I get the sentiment for this one, but the pastor in question is simply acting like they're above the law. Hemant Mehta (AKA "The Friendly Atheist") covered this story on his YouTube channel:
The short of it is that where this pastor's church is set up is not in the right zone for housing people, the building isn't designed for it, and he's actually puttinf them in danger. And on top of having already been in trouble for this once, I found out in the process of finding the first video that he's still doing it!
That said, I still up-voted the post, because while the pastor is actually in the wrong, so is the state. There's zero reason why these people should have to resort to sheltering in a building that isn't safe just to avoid succumbing to the elements.
By default, both Plasma and Cinnamon have a very similar set up to Windows.
However, Plasma is insanely modular and customizable, so if you're willing to take the time to, you can make it look as much like Cinnamon as you please. Given how simple Cinnamon's design is, I don't think it would be hard at all.
I realized the hard truth is you don't get mad at shit you don't care about. And suddenly a lot of shit I got mad at felt really fucking stupid.
I also learned to take a deep breath before I act in anger, and it often calms me down enough to find a better solution.
I think Deezer has an electron app or something it uses, but it's worked great for me so far. It costs the same aa Spotify the last I checked, and has a comprable selection.
Your comment exposes what it is that's so deeply disturbing about this wave if Leftist Nihilism. They're basically saying "if we can't save everyone, then we might as well all die."
Exactly this. I work for an ISP that uses radio towers and we don't have over saturation cause we use proper data shaping during peak hours and backhauls that can handle the load. You know what we do if a tower gers over saturated? We cost balance for immediate releif then build another fucking tower to lighten the load.
I don't think the timing could ever be more right.
Plot twist: it's consensual polyamory and they're all very happy together.
Statically speaking, globally, we are living in the freest, most prosperous age in recorded history. It was the most peaceful as well, but I am unsure if recent events have changed that.
But by and large, we have more rights and are more prosperous than any other era of human history. And drspite the fact we could literally end the whole goddamn world right fucking now, it's very, very clear that the powers that be really like living, and most conflicts are more focused and less destructive than ever before.
It could very easily be way, way fucking worse. We are nowhere near the worst timeline yet.
It's not the "not fiction" community lmao
Hope your day gets better, man
You should really check out Dying Light then. I think you might find it interesting.
Fair points! I was being somewhat hyperbolic. Compared to us, they are all-powerful, but, they are not in the grand scheme.
I couldn't remember if the planes were infinite or not. But I knew they were at least their own worlds under the Daedra's dominion.
One thing I do remember though is that Mehruns Dagon was actually created in Nirn by some of the Magna Ge before they peaced out. They created him because the Kalpa Nirn was in was being ruled over by an incredibly cruel and tyrannical race with no hope of change, so theh created the very embodiment of change, but realized too late they didn't "install any brakes" so to speak.
And his name is John Cena Mahruns Dagon. So you're right, he isn't evil, it's just in his nature to make things change. I don't remember how he finally ended up banished from Nirn, but that's why he believes Nirn is his by right, cause he was created there.
They're literally all-powerful gods that reign over their own worlds that are quite possibly the same size as, if not bigger than Nirn. They don't play by our rules. I don't think we can apply our conventions of sex and biology to them lol.
As I said: they can be whatever the fuck they want.
In a literal sense, yes. But they present themselves as male or female usually. So it's still appropriate to refer to Boethia as "genderfluid" because they send to switch it up.
On one hand, this does point out that there is at least some evidence suggesting they were actually used as weapons.
On the other hand, this also exemplifies exactly why they were so uncommon. Even if you could use them in combat, I imagine any benefit gained from the hook is drastically outweighed by the extra complications to fighting with it.
I've been saying this even before Bethesda went down the gutter. Everyone is pointing to their recent collosal failures like they wouldn't still be disappointed even if ES6 was "perfect."
I don't think anybody can point out what, exactly, made Skyrim so fucking legendary. It was a buggy, unpolished mess of a game. Its lore was inconsistent. It had a villain and story that should have been deeply intriguing and interesting and yet it does Alduin a disservice and was, quite frankly, boring.
But somehow the game was fun. So fun that people spent an average 80 hours a week playing it, me included! And the only possible exploration is that Bethesda had passion, and then Skyrim inflated their egos. So I can see why people see their recent spree of lackluster-to-terrible games as a very valid reason for agreeing with Tod Howard, for once.
Set that aside, however. Let's assume they "get it right." Let's assume it's made with passion and recent history has humbled them. People will still be disappointed. Why? Because "it's not Skyrim." Just in the same way that hardcore ES fans hated Skyrim because "it's not Morrowind." Skyrim set the bar so astronomically high that it would take an absolute fucking miracle for them to, at bare minimum, meet expectation! And it would honestly be better that they didn't, because then people would expect them to hit that milestone every, single time when the "secret ingredient" to Skyrim's legendary success is so fucking aetherial nobody can say exactly what it is.
The fuck would they know about what "the worst thing for you" would be? They ain't you! And nobody gets to decide how you experience yourself and your attractions. You're valid! However you experience your bisexuality, you're valid. And nobody gets to define your experience but you.

I'm a 26 year old furry. my fursona is a fox. I'm agender; any pronouns are fine with me.