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DC police arrest 81 people, impound 273 vehicles in crackdown on mopeds, scooters
  • That’s pretty much what I’m referring too? Pissheads who’ve lost their license to DUI here get done for the same (edit: and driving while disqualified) when they think they’re clever and ride their mower to the pub. Pretty much anything going onto a public road needs to be a registered (and therefore insured) and the operator licensed. I couldn’t imagine non-licensed riders buzzing around city traffic on a slower version of a motorbike.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • zero context and dubious evidence.

    That’s largely my problem with it too. Reads more like tabloid shit, I can’t get over citing politicians namelessly without invoking the word anonymous anywhere. How it isn’t required for them mention that the opinion was given under condition of anonymity is rubbish.

    so my opinion is questionably neutral.

    Yeah that’s why my opinion hasn’t ever been much braver than “it never should have gotten to this point” on the matter either. I don’t live there, haven’t been in the Palestinian or Israeli shoes and certainly am not informed enough on the matter. Definitely not enough to comfortably give it on record, in public and potentially off the cuff like that.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • I see how I misunderstood the context but it change the overall point slightly. It’s an odd response for a politician and evasive given she felt strongly enough to cross the floor. Given she’s a member of parliament and votes on issues raised in parliament, it’s not out of her hands, evidently. The article goes on to assert she had likely planned her vote and hadn’t raised the issue with the PM. Your last paragraph I largely agree with either way, ‘labour sources’ pffft. Other labour MPs will say whatever shit about her because she stepped out of line with the party.

    I just read she quit the party which is unfortunate and even worse looking for labour.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Given they came into an ADHD sub and started berating people I would guess personality, possibly borderline. I’m here after checking their profile after they flipped out at someone for simply asking what Lemmy client they used lmao.

  • DC police arrest 81 people, impound 273 vehicles in crackdown on mopeds, scooters
  • US state that required no licensing or insurance for mopeds

    What. The. Fuck. Here you can done for dui on a lawn mower if you’re silly enough to drive it on a public road. Which I’m completely fine with. Having random lunatics ride around on e scooter is dangerous as it is, mopeds is wild.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • One MP told the ABC they were alarmed that the senator was distancing herself from the decision and assigning it to a higher order.

    I get where this post is coming from and it’s a pretty average article out of ABC. That said, if you cross the floor for something, something that hasn’t been done in labour for a long time (apparently). I would hope you have a more well thought out and coherent answer than “it’s outta my hands”. It seems to me this is the issue the article is raising. Not the fact that she’s religious or cited it in her politics, though personally I think the latter should be avoided.

  • Badly wounded Russian soldiers, some on crutches, are being sent to fight. Russians say it's because of huge losses and shortages of personnel, as well as bureaucratic mismanagement.
  • I did reply to the post but I forgot I filtered ml and I must be banned because the comment didn’t show up. Thanks for the new concern of undead arsehole badgers though lmao. It also reminded to implement my own Noble Ejection System (TM) since last fort had a brewing cult problem before I condemned it. I wonder if bridges can still serve as catapults??

    Appreciate the write up! I’ll be sure to post one up in the coming days. Haven’t had too much fun yet but I think children king hitting giant blind lizards and forgotten fun will do.

  • DF Tales: The Weirdos, part 1
  • Great. Now I’m going to have vet every migrant that comes in on the off chance they resurrect the local arsehole population. I of course mean badgers, but also Goblins to a lesser extent. They’re weird enough living let alone undead. I’ve never also seen that on a dorfs sheet, thank goodness.

    Cheers for the write up! I’ll probably just go a simple one when I do mine, probably involving my first real dive down to the depths, with children king hitting giant olms and finding things that shouldn’t ever be found.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • It was done for parts of a Fray song in scrubs I believe and there are other examples I’m sure. Given it isn’t a requirement and we’ve both acknowledged isn’t done I’m not going to bother fetching a “source”.

    Uhh… you don’t, precedence means that it sets the bar for all others, if nothing closed captions songs… how can that be precedence for it?

    That isn’t quite what legal precedence is but close enough, I’ll leave you to research that in your own time. I mentioned requiring CC for TV legally as the precedence for requiring songs or music be “captioned” or have lyrics provided. I don’t understand how you aren’t following this. Hence my assumption of you tripping over yourself to look for an argument.

    It’s funny, I didn’t go through your post history, since it isn’t relevant to the conversation at hand

    Given I didn’t enter a relatively neutral toned thread with petulant, personal insults; I’m not surprised. You did, so I got curious. Generally when people enter a discussion like that you draw conclusions about them as a poster. I also find these types also very much don't like people looking post histories. A complete coincidence I’m sure.

    is, is only detrimental to any ACTUAL conversations happening. Common troll tactic, again, fucking yeesh lol

    Actually hilarious given how you entered this discussion and your history full of hurling insults at people over nothing or a perceived moral high ground. Get a better hobby or change your life so you don’t feel the need to try, poorly, putting people down online.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Songs are captioned in TV though and I see them include lyrics (when no characters are speaking) or a song title. As the other poster mentioned though it is exemption to current law. Which is beside the point. I’ve also never claimed music was captioned. That is the point of this discussion currently. Try to keep up. Also no need for caps mate, take a deep breath.

    Either you don’t understand what the word precedence means or (more likely) you’re deliberately missing the point so you can do what your post history is full of. Which start arguments with people and try your level best to demean them. There has been 0 reason for your tone or behaviour during joining this discussion.

    Seriously, the way you speak to people is gross. If your idea of recreation is having a go at people online then it pretty apparent that you’re probably not doing too well with life.

  • Tip?
  • I’m on Voyager here and the gif displays as you’d expect and I can zoom on it as well. I think I was in Boost for a bit but I eventually settled on Voyager for it’s familiarity and features.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Jeeez shot your own fucking foot with this silly pout didn’t you…?

    Honestly, this caught me so off guard it made me laugh. Not even the guy I was disagreeing with came at like that?? The point was caption/transcription/lyrics are essentially synonymous, all are transcribing some other medium to text for the point of being read. So my point that there is precedent (CC on television being required legally) still stands.

    It does shit me that older programs they could/can just put the treble clef symbol for music as you mentioned though.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • one of the TV exemptions is programs that are mostly musical.

    Even being hearing impaired, I gotta be honest, the irony is kinda funny. Glad to hear it! I was concerned that people in this thread advocating for it would seem like they're coming from a place of entitlement so I hoped bringing the caption side of it would highlight otherwise. I agree! Hopefully they do at some point but slow progress for stuff like that.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • There is no legal precedent requiring these services.

    There is legal precedent for requiring captioning where I’m from and probably in the US as well. Practically every form of broadcasted video (and at least here, it is required of websites with video) has a legal requirement to provide captions. I don’t see how it would be difficult to apply that to music.

    It being available on the free tier has almost no relevance to Spotify being a profit making entity that has to comply with the law. I’d be surprised if they don’t get in trouble for it legally. As pointed out elsewhere it’s paywalling an accessibility feature. Which seems like a great way to draw enough eyeballs to your bullshit and get legislation changes; assuming it doesn’t already violate it.

  • Much effective. Wow
  • Yep! Same for cats, both also fucking hate being ignored. Maybe not when they’re in a sassy mode. Even if cats are more independents (and it applies less) both generally like the approval of their owners/pack members. I’ve had both also recognise when I’m using a stern tone and when I give them the “what the fuck do you think you’re doing” look.

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • Oh yeah for sure, that sounds way more likely my reply is more in following with the other posters “Trump will go full Nazi” hypothesis. Just seems like fascism has a specific way of working that’s more complex than “kill every out group”.

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • Someone educated can correct me but that doesn’t sound accurate. Even if it Trump were to go full hitler (which is dumb for an aspiring autocrat in this day and age) it wouldn’t work like that. They’d denigrate all non whites but have a specific target group that they persecute/kill. The group needs to be specific for fascism so they can have a sacrificial goat to blame everything on.

  • Q: Do I need Geforce Experience to make use of "Game Ready Drivers" (Nvidia)?
  • OBS offers practically the same experience with its replay buffer and only uses single digit percent overhead for CPU. Shadow play is maybe slightly more convenient that’s all I can really say about it as it’s been a while.

  • The Guardian Australia: Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could cost as much as $600bn and supply just 3.7% of Australia’s energy by 2050, experts say
  • Excuse me, don’t you mean they bitched about cost before the roll out, stopped the rollout, then promised a cheaper solution (MTM as you mention) that retained old shitty infrastructure and then it still cost $11 billion more than the initial FTTP proposal due to cost blowouts. All in the name of partisan politics.

    I agree, I trust LNP and by extension Dutton as much as that party deserves with proposals like this, fuck all. They didn’t even have any figures for the project cost when he proposed it.

    As someone who grew up in the bush with shit internet until their late teens I’ll probably never get over the nbn fuckup.

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