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I really enjoy how whitepeopletwitter, one of the most racist and political subs on the "hard R" is one of the few who didn't go dark.

Guess they can't resist not shitting out their garbage, outright vile, hostile political ideology and ram it down people's throats.


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  • Was that sub infiltrated or manipulated some way or is it just getting bigger? I had to filter it out on my r/all this year because it's getting more deranged than r/politics to the point of unbearable.

    • It was always deranged to some extent. But now it seems like the userbase there are unhinged and the most diehard of SJWs. Most subs on r/all are like this now. Nothing is apolitical to these people.

      It's basically "REEEEPUBLICANS!" In a nutshell