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Johnson Lies That Report Found Biden "Broke The Law"
  • His base won't read enough...

  • Americans, what are your plans if Trump wins in 2024?
  • If we make plans, and post them on the internet, people start throwing around words like "premeditated" and it just makes things harder.

  • Can someone answer a nagging question i have about CRT?
  • The disconnect is that you're equating Race, in CRT, with the Ethnicity that gets listed from an ancestry test.

    From Merriam-Webster, "Today race refers to a group sharing some outward physical characteristics and some commonalities of culture and history. Ethnicity refers to markers acquired from the group with which one shares cultural, traditional, and familial bonds."

    Cultural and Historic similarities are social by nature. Italians, Greeks, and Egyptians all have periods where their histories are intertwined, but no one would claim their the same race. Irish & British fall under "white" people and have cultural similarities but are distinct on ancestry tests.

    Different words mean different things.

  • Testimony wraps in Donald Trump's civil fraud trial, verdict expected next month
  • The trial concerns remaining claims of conspiracy, insurance fraud and falsifying business records.

  • Testimony wraps in Donald Trump's civil fraud trial, verdict expected next month
  • The trial concerns remaining claims of conspiracy, insurance fraud and falsifying business records.

  • In a reversal, Donald Trump says he will not testify in his own defense in New York fraud trial
  • If he loses the trial, he'll blame the lawyer that didn't want him to testify, and claim they were part of the deep state.

    It's also extremely disheartening that I had to say, "If he loses" and that I have no faith in our justice system anymore.

  • GOP Decision to Blur Jan. 6 Faces Has Democrats ‘Deeply Troubled’
  • Rules for thee, not for me. It's their SOP; If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, but respect my privacy.

  • Sim-ception
  • IIRC, in The Sims 4, there is a Sims computer game your Sim can play.

  • What is the most "Thankless" job?
  • Street/Parking Lot Cleaners.

    Every night, I clean up:

    • Styrofoam cups/cans/plastic cups & bottles
    • tossed out left over fast food
    • dirty diapers that someone couldn't walk 7 feet through the Walmart parking lot to throw in an actual trash can
    • empty boxes for: flat-screen TVs, Car seats, memory foam mattresses, or Amazon purchases
    • disposable vapes
    • trash bags that someone decided needed to be left in a parking lot instead of in a dumpster
    • So. Many. Plastic. Hangers.
    • receipts
    • grocery bags
    • candy wrappers
    • Edit shattered glass, but it makes that gravel in a vacuum sound when the truck sucks it up, so that's nice.

    And the only time I get thanked is when my employer asks me to do extra work because there was a storm, another driver was out sick, another driver needed help on a site, or there was a big event that needed to be cleaned for/after.

  • Trying to outmaneuver the DM
  • It's fine, I didn't need my heart or anything.

  • Today we learnt...
  • My roommate's a woman, and has confirmed that this happens

  • Florida Has Approved PragerU ‘Curriculum’ for the Classroom
  • I'm sure France has some guillotines we could borrow.

  • So what is Reddit's CEO up to?
  • Except that the user they were responding to is on and the reddit community is on Correct me if I'm wrong, but this post wouldn't show up on for them unless they'd joined the community directly.

  • What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning: Sit — down — and — talk!

    Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor

  • Dantpool Dantpool
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