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Rye language
  • Ohhh, they've got a bit of a GUI framework 👀 My interests is peaked.

  • Check out Claro's pipeline syntax
  • It's probably one of the more powerful piping syntaxes I've seen. It's also nice that variable assignment can be placed in the pipeline.

  • Furry Programmers Capital
    Uiua: A stack-oriented array programming language Uiua

    A stack-oriented array programming language

    A neat little stack-based array programming language. I've even implemented the sinebow function that generates a nice image:

    sinebow ← ⍉×.○×π⊞+÷3⇡3↯⊂∶↷-0.5÷∶⇡..360 sinebow 100

    Furry Programmers Capital
    MonoGame is Forming a Nonprofit Foundation

    Seems like the Unity fiasco has invigorated FOSS engine development.

    Furry Programmers Capital

    What is Factor

    Factor is a concatenative, stack-based programming language with high-level features including dynamic types, extensible syntax, macros, and garbage collection. On a practical side, Factor has a full-featured library, supports many different platforms, and has been extensively documented.

    The implementation is fully compiled for performance, while still supporting interactive development. Factor applications are portable between all common platforms. Factor can deploy stand-alone applications on all platforms. Full source code for the Factor project is available under a BSD license.


    It's been five years since the last release, but Factor 0.99 finally came out. I even contributed a small bit of code and documentation fixes. If you are interested in a modern stack-based programming language or curious about concatenative programming, give Factor a look.

    Furry Programmers Capital Bringing Types to Elixir by Giuseppe Castagna and Guillaume Duboc | ElixirConf EU 2023

    Follow us on social: Twitter: and

    Bringing Types to Elixir by Giuseppe Castagna and Guillaume Duboc | ElixirConf EU 2023
    Furry Programmers Capital
    Funktal, a Frugal Functional Programming Language Wim🧮 (

    Attached: 1 video Video of my Solstice School talk on Funktal, my frugal functional programming language. Slides: sources for adelie: (get Adelie from https://wiki.xxiivv....

    Wim🧮 (

    Funktal is a programming design to explore functional programming to the limited specifications of Uxn.

    Furry Programmers Capital
    Visual Lambda Calculus (playable in browser) Visual Lambda Calculus by Torec Studio

    Lambda Calculus made fun: dive into reductions!

    Visual Lambda Calculus by Torec Studio

    cross-posted from:

    > Lambda Calculus made fun: dive into reductions!

    Furry Programmers Capital
    ]SVFIG 2022-03-26] Factor in 2022 -- John Benediktsson & Doug Coleman

    A talk demonstrating the Factor programming language. This was the talk that got me into writing stuff with Factor. It's really hard to go back to writing code when you can't constantly interact with it.

    The gist of Factor is that it's an extensible, stack-based, and compiled programming language.

    Furry Programmers Capital
    Concatenative Programming: From Ivory to Metal

    A lecture that goes over concatenative programming, it's main ideas, history, and approach to implementation implementation.

    Furry Programmers Capital Type Systems for Memory Safety

    A survey of type systems for memory safety.

    Type Systems for Memory Safety

    An article going over different ways to achieve memory safety through a programming language's type system.

    Twitter logo has been replaced with “X”
  • Having my first initial be X now feels so cringe. I used to go by just the letter...

  • The godot community forums are closed
  • I will say Juan is exceptionally bad at public communication, and personally, I'm glad he has been working on passing the torch to other people in the project (especially since too many projects rely on The Guy Who Can Do It All). Guy is a bit confusing to follow and I tend to go to other members for info.

    Now, I can be convinced that Godot has management issues. Godot 4.0 was a pie in the sky goal filled with over estimation of ability to finish things. The engine underwent a re-write to almost every system and feature. It was a development hell as when A got changed B need to be updated, when B got update C need to be fix, and so on.

    But, I'm not concerned that it was "all a scam" as major mile stones did see progress. I cannot stress how incredible the work on bi-direction text was. BiDi text is hard. It was messy. It was complex and complicated. Even big engines like Unity have spent a decade getting nothing done. Additionally, I remember how rough 3.0 was and 4.0 was an even bigger leap. 4.0 was trapped in development hell, and hopefully it'll result in the Godot project learning from that trial by fire.

    This forum post reads a bit like someone suffering from burn out. Even I had to clock out of following 4.0's development until the team decided to push towards release. It was a fucking slog of development. With tons of features being pushed back because it would break 3.X compatibility or couldn't get done in time for 4.0. I couldn't imagine putting the amount of time and money into Godot that they have.

  • Raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
  • I've used it a bunch via the Crystal bindings. It's very pleasant to use and has many bindings. It also works will with function programming languages since it uses pass by value substantially.

  • Furry Programmers Capital
    The Bruijn Programming Language The bruijn programming language

    The bruijn programming language is pure lambda calculus with some syntactic improvements. It doesn’t have any primitive functions – how is that possible?

    Bruijn is a programming that implement pure lambda calculus using De Bruijn Indexes. This article discuss the ideas behind the language, it's implementation, and the properties of binary lambda calculus.

    Furry Programmers Capital Release candidate: Godot 4.1 RC 3

    A few more critical regressions were fixed, and the milestone is now 100% complete. Let's confirm that 4.1 is ready with a (final?) RC.

    cross-posted from:

    > According to Akien, this will be the final release candidate if there are no sudden major issues! Prepare to pop champagne!

    Furry Programmers Capital
    Zig Plans on Removing LLVM Libraries. make the main zig executable no longer depend on LLVM, LLD, and Clang libraries · Issue #16270 · ziglang/zig

    This issue is to fully eliminate LLVM, Clang, and LLD libraries from the Zig project. The remaining ties to these projects are as follows: LLD Mach-O (maintained by @kubkon) ELF (work in progress b...

    make the main zig executable no longer depend on LLVM, LLD, and Clang libraries · Issue #16270 · ziglang/zig

    Seems like zig is about to take on a massive task. I'm curious how well they'll reach their goals.

    What makes you prefer Godot over other engines?
  • The scene tree based approach just clicked with me well.

  • Furry Programmers Capital
    Tutorials and Examples on Implementing Steering Behaviors Understanding Steering Behaviors - Envato Tuts+ Game Development Tutorials

    Steering behaviors aim to help autonomous characters move in a realistic manner, by using simple forces that are combined to produce life-like, improvisational navigation around the characters'...

    I've been doing some personal studying on game AI recently. During my search, I found a very easy to follow set of lessions on Implementing an array of flocking/steering behaviors. I just wanted to share it here.

    Furry Programmers Capital
    Uxn: A Tiny Stack-Based Virtual Computer for Graphical Programming

    A cool project I wanted to share. People have done some impressive things like porting it to the DS or even making legally-not-tetris with it.

    CapitalEx Capital

    I interested in game development, stack-based programming, and art. Profile picture is by me.

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