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Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • If I may quote Nick Offerman...

    I grow a beard because I am neither a child nor a woman.

  • Victory? [elder cactus]
  • The woman crying in this comic isn't the religion that's "burning down your house"

    She's just some schmoe that had her light in the dark removed and now she's scared.

    I agree, there are better ways to light the darkness than religion. Candle in the Dark is a book by Carol Sagan about how science is a candle in the dark.

  • Victory? [elder cactus]
  • Religion is their Candle in the Dark. It's cruel to blow it out when they don't have another light.

  • Handy temperature conversion scale.
  • Someone posted here once something like

    Farienhiet is how humans feel. Celsius is how water feels. Kelvin is how atoms feel.

    I kinda like that.

  • Looking for emotional game recommendations
  • I was so scared for and protective of Clementine.

    So good.

  • Looking for emotional game recommendations
  • Came in here to mention this.

    Easy and fun to play. Totally full of feels

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • I came over during the Reddit migration but I'm so tired of every post either being about Israel/Palestine, late-stage capitalism, or femboys...

    or worse - when the post is about something completely different but the comments are about Israel/Palestine, late-stage capitalism, or femboys...

    I had somehow curated my Reddit to be mostly about the topics I wanted to read about, but I can't seem to get that to happen here. I've been blocking communities and instances but my feed is still mostly stuff I don't really want to read about...

    I'm currently waiting to see what happens when Reddit IPOs but I doubt I'll go back there and will probably just stop coming to lemmy too.


  • Remember that big accomplishments don't happen overnight
  • His emotionless face as he gets slowly absorbed by the ground makes me upset and disturbed deep in my brain. aaahhhh...

  • Lemmy users lack nuace and it stops actual discussion.
  • Thank you for this. Never saw it and he makes a great point.

  • Single-Page Application
  • I too have been doing this for years and I whole hearty agree with this comment.

    For large complex sites, I ain't never going back.

    Actually even for simple sites I'm not sure I'll go back.

  • Single-Page Application
  • If your SPA website is done correctly the end user won't even notice and none of the bad things listed in this meme happen.

  • Sailing into a Sea of Thieves community
  • mostly my crew, but also the game itself. It just hits all the right notes for me.

  • Sailing into a Sea of Thieves community
  • We play almost every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night... for over 5 years now. lol.

  • Should Defederate with Threads
  • Honestly, the more I think about this, I feel like keeping Threads will pull more people FROM there than it will push people away from Lemmy... once they learn what the fediverse is.

    Anyone that's on Lemmy **now ** isn't going to go over to Threads.

  • Should Defederate with Threads
  • Not federating it seems like a weird choice. Can't each user block Threads themselves if they want? Isn't that the point of the fediverse? User control?

  • "Fun" competition
  • ok, now I wanna see the video this is taken from.

  • Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf
  • I dunno... I keep coming back to a thing I read recently about how most people back in Nazi Germany didn't want to exterminate all the Jews.

    they just didn't care.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I always thought it was direct sunlight that burned vampires.

  • What's the best jarred pasta sauce? I don't like the cheap Aldi store brand.
  • Was coming here to post this. Rao's Marinara Sauce is the best out of a jar.

    Seriously, get some Italian bread, pour a little bit of Rao's into a bowl, dip a piece of the bread in there, enjoy.

  • Look at them going about their lives, unaware of what's to come.
  • wait. is this some kind of programable universal remote? like those things that would shut off any tv within 20 feet or whathaveyou?

  • Shared comment URL incorrect...

    I shared a comment via the share option - to email the comment to myself for the morning. The URL was this:

    But I'm getting an error and I think the problem is that the post/comment was on a different Lemmy instance other than .world?

    I think perhaps the SHARE option needs to pay attention to the instance too? (instead of just appending to the front of the comment ID)

    Share comment URL incorrect...

    I shared a comment via the share option (to email a list of plugins for my browser that someone posted) and the link shared was this:

    But I'm getting an error and I think the problem is that the post/comment were on a different Lemmy instance other than .world?

    Not sure if this is a voyager thing or a thing... anyone have any idea? (Also, is there any way I can find out where exactly that post lives? There was a search result clean up plugin that looked super promising to me.

    forgot password not working

    When I click on the "forgot password" link on the login page, nothing happens. I'd like to login to from an app, but I can't remember my password and would like to reset it.

    Chenzo Chenzo
    Posts 3
    Comments 35