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How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker for me.

It makes me wonder how many other people back out after hearing that the job is on-site. And it makes me wonder why this wasn't specified in the job description. I assume most people only want hybrid or remote jobs these days, right?

Anyways I was just wondering how many of you guys apply for on-site IT jobs? Hybrid is so much better, I don't know why people would apply for on-site jobs unless they have no other options.

US surgeon general calls for cigarette-style warnings on social media platforms
  • I'm glad that the government is trying to address the issue of social media, but obviously adding warnings isn't going to do anything.

    I think the only way to actually solve the problem would be to regulate the recommendation algorithms to make them less addictive and less harmful.

  • Will GTA 6 live up to the hype?
  • I don't know much about GTA, but I have a hard time imagining GTA6 being anything less than a gigantic success. It doesn't need to be a massive improvement over GTA5, it just needs to be a noticeable upgrade. The only way I can see it failing is if they get too greedy with their live service model, but even then it's still probably going to sell like 40 million copies in its first year.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices
  • Apple could easily do the bare minimum to keep regulators at bay while still keeping the experience as shitty as possible so that Android will continue to look bad. For example they could refuse to implement reactions or typing indicators, or they could even deliberately compress videos. I'm expecting the worst until we see otherwise.

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • This article doesn't make any sense. A project's "success" can't really be measured in any objective way like the article is implying. Even saying that a project is "on time" is a vague statement depending on the situation, and it's not a good way to measure the quality of the end result or the efficiency of the development team.

  • I think this will only strengthen his core supporters because they'll view him as a martyr. It might push away some people on the fence. But I think the martyrdom angle and the increased media spotlight could pull some people back in. Personally I think it probably won't make a difference overall. All publicity is good publicity.

  • Dumb question: how do I know if an open source project is trustworthy?
  • I agree it does look legitimate, I was just wondering what signs I should look out for in general. Like I'm sure fake GitHub engagement must be a thing, but I don't know how widespread it is and I don't know what the threshold is before a project can be considered definitely real. It sounds like you're saying the level of engagement on this project is well beyond what can be considered sketchy, which is helpful information. Thanks

  • Dumb question: how do I know if an open source project is trustworthy?

    Some background: I'm a software developer, and I've never really participated in the open source software community before. (i.e. I don't contribute to open source projects, I don't know anyone who does, and I don't really know anything about the companies who start these projects to begin with, or what their motivations are for being open source.)

    I'm currently trying to find software that my team at work can use to solve a particular problem we have. After doing some googling, it looks like this open source product called OpenReplay is a good fit for what we need:

    But when I first visited that website, I noticed that the background artwork looks AI generated. This made me feel skeptical of the project, and it makes me wonder: what if it's actually a huge scam and it's actually malware? For example, maybe OpenReplay is actually a copy of a different legitimate product that I'm not aware of. Maybe all of the stars, forks, and discussions on the GitHub page are from fake accounts. When I Google OpenReplay, there aren't a whole lot of results. How do I know if it's trustworthy if I can't find an authoritative source telling me it is?

    Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But this is basically the first time in my career where I've tried to vet a new piece of software for my team to use, and I want to make sure I'm doing it right. How do you know when a product like this can be trusted?

    EDIT: I don't mean to cast doubt on OpenReplay specifically, I'm just using that as an example because it's the product I'm currently looking into. My question applies to any piece of software that isn't widely known about.

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • As long as this is opt-in and users understand the risks, then I don't have a problem with it. I wouldn't use it on my personal PC, but it would probably be handy for my work PC. (Although my organization would probably block the feature for security reasons. So maybe it's not actually that useful after all.)

  • Reddit’s deal with OpenAI will plug its posts into “ChatGPT and new products”
  • So you're saying instead of tacking "" onto my Google search, I can now use ChatGPT to get the same information, except without the original context, and it will often be wrong? Amazing!

    And this also means that companies will fill Reddit with fake comments promoting their brand to ensure that their brand gets mentioned in ChatGPT responses, right? Can't wait!

  • AI Suggestions
  • Can you please describe how you do this? I thought Github Copilot can only make changes to the currently open tab? It's been a few months since I've used it, and I've only used the Visual Studio version, which I think isn't as good as the Visual Studio Code version. Has Copilot already gotten to the point where you can tell it to make changes to an entire codebase?

  • Panera says it's phasing out its controversial Charged Lemonade nationwide
  • I once tried an energy drink that had 300mg of caffeine, and I deeply regretted it. Apparently one of the people who died from Charged Lemonade drank three of them. Just imagining having that much caffeine is giving me heart palpitations

  • How do I pass a coding test?
  • Every time I do a coding test, I always overlook certain optimizations because I'm too stressed to think clearly. After the interview is done, I quickly realize what I did wrong. When this happens, I send a follow-up email where I tell the hiring manager that i made a mistake, and I provide my corrected code or explain what I should have done differently. I've landed two different jobs before by doing this. (One was a live coding test and the other was a take-home test.) So don't be afraid to follow up with corrections, even if the deadline for the take-home test has passed.

  • I just learned an interesting piece of gaming history that most people might not know about. (Xbox Live Arcade on original Xbox)

    I just learned that Xbox Live Arcade was a service that first started on the original Xbox, not Xbox 360. You had to order a disc online that would let you access the XBLA store. Here's the wikipedia page:

    I've never heard anyone talk about this before, so I think this is really interesting. A lot of the OG XBLA games don't even have wikipedia pages, so I'm guessing this service was pretty obscure when it came out? Anyways I found some Youtube videos of some of the games, so here's some gameplay clips if anyone is interested:



    Mutant Storm:

    Did any of you guys ever use Xbox Live Arcade on the original Xbox? What did you think of it? I'm curious to hear more about it.

    Been playing FF7 Rebirth (35 hours in) and really not enjoying it. Does anyone else feel this way?

    No spoilers

    I loved FF7 Remake, but Rebirth is really not doing it for me. My main issue with it is the story. It feels totally aimless. Almost nothing meaningful has happened in the entire 35 hours I've played. Also, I find most of the characters to be very annoying. The dialogue and cinematography are awkward. (Why are there so many uncomfortable close-ups of characters faces? Why do the female characters keep giggling for no reason? Tifa and Aerith don't seem to know each other very well but they sure like to giggle to each other.)

    I do love the combat system though. And the open world stuff is often enjoyable. But it doesn't make up for how the story feels like such a slog.

    Does anyone else feel this way? I was expecting to love this game after loving Remake so much, but honestly at this point I'm just forcing myself to finish the game so I can make sure I'm caught up for part 3.

    Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees)

    I have the opportunity to maybe get a job as a software developer at a small software company that employs 14 people. But my gut is telling me that getting a job at a small company like that might he terrible. Do you guys have any experiences working at companies that small?

    In my mind, I imagine the CEO would have a very large presence at the company and everyone would feel a lot of pressure to appease him. I imagine that the whole company would just be a boys' club. But I guess any company can be like that, so maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, and the size of the company isn't actually related to company culture?

    Please let me know if you have any thoughts.

    EDIT: The company has been around for two decades

    Looking for recommendations for a specific type of gaming YouTube channel

    Hi, I'm trying to find YouTube channels that make videos like this:

    Basically I want channels that cover new/upcoming games, talking about them in a casual and unscripted way. I like these videos because they're a great way to stay informed on current games.

    Giant Bomb used to be known for making videos like this, but unfortunately they stopped making them. Game Informer's "New Gameplay Today" videos are basically the same thing, but I'd like to find a channel that makes videos like this a bit more frequently. Do you guys know of any channels like this? Thanks

    How is it possible for this track to have so few plays on Spotify?

    I noticed that the track "Canon (Primo)" by Justice only has 5,815 plays on Spotify, even though every other track on the album has millions of plays. How is this possible? I know it's just an interlude track that you wouldn't listen to unless you're listening to the full album, but still, this play count seems extremely low. What's going on here? (I'm hoping my attached screenshot shows up here)

    What's the best website to learn and practice SQL?

    I'm looking for a website where I can practice SQL by doing challenges. Like something where it provides you with some tables and you're tasked with writing a script to achieve a certain output. I know how to do basic SELECT and UPDATE commands and stuff, but I need a way to practice writing more complex scripts. What do you guys recommend?

    Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11?

    In Windows 11 there's a button on the taskbar next to the start button that lets you switch between multiple desktop environments. It seems like something that would probably be useful in theory, but I can't think of any reason why I would want to use it. Is it actually useful? What do people use it for?

    Question for software developers: how do you organize your To Do list at work?

    I'm asking because I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way for me to handle my notes at work. Currently I just use a txt file in Notepad++. I use this file to track all of the stuff I have to do, such as tasks for stories I'm working on, next steps for projects, discussions I need to follow up on, questions and ideas I want to bring up, etc. The way I organize the document works pretty well for me, but I'm just curious how other people do it.

    What's the proper way to get rid of books?

    I mean it's bad juju to throw books in the trash right? What's the proper way to get rid of them? (with the least amount of effort)

    What side content should I do after finishing TOTK?

    I've finished the main story and I've grinded some Lynel guts to upgrade the soldier armor (I currently have 64 armor points total when wearing the set.) I've also defeated one King Gleeok, and I've completed two of the large maze structures.

    I'm not really sure what I should do next. The obvious answer is to do side quests, but so far I haven't really enjoyed them. (I particularly don't like the ones that involve gathering info at stables.) What should I do next? What's the most enjoyable side content to do? Maybe I should track down all of the Sages Wills, or defeat all of the Gleeoks?

    Lemmy Support BurningnnTree
    Error during Ansible setup (SOLVED)

    Hi, I'm following the Ansible setup instructions located here:

    When I run the ansible-playbook command, I get this error. It's very long and hard to read, but I think the error is related to nginx:

    Also, here's the output on my target machine when I check nginx status:

    Any ideas on what I should do? After doing some Googling and asking ChatGPT, it looks like my issue might have something to do with IPv6 compatibility or something like that. Unfortunately I'm not very knowledgeable about networking stuff, so I'm not sure how to identify or fix the issue.


    I solved the problem by commenting out the line listen [::]:80 in templates/nginx.conf, and also commenting out the same line on the target server in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.

    When do you think the Prime 2 & 3 ports will be announced?

    The rumor is that Metroid Prime 2 and 3 are going to get straightforward ports on Switch, not remastered. Which is fine by me cuz I just want an excuse to play those games again.

    When do you guys think the ports will be announced? I'm no marketing strategist, but I feel like it would be important to release the games while Metroid Prime Remastered is still relevant and people still have the game fresh in their minds. So I feel like now would be a good time to release them. Unless they're planning on waiting until MP4 is revealed, in which case we're going to be waiting a while.

    I've always been an Nvidia graphics card user, and I don't know anything about AMD. I have some questions about switching over.

    I have the following questions about AMD:

    1. If I want to switch to an AMD GPU, do I need to change my motherboard? Or do all motherboards work with both AMD and Nvidia GPUs?
    2. Do I need to buy an AMD CPU as well? Or can I use my existing Intel CPU with an AMD GPU?
    3. How does the AMD GPU naming convention work? More specifically, what is AMD's equivalent of the RTX 4070? (I want to get a 4070 but I figured it would be a good idea to research AMD's options)
    I don't get why there was positive buzz around Sonic Frontiers. It's not a good game

    I bought Sonic Frontiers yesterday. I don't know why, I thought it seemed interesting. Anyways I'm two hours in and so far I think it kinda sucks. It's so unpolished and feels very cheap. My least favorite thing about it is the visuals and the music. It feels like it takes place in the movie Annihilation or something. Even the "normal" Sonic levels feel weirdly creepy and sad. Also why does Sonic sound like he's 40 years old? Also the level design is ridiculous, it just feels like there's random stuff everywhere. I feel like kind of a sucker for buying this game for $60. But I do like the fact that Big the Cat is in it.

    What's a good way to keep track of the time at a water park?

    I want to make sure I reapply sunscreen every 1-2 hours, but I don't want to carry my phone or wear a watch on my wrist. I'm thinking it would be ideal to have some kind of super light waterproof pocket watch that I can attach to my swim trunks or something. But I don't know if such a thing exists. How do you guys normally check the time when you're at a water park?

    Is FF16 really linear like FF7 Remake was? What is the structure of the game?

    I've seen footage of wide open areas in the game, but I don't know if that footage is misleading or not. The game has a menu-based map, so does that mean each area is small and linear like the bog section in the demo? Or are you able to explore and find new areas on your own? How does the structure of the game compare to the structure of FF7 Remake?

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