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  • Donut rat! (From We Bare Bears)

  • r/Celeste rules about gender
  • I'm non-binary so I get infinite jumps :)

  • Stronger then Super Saiyan Goku
  • Hmmm maybe that means you are the girl! /S

  • Five years ago today
  • The "I'm not a smart man" sent me 😂

    I'm glad you are capable of recognizing it and changing!

  • F as in frog
  • Obligatory fuck men

  • Microsoft Looking to Use Nuclear Reactors to Power Its Data Centers
  • Yes, you're not a corporation, you're an individual person. The difference is scale.

  • The rights are afraid of all the CoMmUnIsT mEmEs
  • I mean, a lot of people who are conservative are supporting Right To Repair, I'm not saying we should cave to the right, I'm just saying we should make an effort to agree with them when they are based (which isn't often) cause otherwise we'll just increase the divide.

  • Microsoft Looking to Use Nuclear Reactors to Power Its Data Centers
  • If they do feed the grid, they'll probably get some credit back which ultimately lines their pockets instead of funding public infrastructure.

  • I specifically requested it.
  • Spooky nudes are the best nudes.

  • NSFW
    Relatable or do I just have filthy friends?
  • Wait, you think that your friends don't ALSO want to play your hentai games? That's fair if true, but I want to give mine the opportunity at least.

  • NSFW
    Relatable or do I just have filthy friends?
  • If they don't know I'm a filthy fucker already, they ain't my friends. I'm online all the time baybeeee

  • I'm a night owl, I'll be fine
  • Honestly, I hate the night shift, it means I get to do waaaayyyy less gay activities for the tradeoff of a bit less traffic on my 45 minute highway commute and not being bothered most of the shift.

    I need out of this fucking job.

  • Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water
  • What? No, my friend you misunderstand. Mass-production makes stuff affordable and scalable. Capitalism makes it so wealth is horded and only the rich get to decide what gets made. You vote with your dollar while a billionaire votes with theirs, guess who wins.

    Mass-production is not a capitalism-exclusive unlock, it's a dlc that can be redeemed in any economic system.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's kinda like comparing universal healthcare to individual payer for-profit insurance. One rewards everyone as a universal system with consistency (at least in theory) and the other rewards only rich people.

  • Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass
  • That... makes a lot of sense, I hadn't considered that.

  • Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass
  • That totally makes sense that they would need pure sand, idfk how to make that work. But if Intel needs rounded sand grains, then they need to find another way to erode sand into that shape cause ocean sand is quite unique from the billions of years it's had to tumble in the ocean. Otherwise Intel will indeed be using ocean sand.

    Also it occurred to me that making chips on glass could be more recyclable since glass is also recyclable. 🤔 Would be good if that happens!

  • They don't know we are god in human form
  • I'm not saying we're not beautiful, I believe we are both beautiful and flawed. Imperfections are what create new quirks and differences that we can learn to appreciate and grow with, not against.

  • Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass
  • Sand is a non-renewable resource

    Not all beaches are public, and not all are in America where there are laws that protect beaches.

  • My Pixel 3 may be corrupted, can I recover anything before I factory reset it?

    I just want a couple videos off the device, everything else is either backed up or recoverable. The device currently can:

    • Stay locked after a reboot

    • Unlock for about 30-45 seconds before restarting and displaying the recovery screen I attached.

    • Boot into recovery/rescue mode (kinda, it shows the android mascot with a red warning icon and the text "no command", but I can't seem to mount it in windows or Linux

    Is there any chance at all that I could get files off the device?

    Cyberwitch_7493 Cyberwitch_7493

    a spider on the web, listening to the vibrations that ripple through the strings, waiting patiently to feed.

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    Comments 140