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Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
  • I agree, I have an i7-8700k and a 2080super which I'd say are like mid to high level specs and I have a terrible time running Wild Hearts and Starfield. Such a damn shame too as a big MHW and MHR fan I was really looking forward to Wild Hearts and just couldn't run the game well at all. At this point I'm just not surprised when a triple A game runs like dog water on my system, usually these games are free on gamepass I try them out and 5 minutes later I uninstall.

    Indies are where it's at nowadays.

  • Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing.
  • People don't typically do dragons well in general tbh. Even when dragons are secondary to the plot, opting for wyverns the no-armed beasts and calling them dragons. It sort of hurts me inside.

    But I agree I want more genuine dragons in my media.

    (Side note, I haven't read the OP as to not spoil myself so for all I know OP could be arguing the same thing so sorry for the redundant point if that's the case.)

  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 - Official 2023 Announcement Trailer
  • They've resumed development on this? Huh, that's interesting. At this point this game has gone through dev hell so I hope it turns out alright.

  • Pokemon Sleep Hits 10 Million Downloads Milestone and grants users a special gift
  • As you should, devs keep trying to push these wallet suckers onto us. Pushback and avoid I say.

  • Can’t make a photo post
  • Hmm, that's concerning...

  • Can’t make a photo post
  • Glad I'm not the only one. Do the images show up for you're while editing them?

  • Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down
  • The issue with SR Reboot is that they did try to modernize the humor, they went and dove head first to new style of humor and it clearly didn't work for them.

  • Street Fighter 6 - A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer
  • Man, that poison is going to be freaking annoying. I sense Feng all over again.

  • Can’t make a photo post
  • Does this affect existing image posts? A few of my posts are acting weird, when I edit them I can see that the image is there but when I just view the post normally it's like it doesn't exist.

  • BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts
  • The time of the LLMs is upon us. Settle in everyone, it's going to be a very bumpy ride.

  • Pokemon Sleep Hits 10 Million Downloads Milestone and grants users a special gift
  • You pay for a drip feed of exclusive content fueled by fomo. It's the same concept the fact it's got a different name doesn't change that. I've heard all I need to.

  • What happened in your latest dream? Lucid or not.
  • Well I fell asleep the other night and half woke up to sleep paralysis, I looked over to see Ronald McDonald peaking out around my doorway. I fell asleep again only for a few minutes later to be reawaken by Mr. McDonald standing at my bed... You know what I did? I said "I've got work in the morning." And turned around. I slept soundly for the rest of the night. 😂 I've never been so bold in the face of terror like that.

    I know it sounds like a joke and by all means feel free to laugh, but this did actually happen. I don't even know what might have triggered it, I mean I haven't had McDonald's in years, personally I'm more of a Wendy's guy.

  • Pokemon Sleep Hits 10 Million Downloads Milestone and grants users a special gift
  • Battlepass for a sleep tracker? I've seen it all.

  • What happened in your latest dream? Lucid or not.
  • Do we count sleep paralysis and it's associated demons as dreams here?

  • testament wild assault wall to wall
  • Nice!

    As a Testament main I can say, that was clean.

  • Dune Part Two Release Date Delayed to March 15th, 2024
  • I don't disagree with you. What I'm saying is that I prefer movies not to end on a huge cliff hanger, I feel as though we are going to see a lot of movies be cancelled in the near future due to the SAG/AFTRA strike, meaning that we are going to have a lot of very incomplete stories.

  • Dune Part Two Release Date Delayed to March 15th, 2024
  • I gotcha, thanks for letting me know.

  • Dune Part Two Release Date Delayed to March 15th, 2024
  • Which you'd think would be perfect as a series, give each topic and episode the room it needs to breath.

  • What can I do if I think someone is downvoting all of my posts?

    I banned someone from a community I made for breaking a rule and being excessively rude, then they DM'd me and after a report their account got banned and I think that they might've made an alternative account and have been downvoting/disliking all of my posts. What can I do to stop/fix this, is there a way for me to see activity on my community as a moderator? Sorry if this doesn't fit here, I don't really know where else to ask this question. It's a small community so any post I make will get buried when the moment I make the post it gets downvoted.

    I haven't ruled out that this could just be coincidence but if I can do something about it I'd rather know.

    Edit: Maybe a feature request to consider in the future is allowing the user to see activity on their posts, that way if they do notice a trend they can deal with it personally (ie block the user responsible). It's a feature available on other social platforms and seeing as Lemmy logs that stuff anyways. I dunno it just seems like a nice to have. Food for thought I guess.

    Maybe one day I'll find a nice home here, move in with Liara. One day.

    For context, this is coming from my OC Earthborn. After her less than stellar upbringing she always wanted to live in space.

    Question: do I have to tag a post as NSFW if I am posting in an NSFW community?

    Like, if I don't tag a post as NSFW does it still show up for people who don't want to see NSFW? Again, I'm only asking if this is necessary in NSFW communities. I know that I have to tag NSFW content in regular communities. But if I post in a community marked NSFW does it automatically mark the post as such or do I have to manually do it? I've got blur NSFW content turned on and it seems to be blurring the stuff in the community for me, but I wanna be certain that it's doing it everywhere that content is available like feeds and stuff.

    Avengers: Endgame - The Russo Brothers (2019)

    This movie's a classic. I love this style of poster. :)

    As a sidenote, anyone know of a place somewhere online to get good high quality poster downloads? In case I wanna post more in the future.

    Edit: Formatting

    Retro Achievements

    cross-posted from:

    > Hey everyone, I was just browsing Retro Achievements and I just noticed that there's a spot for Kinetica, but it doesn't currently have a set of achievements. If you're interested head over to the site, and hit the request set button! There's already technically a set of achievements for this game on PS4, so it shouldn't be hard for them to implement it.

    I love this game, and would be happy if you showed it some love too. 🙂

    Does anyone know when this is gonna drop?

    Does anyone have an idea maybe based on when past amiibos have dropped. I think they said like early holiday season right? So maybe late October early november?

    (Unrelated side note: when will you give us a Bayo 3 amiibo Nintendo? You're leaving money on the table Nintendo.)

    Initializing Stellar Canon

    cross-posted from:

    > I assume she'd say something along those lines haha. It's a damn cool gun tho. Looks like a rail gun maybe.

    Anyone else excited for this game? What kind of weapons do you guys think we'll have access to? Being able to use a rail gun mid fight would be dope as hell.

    Just a cute picture of Diana doing her thing.

    cross-posted from:

    > That's it. Enjoy. :)

    [Bug] Scrolling up on the homepage causes the feed to skip.

    I don't really have a good way of explaining it. When I scroll down the feed it's fine, yet when I scroll up the feed it doesn't scroll smoothly it like rapidly jumps to the top of each post. This only seems to happen to me on the home screen.

    [Feature Request] Post Search in Communities.

    Feel free to delete this post if it is more of a Lemmy thing and not a Liftoff thing, but I'd like to have the ability to search for posts by keywords in communities. Maybe a magnifying glass icon at the top right in a community page or something.

    Edit: dang, if I had scrolled a little further down, I would have seen the other post about exactly this. Well, consider this a formal request.

    Call_Me_Maple Maple

    Avid gamer and lover of anime. Kallipygos is my figure of faith. Also, I'm a tree.

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