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Here’s how much Google says it’d cost to fulfill Epic’s biggest demands
  • Root is usually more for automatic updates and unattended installs. That way it works more like the Play Store.

  • [Meta] Could we have a weekly discussion/help thread? Might help people who don't want to open their own but still have questions
  • That's good to have. As long as this doesn't become r/linux where every second post gets deleted for not being some kind of linux news.

    Point people to the relevant community for next time, but keep the posts here. It always seemed really elitist and aggressive the way they handled it on reddit.

  • Following the other post, which communities don't have alternatives on other instances?
  • Sorry, I wasn't checking them. Just found them under my subscriptions and shared.

    Thanks for checking them out though.

  • Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side
  • It seems you've found an app already, but also check out Thunder or Raccoon.

    I moved from Liftoff to Thunder and the search seems to work when I need it.

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • The Firefish instance I was on moved to Sharkey instead. As far as I know Firefish is no longer being developed.

  • Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good
  • Try Startpage.

    Google results without using Google directly.

  • How Researchers Cracked an 11-Year-Old Password to a $3 Million Crypto Wallet
  • Reader mode works on Android too. Firefox has it at least.

  • Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations
  • Yeah, I was trying not to be biased and immediately think this was all BS. Then I read the part about a case for defamation and just immediately went back to "fuck these guys".

    Just came across as the bully playing the victim trying to show how reasonable and nice they're being by not "retaliating" by bullying any further.

  • ‘Shocked, Angered and in Disbelief’: Scarlett Johansson Slams ChatGPT Over ‘Eerily Similar’ Voice
  • Or their face slammed into something. Either way, garbage headline.

  • Microsoft PC Manager App 'Repairs' Your System by Making Bing the Search Default
  • Even apes can use Linux Mint.

    Give it a shot sometime, it's good stuff.

  • Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • If both OSs are on their own drive, Windows causes slightly less trouble with Linux. Plus, you can just repurpose the second drive if Linux doesn't work out. No repartitioning your Windows drive again.

  • Web browser have extended way passed what was necessary
  • Thanks for the reply. I thought those were all terminal browsers. Been wanting to try them just for the hell of it and to see what the experience is like.

  • Web browser have extended way passed what was necessary
  • Been wanting to look at some of these. Any recommendations or preferences you're willing to share?

  • [Hyprland] SHAAARK :3
  • Htop is fine, but have you tried btop? Or are you trying to keep things more minimal?

    Also, which fetch are you using?

  • What you can recommend for first time?
  • Pi-hole was really simple to set up. It was absolutely worth it and I've got it running on an old netbook. Very easy on resources.

    Syncthing is also nice if you have files that you want easily shared between devices. I use it for sharing work files that I want synced between multiple devices. When I edit something it gets shared to all of my devices and it's always up to date everywhere.

  • trouble with google photos app and should I switch to something else?
  • You can sort folders from settings. It's also possible to pin the camera folder so it's always first.

  • How i can play pirate games on linux
  • Maybe ClamAV?

    That's the only one I remember hearing about when I started playing with Linux a few years ago.

    I remember reading that it was good for scanning for Windows viruses before sharing files with Windowr users, so it might be perfect for this kind of situation. Combine that with VirusTotal and you should be covered.

  • “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement
  • I don't understand their podcasts. It isn't sectioned off or organised in any kind of way.

    I tried it out and still regret it, because even after unsubscribing from all of the podcasts I still get notified of new episodes all the time.

  • What would you change about your favorite Linux distribution?
  • Thanks for the solid explanation.

    As a noob that doesn't change my distro too often, I never would have thought of something like this.