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New Deadlock anti-cheat update lets players turn cheaters into frogs.
  • Seems like it might carry the slight risk of someone cheating to intentionally become a frog for the lols?

  • Why is space 2 dimensional?
  • The last bit about the big bang isn't really how it works to my understanding. The big bang is compared to an explosion, but its actually more like a balloon inflating, if you imagine the surface of the balloon as analogous to space. The galaxies don't all move away from some original center to the universe, new bits of space get "added" in between every bit of space, so that every object gets farther away from every other object. If you go backwards in time far enough, every point sees itself as being the center. At least, that's how I've seen it explained.

  • Trump wants an "American Iron Dome." Experts say that's ridiculous.
  • The issue with ICBM interception as I understand it is that it's one of those cases where the economics heavily favor the attacker. An intercept missile requires a rocket just as capable the one launching the target, if not more so. But, you can't afford letting even a few nukes get through, even one is devasting, so given that the chance of a successful intercept isn't 100 percent (my understanding is that it's well below 100% currently, for likely real world conditions), you need several intercept missiles for every missile your enemy has. Any countermeasures that make taking the enemy missile out harder, like deploying decoys or such, increases the needed resources on your end far more than it increases the resources used by them.

    It might be viable against countries like North Korea where the difference in resources is vast enough, but against any serious opponent like Russia or China, it's not likely to work out.

  • Do your homework.
  • I'm afraid I don't

  • Promised Land
  • Which hardly matters when people are taking the homes of people living there currently and killing them. What difference does it make if some of someone's ancestors centuries ago lived in that general part of the world?

    You could justify European colonialism in Africa under similar logic, on the grounds that since humans evolved there before spreading out to the rest of the world, all Europeans have ancestors that lived on that continent at some point in the past and would merely be "reclaiming" it.

  • Do your homework.
  • Now I'm curious what conspiracy theory involves woodworking

  • Rule
  • It's one some people who both identify as aromantic and asexual use. I've seen some people who prefer it to using the flags for both of those things separately because they preferred to think of their orientation as a singular thing rather than breaking it down into sexual and romantic attraction, though not everyone that uses it rather than both the ace and aro flags it does so for that reason.

  • No Barriers
  • Probably not, because contrary to what video games would indicate, water does not prevent all fall damage.

  • 'It explodes': Trump's latest rant against green energy falsely attacks 'hydrogen cars'
  • It is fundamentally less efficient to run electrolysis on water to produce hydrogen, and then reverse the process again in a fuel cell to produce electricity to turn a motor, vs taking the electricity used for that electrolysis and storing it in a battery that is then taken back out to turn a motor. Granted, modern lithium battery chemistry isn't the cleanest thing to extract and use, but it's also not the only possible battery chemistry, just the one currently most used for vehicle batteries. It also doesn't allow for certain benefits to BEV like home charging (I mean technically one could run a hydrogen line to one's house, but that doesn't seem likely). The only scenario I can think of for hydrogen cars taking off is if the needed infrastructure was built out for something else and so was readily available. I could maybe see that if hydrogen ends up getting used as the solution for decarbonized aviation fuel, but my understanding was that it (along with basically every other proposed tech for that admittedly) had some pretty serious cost drawbacks and so there's no garuntee of it getting built out for even that application.

  • under the ice
  • Kinda reminds me of a salp

  • 'It explodes': Trump's latest rant against green energy falsely attacks 'hydrogen cars'
  • Hydrogen cars aren't even something likely to catch on at this point anyway I'd think, despite Toyota's attempts to the contrary. Battery-electric cars have improved a lot of late making the advantage in range from using an energy dense chemical fuel less apparent, and hydrogen has to deal with both lower energy efficiency and the fact that hydrogen storage is rather difficult, while the infrastructure getting built has overwhelmingly been EV charging rather than hydrogen filling stations.

  • Tugboat powered by ammonia sails for the first time, showing how to cut emissions from shipping
  • It can be produced in a renewable manner even if it currently usually isn't (though it is a net consumer of energy to create it that way, so it's more like a sort of battery when used that way than an energy source), so if the downsides can be worked around and the economics worked out (a difficult proposition I expect given hydrogen is in a similar position and all the issues that one has) it has potential to work as a renewable vehicle fuel.

  • If a corporation were subject to normal human health risks, we would have a clean environment and trillions invested in fighting climate change.
  • I'm not really convinced that this would change their behavior much tbh, given that corporations are already prone to sacrificing their own financial future for short term profit increases, despite existing for nothing but financial gain.

  • Everett True is an adblocker (September 21, 1916)
  • unlikely, as it has another reason for the name that is fairly fitting for the instance's niche (which is also why I just mentioned the name rather than directly link it, as it's theme is not something that most without a specific interest would want to randomly click a link to and see.)

  • Concord allegedly cost over 400 million dollars to make
  • It wasn't a genre I enjoy, so I don't really know much about it beyond the stuff about how badly it sold. I have to wonder though, just how bad does a game have to be to sell this badly? Whenever I see people complain about something in gaming, I inevitably see people talking about how people should vote with their wallets, but then whatever the thing in question is seems to be quite profitable despite the complaints and calls for people to stop buying it. What was so wrong with this one that actually caused practically nobody to buy it?

  • Everett True is an adblocker (September 21, 1916)
  • Funnily enough "gulp cafe" is name of the instance my Mastodon is hosted on, I wonder if they'll find that coincidence as moderately amusing as I have.

  • 18 September 2024
  • Especially since if he was standing up, it wouldn't be possible for an attacker to get an arrow in him in that direction anyway

  • "Stalin starved his population!”
  • I assume that the whole "Stalin starved his people" thing isn't talking about the average conditions of the Soviet Union during more "normal" times, but rather specific events of mass starvation like the Holodomor. That being said, famine caused by accidental or malicious management of agriculture is something hardly unique to any single economic system (I imagine a comparison could be made to the Irish potato famine there, for an example of a similar type of disaster under a different economic system), so I'm not sure if it reflects entirely on the kind of system the Soviets were going for as much as it does mistakes in the process of transitioning to that system, and malfeasance on the part of those in charge in pushing the consequences of those mistakes upon disfavored groups.

  • Repost rule
  • Step 1: create a new instance of some platform, so as to be able to repost without moderation issues

    Step 2: set up bot to repost 8 billion times

    Step 3: Rawr!

  • How might I go about either rotating one mirrored display but not the other, or setting up a second display such that the mouse does not move over the edge and must be switched with a hotkey or such?

    I know this seems like two unrelated questions, so let me explain why I would like to do one of these two things: I recently got a drawing pen tablet with a display, which works fine, except that I am left handed, and my wrist keeps hitting the side buttons. The driver allows me to flip the pen inputs, but not the actual display, it just works as a regular monitor in that regard and relies on the windows settings (windows 11 in my case).

    Now, I can flip it if I set it to extend my main monitor, however, I would like to be able to see what I am doing on either monitor, so I would prefer it to mirror my main monitor, just rotated 180 degrees. Some googling suggests that windows does not allow you to do this, except for a glitch involving changing the settings to extend and then back to duplicate, which I cannot manage to achieve. Does anyone know any workaround, or some extra software or such, that would allow me to do this?

    Alternatively, if this cannot be done by any means, I would rather not use the extend function as is as I also often play games where moving the mouse to the edge of the screen moves the map around, and so would rather my mouse stay at an edge when reached instead of moving to the next monitor, ideally with some sort of hotkey to toggle what monitor the mouse is on. Is there a way I might achieve something like this?

    EDIT: turns out this was all unnecessary, because the tablet itself has an option to do this rotation, its just in a part of the on-board display settings I didnt see before, isnt accessible from the driver UI that Ive seen, and wasnt mentioned on the tutorials that I found on the manufacturer's site that suggested windows had be used to control that rotation. Thanks anyways to everyone that tried to help me while I spent hours searching for a workaround needlessly.

    Starting another savefile after a few months away from spore, new creature at the end of creature stage. Decided to try making an eyeless creature for once as I dont use the ears enough.

    All the spines and frills are supposed to be for sensing vibrations to help it not need eyes. Supposedly a herbivore, but not really since I just kept both cells mouths all the way through. Kept some cell movement as well, never realized before that the flagella makes a neat rat-like tail in creature stage if you make it large.

    A 3d printer is basically just a really fancy hot glue gun

    Specifically the type of printer that prints using spools of plastic filament, but that seems like the most common type anyway

    We're probably pretty fortunate that humans have at least some degree of self control over when we stop eating.

    Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we'd had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.

    [EU4] Great Britian just demanded the worst looking bordergore I have ever seen an AI intentionally make in a peace treaty, in any paradox game

    They literally took the gold provinces- all the gold provinces that have generated in south america this run as far as I can find, and nothing else. Kinda looks like open wounds or something else gross with that combination of map colors.

    Thought Id show off something I made a few years ago as I was looking at it again, my favorite creation Ive made in this game. The wheels, meant to be centrifuges for gravity, actually counter-rotate.

    Name isnt anything too creative, its just called the "Slowboat Hauler", but it isnt supposed to be anything too fancy, just the space-fairing version of a bulk cargo freighter, designed by a species that at the time would have thought ftl travel impossible, needing its ships to take the slow way round. The big disk up front is supposed to be a shield to take the impacts of space dust and gas at extreme velocities.

    New to this game, and recently finished my first little factory to have a proper building and a little bit of decoration instead of just being haphazardly placed temporary structures.

    This little iron refinery probably isnt much to look at for experienced players, but Im pretty proud of it. has 2 miners on a pair of pure iron deposits behind the structure feeding into the 8 smelters inside, divided into 2 different output locations because the best conveyors I currently have can only handle half it's output. There is a small amount of clipping, but nothing super cheaty looking (the mergers that clip through the outside wall dont use the side that clips through, so I like to imagine the exterior bits of them as looking like some sort of ventilation ducts or something.

    My favorite thing to make in spore are "realistic" looking spaceships. This is one I made this morning, called the Flower of the Void.

    This is more meant to resemble some kind of early interplanetary spaceship rather than a true interstellar one, but considering you get your ftl drive by just finding one on a nearby planet, I figure this is the sort of tech level your species would realistically have, to start with.

    Creating this community cause Ive not yet seen anyone else make a spore community yet and I wanted there to be one

    Possibly not the ideal instance for this, but Id rather not deal with alt accounts and like how this instance has been run thus far. Plus, theres gotta be some other furries that play this game right? seeing as it lets you make creatures...

    Questions about how creating communities works, on pawb and lemmy in general.

    Not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I figured it was the closest fit.

    I've been thinking about creating one or possibly a few communities, mostly due to missing some that were on Reddit. Before creating any, I wanted to be sure of a few things:

    1. Do communities have to be created on the instance one logs in to (ie, does the fact my lemmy account is from pawb mean that communities I make have to be made here?) I kinda assume it would since going to another instance's page loads their site, which I obviously am not logged into, but given my second question I feel like I should ask if there's a way to make one elsewhere.
    2. Given pawb is a furry instance, do communities made here have to be furry related, or could one make, say, a community for some specific game for example that isn't explicitly a furry game?
    3. Would creating a fetish-related community for one that is popular with some furries be allowable, or should I go to a different instance for such things? I noticed one or two on pawb already but I was unsure if they got any special permission to be created or not.
    CarbonIceDragon CarbonIceDragon
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