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What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @urlyman @fuck_cars Why on earth would anyone answer ‘should not’ to a bus stop being within 15 mins? How are they thinking you get to the bus stop, by driving?!

    Also, as a Dutchie, the amount of ‘should nots’ for a bar within 15 mins is killing me. I understand it, but it points to such a lack of imagination about what a city can look like. I have at least 20 bars within 15 mins walk of home and I’m not in the city centre 😄

  • Brendanjones Brendan Jones

    PM/PO/UX-er. 🇳🇱 and 🇦🇺. Avid cyclist and frisbee player. Stubborn optimist.

    Mainly here to talk about: \#Sustainability #SystemsThinking #PostGrowth #Degrowth #Climate #ClimateChange #Ecology #EcologicalEconomics #UBS #Coops #Biodiversity #PlanetaryBoundaries #UX #UXDesign #PO #ProductOwner #Netherlands

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