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Cute Burger
Cute Burger
Chonky cutie with a booty coming through 😍
0 hacked, redirects to lemonparty.
  • I suspect we aren't high on the targets list. This looks like it's coming from the edgy part of fedi and we have really relaxed rules here, and we aren't talking about how "le nazis are at every corner and that it's only a matter of time until they take over!!1111!!!!" every 5s.

  • hacked, redirects to lemonparty.
  • They make it abundantly clear tbf since it redirects you to lemonparty if you access any of their pages.

    Not sure what mechanism does it, though. Since it lets me access a thread momentarily and then a few seconds later the redirect kicks on.

    Anyways, mfw this happened to an instance that defederated us:

  • Cute Burger
    Alien kitty
    Cute Burger
    Cute baby having its fur combed!!!
    Cute Burger
    did we really need the worst part of reddit here?
  • Did you guys say a heckin' transphobic? That is so unwholesome Keanu Chungus. Permabanned from my sub and muted for 54234324234231531t24 years so you can't ask me about your ban.

  • Cute Burger
    Banana baby!!!!!
    Cute Burger
    Cute Burger
    Kitty fish!
    Cute Burger
    Bowtie Baby!
    Cute Burger
    Ears back baby drinking water out of a glass
    Cute Burger
    Skateboard baby

    Looks like he's rolling out of the screen towards you.

    Cute Burger
    From mindlessly looking up "autism kitty"
    Cute Burger
    Life goals
    Cute Burger
    Nervous baby
    Cute Burger
    Cute loli
    Cute Burger
    Oh no!
    Cute Burger
    Duck in a pile of leaves
    Welcome all
  • Just an FYI, lemmynsfw uses Cloudflare. So it's not a matter of if but when they'll get taken down.

  • NSFW
    Makima booty
  • Oh my.. 🥵

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • Maybe. I know some of the more, erm, propaganda subs chose to keep their subs open.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • It helps that the big subs pussied out because the powermods couldn't go without powertripping for a measly 48 hours.

  • [Toaru Index] ...right?
  • I can imagine some politician saying something like this. "These are damn fine burgers!"

  • [Toaru Index] ...right?
  • Yes, I happen to also enjoy the burgers.

  • Burggit and copyright
  • Pinged since this is his VPS.

  • Why has blocked
  • Seeya. Happy fediverse exploring! 👋

  • I really enjoy how whitepeopletwitter, one of the most racist and political subs on the "hard R" is one of the few who didn't go dark.
  • It was always deranged to some extent. But now it seems like the userbase there are unhinged and the most diehard of SJWs. Most subs on r/all are like this now. Nothing is apolitical to these people.

    It's basically "REEEEPUBLICANS!" In a nutshell

  • got hugged to death?
  • Also, that instance is using Cloudflare. Which automatically makes it a privacy nightmare from the get-go. We don't use Cloudflare because they're a reverse proxy that MiTMs your connection, meaning that anything that travels to and from our server is unencrypted on their node, and we would get banned pretty quick what with the content that we host anyways.

    They claim that they don't hold onto that data, but you never know. It's their servers and they can do whatever they want and justify it by using EULA weasel words

  • Scrungy
  • Scrunger baby!!! 😭

  • got hugged to death?
  • There's a reason we didn't go with kbin. For one, it uses PHP. Two, I see it as more alpha grade software compared to Lemmy, which I see as more beta software. They even say that Federation is a WIP on their docs.

    Anything PHP I used always scaled horribly. And it makes sense with it being an interpreted language vs Rust which Lemmy uses.

    Lemmy currently has a bit of a scaling issue too, mostly because of DB queries being implemented in such a way where they're slow and blocking. The maintainers are currently focusing on that from what I can tell.

  • Crosspost regarding my privacy concerns about Lemmy's deletion feature
  • Perhaps we should have it state to not use your main email if you're not comfortable with people potentially having it on our signup form?

  • NSFW
    Please, post more femboy hentai here!
  • Building a community is hard. Usually you have to have a decent bit of content to kind of jump start it, before people start posting.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "We reserve the right to ban you whenever we want."

  • down?
  • I really do hope the slow DB query bottleneck can be ironed out before D-Day (API shutdown) happens.

    I have a beefy server box so I think my server can handle the increased traffic (if it happens), but anyone on a VPS provider is going to get lots of timeouts and other nasty stuff when people try to signup and use their chosen instance.