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I just cited myself.
  • Said a simpler way:

    1/3= 0.333...

    1/3 + 1/3 = 0.666... = 0.333... + 0.333...

    1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 = 0.333... + 0.333... + 0.333...

    The quirk you mention about infinite decimals not incrementing properly can be seen by adding whole number fractions together.

  • Secret Service notified as Trump aide brags about 'causing innocent people to be arrested'
  • There's more to transactions than the purchase of goods and services.

    Donating money is a transaction. Using counterfeit money to donate while claiming it is legal tender makea the donation fraudulent.

    Crawl back under your bridge, mate.

  • It doesn't exist once you step out of the shower

    App has a widget that takes up 40% of my home screen as a check list (checks disabled so I don't fat finger them)

    I don't have ADHD, but I do have significant difficulties remembering things and this is the solution that has worked for me for the last 8ish years.

  • consider the implications for a post scarcity future
  • Yes. Desalination or hydrogen separation via electrolysis

    Both uses are productive, one generates fresh water, the other can be a form of energy storage.

    Both are extremely energy intensive for the yield, making them unprofitable, but are extremely useful things to do with a glut of electricity.

  • The Extra Mile
  • I work a shit ton of OT, but I get paid 1.5x or 2x based on circumstances for that extra time

    I deliver the same quality of work on ST and OT—my best, but I would never work unpaid OT (e.g. some of my salaried engineers have been living at the job during our system upgrades) or do things well beyond the scope of my job.

    Fuck that

  • English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense
  • The ambiguity doesn't lie in they, it lies in the way the writer constructed that sentence, as the person you responded to already stated.

    The writer (and the person they are communicating with) knows the plurality of the "who", an outside observer (us, the readers) aren't privy to that information. Clarification on the part of the writer would provide that context. But the sentence isn't written to be read to a 3rd party, but the other party (the person the writer is communicating with).

    99.99% of people understand this intuitively, but this is the way you'd parse the understanding of that sentence.

    And if you'll note, in my second sentence, "they" is understood to be singular—the writer.

    E: and for Shits n' giggles: if neither party (the writer nor the person being communicated to) knows the plurality of the "who" they are referring to, then it's irrelevant information. They will discover who wrote it when they go searching.

    And if you'll note, in that previous sentence, it's understood that I am using the plural they (the writer and the person being communicated to) in both uses of the last sentence.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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