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TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it
  • To make it the same as Pascal's Wager. Many religions have a "reward" in the afterlife that strictly includes believing in the deity. It doesn't matter if you follow every other rule and are an amazingly good person, sorry, but if you were an atheist or believed in another deity then you will be punished eternally just because of that. I guess all-powerful, all-knowing beings have incredibly fragile egos and AI wouldn't be different. 🤷

  • ‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • There are still a lot of workers needed in agriculture, but increasingly they are either undocumented migrants or on restrictive visas (like temporary foreign workers in Canada) that limit their bargaining power and let their employers exploit them with poor working conditions and rock bottom wages. This means that these workers often don't have the means or income to participate much in the local economy beyond the bare essentials. This is actually a case of "trickle down economics" where paying workers fair, living wages would lead to healthier local economies where these workers could spend those wages and support having or starting a family.

  • The truth...
  • Who do we associate with the power being resisted against in reality? Governments? Politicians? Police? Corporations? The ultra wealthy? Religious institutions? One person's "bad guy" is another person's "good guy".

  • Raspberry Pi launches its IPO
  • When a company takes on shareholders, whatever goals, mission, or ethos they had is erased. They now exist as a vehicle to make as much money as possible at literally any cost. That's it. Was nice while it lasted.

  • GOP senators warn judge against sentencing Trump to prison
  • As much as I wish he would land in jail, I doubt that will be the actual outcome. I bet the republican talking heads know it too, but they can't resist cashing in on the fear of it to fire up their bases.

  • Let's rise the numbers even more...
  • Sorry, I guess the confusion is partially between you and the person you were replying to. The chart says LGBT, but "gay" is often used synonymously with LGBT when referring to the community (i.e. gay pride month instead of LGBTQIA+ pride month).

  • Linux is still not ready to replace Windows
  • I switched my desktop to KDE Neon and I've been enjoying it. Does it have some minor issues and rough edges? Yup. But I think Windows also has some things it handles poorly that people have just learned to cope with so well they forget about them and paint it as the "perfect" OS that always "just works" and expect Linux to live up to that unrealistic standard.

    When I built my Windows 10 PC I had to manually install a ton of drivers, including the network card which is the biggest pain, then go into the registry to disable a bunch of "features". Some user friendly OS. 🤷

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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