIMP 3.0 finally has a release schedule
  • Why not use Pixelorama or Libresprite ? They are both really easy and nice

  • Nintendo recently announced they will be shutting down online services for the 3ds. Is this going to affect homebrew?
  • Only games uses Nintendo servers, and, as other comments says, Pretendo will replace them. If you're talking about homebrew apps themeselves, they will not be affected.

  • Through the Wall
  • Where is it ?

  • Counter-Strike 2 System Requirements for Linux
  • It took me 3h to download and my gpu is too low... I have to change this shitty laptop

  • Les jeunes Français fument moins, pour tout un tas de raisons
  • Je ne connais pas le système allemand, mais peut-être qu'une grosse campagne de sensibilisation pourrait aider ?

  • Darkpepito_tux Darkpepito_tux
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