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a tragic comedy
  • both the arrest and conviction of the suspect

    Makes perfect sense, but that's just a matter of time.

    might not be eligible for [the NYPD] part of the reward.

    OK, so maybe they won't be getting 10k of the 60k. They would still get 50k if he's convicted. So many people are definitively saying that they're getting none of the money, and that makes no sense.

  • Brawler stance scaling
  • I don't think Brawler's Stance changes the damage at all. You're still attacking with the ring, you just get to keep holding a weapon—for using weapon abilities—unlike the other classes who have to be empty handed.

    Other classes can either get the small damage increase with a weapon or unequip the weapon to attack with the ring. The duelist can enter Brawler's Stance to simulate unequipping their weapon.

  • Here are 10 ways you can leverage ChatGPT to make money
  • Use ChatGPT to help you write e-books, educational guides, or niche-specific content.

    Yes, like how to forage for mushrooms so you can kill your readers with your bad information made up from ChatGPT bullshit.

  • NZXT doubles down - Gamers Nexus Update
  • Just FYI, the "si" bit in your YouTube link is a tracking code. It's unique to your account, and Google uses it to track your social network. You might consider removing it when sharing links.

    On Android, I use a FOSS app called "Léon URL Cleaner" which removes tracking artifacts from URLs. I just "share" a link in Android—or simply copy one and "share" the clipboard—then choose this app. Then you can easily share, open, or copy the cleaned link from there. It's on F-Droid:

    (Obviously, it's not hard to just edit out the "si" parameter, but the app makes it so easy and works for other links, too.)

    I like that the video ID is almost "Daanng, man!"

  • Who is excited?
  • I've been learning GIMP to replace Photoshop in preparation. So far, so good, but there are still things about GIMP I just dont get. Like, it's seems impossible to paint onto a fully transparent layer because the paint tool doesn't modify the mask as it goes. I don't even want that layer to have an alpha channel, but it seems like you have no choice if you want a transparent layer.

    If you try to paint on a transparent layer, you just get... nothing. It's so trivial in Photoshop to make a new layer and just paint into it, and I can't figure it out at all in GIMP. (I really should ask in a forum, but I also feel like I shouldn't have to.)

    Being able to script in Python to simulate Photoshop actions is both awesome and crappy. It's awesome because of how powerful it is, but crappy that I can't just whip up an action in seconds to make a quick, repeatable edit.

    I guess I'll have to use a VM to run Autodesk Fusion. ☹️

  • [Bug] Thunder can't display the image in this comment, but it loads fine in the web UI. Button copy - Lemmy.World

    Before there were retroreflective coatings on road signs, some places used retroreflective dots to trace the letters and shapes.

    Button copy - Lemmy.World

    The image link in question:


    Screenshot of web UI of this post:


    I did the ascent with a +23 cursed staff with Wondrous Resin

    After beating Yog, I curse infused my staff for the ascent. With Wonderous Resin, it was kind of fun. It would only zap random things. Kinda hard to do damage, but once in a while it would smack someone for 95 damage, or ooze everyone. Mostly, I used melee. I got lots and lots of challenge arenas.

    One time it zapped corrosion, toxic gas, and corrosion all in a row in the same room versus 6 ghouls. Super effective!


    Later on, I planted a sunseed to heal as soon as I ascended some stairs. It didn't take long for an enemy to poke their head into the room, so I zapped him. Randomly got the stasis effect! When it ended, I was fully healed and there were 4 enemies in the room with 3 more just outside. That was a fight for my life! Especially since enemy evasion is so damned high on the ascent.


    Oh, and I also got the stasis effect during the final phase of Dwarf King... ☹️


    Thankfully, I was using Disintegration on my staff at the time and could hit the King from across the room.

    I did another "starting weapon upgrade dump challenge": The Mage. Easy right? Then I fucked it up by cursing my staff.

    I had already done runs where every possible upgrade went into a Throwing Stone or Studded Gloves. I wanted to try maxing out the Mage's Staff. Normally I would only ever upgrade it to about +12. At +8 you get the max 10 zaps, and upgrading higher is just for damage.

    The trick to get max upgrades was to not upgrade the staff until I met the Troll Blacksmith and I could put two of his upgrades into it before spending any scrolls, but you can actually do better than that.

    The Old Wandmaker gave me a +3 Wand of Lightning! Perfect! In all of my hundreds of games, I have literally never used the feature where you imbue a higher level wand into the staff for "free" upgrades. I would always dump the first 7 upgrades I found into the staff to smooth out the early game and kill bosses.

    This time I waited until I found the troll on Floor 12 and suffered with a +0 staff until then. That was the only real challenge in this mode of play. Then I had the Troll do one upgrade on the staff before I imbued the +3 wand into it, resulting in a +4 staff. Excellent start! Them I dumped 7 upgrade scrolls into it. Now I was suddenly a beast, one-shotting almost everything.

    On floor 24 my staff was +19. Just murdering everything. Elemental Blast with Lightning is really good, BTW. Stuns everything in a radius for a long time. And then I made a critical mistake!

    I'm so used to doing these challenges with melee characters that I had the brilliant idea to Curse Infuse my staff. That made it +23! Nice! Time to go fight Yog. I try to zap him and paralytic gas comes out. What have I done!? I had no scrolls of Remove Curse. I had to do the whole fight with melee only. Not gonna lie, a +23 staff hits for a lot. My curse was Flashing, and I had Eye of Newt, so it wasn't even a bad curse.

    I decided to try the ascent, and it was tough. The imp didn't have any scrolls either. I had already bought and used them. The enemies during the ascent get so much evasion. I used a lot of healing pots. On floor 2 there was an unused Well of Health, so I uncursed my staff so I could have fun zapping things again on floor 1. I must have killed 40 rats just for fun.

    Now I want to try this exact run again, Curse Infusion and all, but with Wonderous Resin! I'll have to find a seed that has the resin and another +3 wand. Actually, I'm not even sure that'd be interesting. It would still only shoot cursed zaps, and they would be neutral at worst. That still means I would get a lot of bubbles, paralytic gas, random teleports, and probably not a lot of damage. I dunno. Worth a try.

    Once again I put every possible upgrade into Studded Gloves, and this time I never once took them off and also ascended with the amulet!

    Turns out, making it to the Troll Blacksmith with +0 gloves wasn't all that hard. There's always the bow and random wands.

    Finished the ascent with one potion of healing left and no food except for a couple of hasty blandfruit which I forgot about all game.

    Someone on Discord mentioned how good Aqua Brew is, and damn, it's amazing! I made it twice (16 uses) and ended the game with just a couple left. They have so much utility in so many situations. They're like baby Ethereal Chains sometimes: you can push yourself over 1-tile gaps and push enemies into chasms. Plus they break traps, and put yourself out when on fire.... kind of. I swear in used one right on my head, got pushed away, took several damage, and was still on fire. I had to take a step to put the fire out. They're also really good for putting distance between you and an enemy who's all up in your butt.

    I put every possible upgrade into Studded Gloves and beat the game

    It's not that hard of a challenge. For one, you still have the bow. Two, the gloves really aren't bad! I was hitting for 20-25 damage, and you get two hits per turn. Also, the Warden is tanky as hell. That barkskin did a lot of work.

    Ring of Accuracy so I could punch things better. I got almost every ring this run, and half were +1. I used Accuracy the most.

    In order to hit +17, had to wait until I reached the troll blacksmith and spend his favor on two upgrades on the gloves before I could spend any upgrades scrolls. This meant the gloves were useless for most of the first half of the game. So I was using a +1 mace for a long time.

    The +3 plate was quite the find.

    Spirit Hawk is soooo good! Makes punching Scorpios a breeze due to the crippling and blindness the hawk inflicts. Plus the insane move speed it has. Once in a while I could blind an Evil Eye and avoid getting blasted, but rarely had time to move the hawk away, and it took the blast. Kinda makes the blindness not matter. Just taking aggro was enough for me not to get hit.

    Ascended as warrior with every possible upgrade going into a Throwing Stone.

    It's a silly challenge I've wanted to win. I tried a couple times before and had no luck. The stone was alright as a weapon. It only gets +1/+2 from upgrades. It was doing 35-40 damage sometimes.

    Since you start with 3 stones, the Troll Blacksmith can upgrade once and reforge twice, and with 15 upgrade scrolls in the game, you can have a +18 stone.

    The Ring of Evasion was originally Tenacity from the Imp, and one Transmute turned it into Evasion. It did a lot of work! Finding +3 Platemail in a grave was clutch, too.

    Got the chains super late, but they helped a bit on the ascent where my gloves were doing 0 damage most of the time. I had every artifact except Hourglass and Medalion.

    Not pictured here was a +2 Ring of Wealth I found early. It helped tremendously! Mostly for getting extra consumables. Probably turned 3 Transmutes into Recycle for healing pots. Must have drank 25-30 of them during the run. Ended the game with 1 left.

    It would be awesome if everyone in this sub would also post the "diverge view" of the images in the comments where you look "through" your phone to see the images.

    Diverging my eyes is very easy and painless. Crossing my eyes kinda hurts.

    This is probably because I'm nearsighted and don't use my glasses when using my phone and instead hold my phone 20cm from my face. They're already crossed from doing that and crossing them even more is difficult.

    Diverging your eyes is how magic eye posters work.

    It bugs me when there is an obvious path forward, but a single undiscovered tile (or a trap) causes my character to take a path all the way around the level. Share your ideas for fixes.

    Perhaps let players configure some number such that the game will never plot a path for your character longer than that without first getting your confirmation.

    "The path you've chosen is longer than N steps, are you sure?"

    And then I also feel this needs to be very easily toggleable. Like a persistent UI button. I'd have it on when exploring and off when backtracking, and those two activities are back and forth all game.

    Relevant screenshot below. The entire level is explored, and this damn piece of grass sent my character haywire then I trapped at the X. This kind of thing has happened to me on much later levels and messed me up good.

    In the Depths, I would set this number to something like 2 for safety. I can't count how many times a misstap has gotten me zapped, chased, and then pincer-attacked by some second enemy in the room behind me. But then I'd want to toggle it off to run back to an alchemy pot or whatever.


    Sync doesn't properly support Lemmy style markdown.

    This was a comment I made on a "sink" post the mods deleted, and I think it's an issue that needs addressing, so I'm pasting it here. The comment I replied to said something like "Superscript and spoilers have always worked fine in Sync".


    Ironically, that isn't valid Lemmy markdown. Sync should be supporting Lemmy markdown, not Reddit markdown. Here's what your comment looks like on the website:


    This issuperscript and you can also dosubscript.

    Source: This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~. Here's what it should look like:


    Instead, you get this:


    Personally I don't like Lemmy's syntax for spoilers, but Sync should still support it!

    hidden or nsfw stuff

    a bunch of spoilers here



    hidden or nsfw stuff

    a bunch of spoilers here


    I'm surprised that actually even works in Sync. It didn't used to. However, Sync doesn't show my code block accurately, which is funny as fuck! No app should be editing my code block. Sync is replacing my text with reddit markdown in order for it to display properly. And even when I put that markdown in a code block, it still converts it to reddit style! It also strips out the warning text!

    Here is what I actually typed:


    And here's what Sync shows:


    What a lazy ass way of doing it. It removes an important feature: the warning text, and won't even let me show Sync users how to do a proper spoiler!

    Oh, WTF. Sync butchered my comment when editing it! I had to fix it back on desktop.


    Sync is not fine. It's full of bugs that the dev is ignoring.

    Less Than Three

    A two member band that makes cheesy love songs.

    "I <3 Less Than Three!"

    Some of my comments were edited (not by me) and the pictures were broken

    Here's an example. I'll escape the markdown so you see the raw text:


    The URL contains unescaped parentheses which are illegal in a markdown link because the link itself must be wrapped in parentheses.

    This results in my comments showing no pictures and users only seeing this nonsensical text:

    > :quality(80):no_upscale()/2018585659_8_1_230614_022120-w1920-h1280

    If I try to escape the parentheses, I get this:


    Oh, hey, it's the picture!

    Whatever admin or bot is editing people's comments when moving pictures to some other host needs to escape special characters in the URLs.

    [Fixed maybe?] YouTube hasn't worked in Firefox for me for *weeks*

    EDIT: It's something to do with my VPN and/or EasyTether, but it only happens in Firefox, so I didn't think that could be it. I commented about my findings below:


    I start a video and it either doesn't load at all of stalls within 5 seconds, never to recover.

    I've tried everything:

    • Deleting every Mozilla folder in AppData to completely refresh Firefox. (after backing up my profile)
    • Flushing DNS cache
    • Uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox. (Which made me remember I had a policies.json file in the program folder to permanently lockdown the settings I want. So that wasn't the problem either.)

    Even when using no extensions like an ad blockers it still won't play videos. Besides, I'm a Premium subscriber. Once in a while a video will work, but it's so, so rare. And often it'll even stop after a minute.

    Meanwhile, it'll work in the DuckDuckGo Browser all the time, which is Chromium based.

    What do you think the deal is? It broke rather suddenly a few weeks ago. Do you think it's Mozilla's fault, or Google's?

    Missing inbox repies and comments

    I was just trying to go thank some people for recommending a mobile game, and I can't find my original comment where I asked for suggestions nor the inbox replies from the two people who recommended the game.

    Does that mean that post was deleted? And all the comments and inbox replies go with it? That's kinda sad.

    I suppose this isn't really a issue, and more like a Lemmy issue in general, but I didn't know where else to ask.

    Tinned Seafood CrayonRosary
    Sheldon Simeon’s Sardine Pupu
    [Bug] "You have hidden all the posts on page N". I get this a lot when scrolling, but it's definitely not true.

    It would be good to display whatever the real error is instead of this erroneous message.

    I don't even use filters except for a very short list of user filters from before the block API was implemented in Sync. I do, however have a very large list of blocked communities on the server, but I don't see why the Lemmy API would generate an empty page of posts due to my server-side blocks. Is it not smart enough to generate a page of posts after excluding my blocked communities? I've written a lot of paged database queries with filters, and implementing blocks after performing the query would be pretty dumb.

    [Request] When peeking the thumbnail from a non-image post, allow the user to hover and release their finger on a button to temporarily pin the image as if they had tapped an image post.

    UPDATE: I just found this option:

    Settings shortcut: Media > Shown options when peeking

    That's where a "keep open" option could go, as well as a save button.


    A lot of thumbanils have high resolution, and I want to see some detail on them without loading the article just to see it. Especially since mobile web pages most often don't allow zooming anyway.

    Another option would be to have a save button you could release your finger over to save the thumbnail.

    Even if it is an image post, these buttons could be available since I often don't pay attention to whether a post is an image post or not, and peek the image either way.

    [Bug] There is no option to edit posts which are a month old, but the website still lets me edit them.


    Someone said you can't edit any post containing an image, and my oldest post has an image. Might not have to do with age at all.

    I would edit my title to reflect this but.... ¯\\\(ツ)\

    Just playing, Lj, keep up the good work!


    I can still edit newer posts with Sync, but not my oldest one. I've only made three posts, so I don't have much data. For all I know, the bug is you can't edit your single oldest post. But I do know that Reddit would archive posts after a while, and maybe this behavior is a throwback from the Reddit version.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 23
    Comments 1.4K