What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.
Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.
How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars One thing you can get within a 15 minute walk of some US homes is arrested!
(My grandma went for a walk in a Miami suburb. The locals thought that someone walking (rather than driving) was obviously suspicious so they called the cops. Because my grandma was white and female and elderly, rather than black and male and young, they stopped to talk to her rather than just shooting her. They then spent several minutes trying to get her to admit that she was walking because her car had broken down - they just couldn't get it through their heads that she was walking because she wanted to walk.)
I feel like there should be a separate question for the "I don't want anything near me" rural choice, since those might be making the rest of the responses misleading.
I wonder what the meaning of “should not” is in this survey. A restaurant “should not” be withing 15 minutes of my home, as in “I don’t want any restaurants near me” or is it “It’s not important enough to be in the local government’s target list”?
I don’t understand the red bars the way the question is phrased now. Why wouldn’t you want a park near you?
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I'm kind of sad that "cafe", "bookstore", and "library" aren't even on this list at all. 😢
I would honestly have to do a web search to find out where the nearest elementary school, day care, and gas station are, but I'd be stunned if I didn't have those within 15 minutes. As it is, I do have everything else, including a university and a sports arena, and *two* malls. (I'm in between the Barclays Center and Long Island University in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NYC.)
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I wonder why they included gas stations unless it's for their use as convenience store. Buying gas as a pedestrian is a very marginal use case...
@ajsadauskas@urlyman@fuck_cars Why on earth would anyone answer ‘should not’ to a bus stop being within 15 mins? How are they thinking you get to the bus stop, by driving?!
Also, as a Dutchie, the amount of ‘should nots’ for a bar within 15 mins is killing me. I understand it, but it points to such a lack of imagination about what a city can look like. I have at least 20 bars within 15 mins walk of home and I’m not in the city centre 😄
I would say an urgent care or doctor's office is more important to have on this list than a hospital. If you really need the Emergency Room you're probably not walking. And even in the US, if you wind up being admitted to the hospital, insurance will usually pay for the ambulance. (They ought to pay for other vehicle transport, for broken bones and stuff as well, but they suck.)
I could get to most of them, the Hospital/University/Sports (all together) would take more like 30 minutes and involve getting over or under the 405. Which means that there's times of day it would be quicker than driving....
As someone in the UK, I already live within a 15 minute walk of most of these.
Is it really that bad over there? If you're not within a quick walk to the shops, or the doctors, or school, tram and bus stops, opticians, dentists, etc, how do you and the kids get anything done?
Who would intentionally move somewhere like that? The first thing we do when looking at moving to a new place is see what services are within walking distance, to get an idea for how worth it living there would be.
If you've got to walk 30+ minutes just to get to the shops? That's an arse ache you don't want.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars There's a couple of weird things missing there I would definitely include, like a doctor's office, a library and a gym.
I'm in a city in the UK and a lot of those are in 15 minutes walk from me. Some, like a hospital, university, cinema, shopping mall and sports arena and I think a bank I'd have to go into the city centre for, but that's only about 30 minutes walk, 10 minutes on the bike, or a short bus or metro ride. I'm generally pretty lucky in my location.
Do people really use the post office or bank that often? If I'm walking into either of those, odds are something has gone catastrophically wrong that day.
I have all of this in a 15 minute walk of my apartment. The key thing, if people would like all of this very close by is they will need many fold more apartment buildings.
That's the thing people aren't willing to accept in the US.
Also who tf really needs the post office that close by, these days? Makes me think this was an older crowd that was polled.
I'm actually surprised that my area of Wisconsin has the majority of these within a 15 minute walk. Bar included, of course. It makes me appreciate my neighborhood more.
Montreal, I'm a 10 minute walk from the Olympic stadium, so I think I technically have all of those things except a shopping mall within 15 minutes walk. That said, I have everything I might need from a shopping mall within 15 minutes.
Why less people want daycare in walking distance than restaraunt? Even less than fucking gas station.
And who are those 32% who don't want bus stop in 15-minute walk? Or why? Maybe they don't want it so far away and want it in 3-minute walk? If so, then I agree with them.
I knew I was pretty far away from anything. Just checked on maps and I'm 1 hour from the closest business walking. It's a dog kennel. Another 20 minutes I can be at a cafe, same story if I go in the other direction, about 1 hour and 20 to a small market. Roughly 5 miles. Biking would be a out 25 minutes, maybe faster if I hustle. Driving is just minutes. No bus or train nearby at all. ( There used to be a train that ran through my neighborhood about 100 years ago). I live in northeast US
I'm in the UK. I have all except a hospital, movie theatre, university, and sports arena within a 15 min walk of my house. I live in a suburb in a large city (not London).
I can get to a hospital, movie theatre, and a university within 20 mins on a bus. I can get to 3 sports areas in about 30-40 mins on a bus in different directions.
My area is not a 15-min city, but is moving that way. My own street has been split up and blocked to through traffic (which I love), and there is proposal for a pollution tax to dissuade polluting traffic in the city.
But at the moment I cannot realistically commute to work as the public transport capacity is just too low to make it comfortable and safe (I work early and late hours).
I think the concept is great but I suspect they need most of the elements to be in place before they can achieve critical mass and change behaviour. Certainly for me I'm still doing a lot of driving.
As an American you could ask me what should be in a 15 minute neighborhood and I'd answer things but I can't walk off of my street without taking my life in my hands. The only thing I can walk to is my neighbors' houses.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I’m in Toronto’s Danforth area, so basically everything except a professional sports arena is within 5-20 mins walk.
The framing of that poll has such a sinister American conspiracy theorist edge: “if your local government decided…” — like having these things nearby can only be forced upon you and you must fight back.
I live in a city of 1/2 million and have not even one of these within a 15-minute walk. Some, I could not care less such as bars, but a grocery store, gym, and park would be nice.
I live in Brooklyn. Almost all of these are well covered. It's pretty great. Hospital, mall, and sports arena are a little outside a 15 minute walk.
I think "places to see live music" should be on the list. There's one by me but it tends to be for bigger acts. If I want to see a smaller band play I usually need to travel a bit.
some kind of tech store, like Microcenter but smaller with less items because you wouldn’t want a big ass Microcenter near you game/hobby store (trading cards, figurines etc.)
a park/open air theater or amphitheater
gym options (Pilates, yoga, weights etc)
day care
some clothing stores
bus/train stop
I sincerely disagree that post offices and banks have to be within walking distance when we have mailboxes and online banking. Also, I’d like to be able to drive my car out with ease to get to other cities or states if needed. I assume 15min city urban planning accounts for the desire to long distance travel at will.
I am also not sure it’s a good idea to have schools because schools are kinda big and require lots of parking space.
Living in rural US I sadly don't have any of those within walking distance. Some would take over an hour walk, and most are not even accessible to walk. A decent bike ride can get me to a few, but I hate riding on county roads. Far too many people get hit around here.
Have everything except university and sports arena. But for me it makes sense being in the NJ/NYC metro area.
Bar should be way higher on that list. Seems a lot of people haven't experienced the freedom of being able to walk home drunk from a bar, or at least take a subway/bus, without worrying about dealing with a car. Or worse relying on the friend who had a few beers but is still "good" to drive.
I'm gonna make a few assumptions: One is that this is just a neighborhood in my hypohetical ideal world (or rather, near-ideal). Second: we're talking about high qualiy versions of these places, and not the "just barely good enough to not go under" versions that abound. Last: "should" means "necessity" and not "luxury."
Groceries are a no-brainer.
Parks — hell yes. In fact, I'd prefer if everyone had access to all kinds of nature within "walking" (walking + public transportation) distance: parks, woods, botanical gardens, community gardens, wildlife reserves.
Pharmacies should be obsoleted: drugs should be devriminalized and un-gatekept. People should have the freedom to put whatever stupid, life-altering substance they want to into their body (with caveats like informed consent and heavily recommended medical professional supervision). Distributors could be home-delivery through the post and the over-the-counter section in your local grocery store.
Bus stops... Yes for some neighborhoods, but ideally more trains or trams, especially in suburbs.
Post offices are dying out. Letters and spam are the kinds of things people should have access to in their immediate neighborhood, but are becoming obsolete thanks to the internet (which should be a public utility instead of run for profit). I'm about 50/50 on whether there should still be home-delivery for everyone and all packages, or if there should be local holding centers for most (although, once again, any delivery network should be considered a public service instead of a few companies monopolizing the role), and at-home delivery for the most important packages/incapacitated people.
Banks are a no. Credit union, yes. Or maybe no and just let money become the digital currency it's slowly been turning intobfor the past 40 years. Ideally, society (and by extension this ideal neighborhood) would function without capital.
Gas stations: hell no. Convenience stores yes (or just all-in-one grocery stores). Maybe EV charging stations... Maybe.
Having a barber is way more convenient than people give it credit, and it doesn't benefit from centralization. At the very least, everyone should have a neighbor who cuts hair well.
Bonus round: things that should be within a 30-minute commute (by transit)—mall, movie theater, hospital, elementary school, day care, university, restaurants, bars.
No to stadiums, but yes to sports fields in the parks.
Things not on the list that should be: museums, clinics, dentists, optometrists, psychiatrists, veterinarians, pools, gyms, community centers/general use indoor halls, fire stations, makers spaces... probably others that I'm forgetting.
Sorry that this 15 minute walk is turning into a jog.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I live in Philadelphia, so all those are within a 15 minute walk from me except the university, mall, movie theater, and sports arena. But these are all accessible by transit, whether bus or subway.
On the short distance, the nearest bar to me is 40 ft (12m) away!
I live in a big city and every single one of these things is within 15 minutes walk from my door except a sports arena, although if you substitute that for a gym with a pool and basketball court there's half a dozen.
I love it because I never need to use my car. Although there are consequences... Heavy traffic, loud music at night, unruly people in my neighborhood, ambulance sounds, people who rev their cars and motorcycles, trash on the street sometimes, etc.
I grew up a bit far outside of any neighborhood which meant every single trip involved the car and 20 plus minutes of driving. That lifestyle is perfect for some people because they appreciate the isolation. But it also meant planning well ahead and if you needed a quick run to the hardware store or some convenience item it would take half a day. The percentage of my childhood life in the car was too damn high.
I can't reach any of the above in 15 minutes. In fact I can't reach anything in 15 minutes as it takes me 5 to just reach the gate - very rural middle of nowhere, population 50, with a single road and some street lamps as the infrastructure.
This is such a city-centric question, that I doubt many rural folks bothered to answer it.
46 years ago, we moved from London, where these things were available, to a rural Vermont town where none of them are except an elementary school (well, I can step outside and be in the woods; better than a park).
It's beautiful, quiet, and cheaper than city life.
When we drive, we combine visits to many of these amenities in one trip.
I have 11, outside Boston, but where is the train station in the survey?
movie theater is 25 minutes fast walk, although past my threshold so I’ve always driven.
why the eff would I want to walk to a gas station? If they mean convenience store, I have two even closer
I prefer NOT to be near the things with large crowds: hospital, university, arena, mall
hospital question is out of date, should really distinguish hospital from urgent care or doctors office
I lived near Fenway Park once, and it was horrible. Do not recommend. The positive was I could goto a game after work and look for half price tickets after they start, but freely choose not to go if I didn’t get my price. But the noise, the mess, and the crowds making things just unuseable was not worth it.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars At the corner of my road, I have:
- Bakery (that took over the shops left and right because they kept winning awards)
- Pharmacy
- Post Office
- Women's Hairdresser
- Pizza, Chinese and Indian
- GP (although always booked out)
- Petrol Station chain which sells marked-up cornerstore stuff, don't get milk there it's 6 bucks
I feel a bit lucky looking at this. I live in the middle of the US and I have the first 9 listed within a 15 min walking distance. I live in a rather large town though too and I'm smack in the middle of that.
Living in a rural town, I just wish I had sidewalks. I could probably walk to a local hospital within 15 minutes. 30 minutes would get me a lot of stuff on that list but there are zero sidewalks for any of that.
An auto repair place is something that people don't think about. It's great being able to drop off your car and walk your ass home and then wait for them to call you.
Disappointingly I only have the grocery store within that distance, and it's a Walmart with no sidewalk for a stretch of that walk... But back to that list... Why would you need a gas station within walking distance? Am I walking with my car Flintstones style?
- Arts / cultural space
- Bank / ATM
- Bar / pub
- Barber
- Bike shop
- Bus stop / Rail Station
- Café / Tea Shop
- Car share station
- Community center / place of worship
- Daycare
- Fitness or Sports Center
- Grocery store
- Hardware store
- Laundromat
- Library
- Liquor / cannabis store
- Park
- Pharmacy
- Restaurant
- School
- Retail / boutique
@ajsadauskas in Umeå Sweden near campus I fall short of bank office whatever that is.. a movie theater and a gas station (it closed).
Such a list should have more focus on work places.. not only have "service", if we want o limit traffic :) Even though hospital and university has a lot of staff.
Office complex, hotels, branches of government etc.
I'm only missing 3 here in Philadelphia, a hospital, movie theater, and university. Though there are plenty of urgent care facilities around my location. And if we include a 15 minute bus ride, I can get to all three. I had to think in where the nearest theater was.
I'm in one of the less walkable, more car centric cities, but have made a lifelong effort to live where I can walk to things and have a few bus routes nearby. The buses have been starved and some come only every hour now but I can walk to:
Corner store
Bank (but I bank online)
Doctor and dentist (dentist more like half hour walk but sidewalk all the way) also every specialist doctor
A pot dispensary
Several restaurants
And believe it or not, a stadium.
No bar :(
ETA: Grocery, yes but not on the path to/from work so wildly inconvenient, and I can still walk to a comic shop but it's on the other side of the river now and while the bridge has sidewalks there is no barrier between cars and the sidewalk, it's more like a pedestrian lane in the road!
the only ones i don't have within 15 min walk from me
a university
a hospital
I do have a local GP within that distance though so i'm fine with not having a hospital within walking distance. Plus there is a hospital not too far away, just not within 15 mins.
I have a college about 25 mins walk away too
I live in the centre of a large british town though so having everything on my doorstep is kind of expected
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars the only ones that are out of my reach by walking 15 mins are a bank, sports arena (I have many recreational pitches and fields around) and a mall. But they are not that far anyway.
There's some nuance to this: where I live there is a microcosm of sorts because of how big the city where I live is, so I CAN find all of this in my area but in many other places in the same city you couldn't get to half of the stuff listed there.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars ultimately, it’s largely about density. Eg. There are maybe 7000 pubs/night clubs etc in Australia. So if there are about 4000 ppl within walking distance of you, good chance you’ll have a pub within walking distance. Or if there are 4000 ppl within driving distance of you, good chance you’ll have a pub within driving distance. And so on for the rest…
Groceries, (crappy) park, pharmacy, 2 bus stops, light rail stop serving three lines, at least 15 restaurants/food carts, a bank, a gas station (and a standalone convenience store), a hospital, a barber shop, and a few bars.
For the missing, good transit access fills in the gaps mostly:
Day care: I don't have kids, so I don't know this one. There probably is day care in the area.
Post office: I'm in kind of an awkward area for some amenities, and that includes post offices. Post drop boxes are plentiful, but an actual office takes some travel.
Shopping mall: I don't frequent shopping malls, but there the light rail links up with some. Most are dying, but one is doing well. This is a shrug.
Movie theater: A few minutes on the light rail, no problem.
University: Portland State University is an urban university that I work at. I can access it by bus or light rail.
Sports arena: There are at least two sizeable sports arenas, the Moda Center and Providence Park, on the MAX light rail. The light rail gets heavy use from Portlanders who don't want to deal with parking.
There are two exceptions:
Good parks: The area actually has a lot of great parks, but there is a freeway blocking the nearest one. I can take transit, bike, or walk a while. That's doable, but it adds a lot of time if I just want to go lounge around in the outdoors.
Elementary Schools: If I had kids, the area would be not great. It's a 25 minute walk, which is a bit much. That said, one of the "bike bus" programs would be perfect since the route isn't that long.
@fuck_cars@ajsadauskas all but a park, hospital and uni for me, though I’d get to them in about 30-45 mins and there are good buses to the latter two. Not a bad score really. I’m intrigued that the question in the poll starts out with reference to the 15-minute neighbourhood. Given the conspiracy theories I wonder if they’d get higher scores without an “ideological” scene setting and just asked the questions in isolation.
Living in an urban part of Ottawa, Ontario. The neighborhood is called Centretown West
Grocery: Not a supermarket, but right across the street from my building, there's a corner store that sells all of the relevant staple foods like bread, milk, eggs, some produce, dry groceries, etc.
Pharmacy: Yes actually a couple of options.
Bus stop: There is one near me, and I'm also only about 10 minutes from the metro light rail station.
Restaurant: I live near the city's "little Italy" and "Chinatown" areas, so I'm spoiled for choice here. I also live near a stroad which means fast food options.
Post office: They are commonly in pharmacies here in Canada, and the one near me is no exception
Bank: Yes, in fact I could probably access a branch for all of the major Canadian banks within a 15-20 minute walk.
Elementary school: Yes there's one close to me. A high school too.
Daycare: Yup, a few actually.
Hospital: Not within walking, but there are clinics
Barber: Quite a few over in Little Italy, including the one I go to.
Bar: Tons along the strip of Little Italy
Mall: Nope, but lots of shopping options at individual shops around me. Malls are gross anyway.
University: I am about a 20 minute walk to Carleton, and the walk would be through the park mentioned above
Shopping Mall? Well, not really, but yes to local shopping strip (5 minutes), Fitzroy St, St Kilda and Clarendon St, South Melbourne (10 Minutes) both covering all shopping needs.
Brisk 20 minutes would get me to the closest CBD campus of a Uni.
And three minutes walk to two tram lines.
Kids walked or public transported to school.
I rode or public transported to work (or taxi and flew because it was in another state or country).
One car family - have never been really able to give up a car, entirely, but never needed two.
@ajsadauskas@aus.social@fuck_cars@lemmy.ml I can get to all of those except a hospital and arena, too. Most in much less than 15 min. Granted, I live in a small city with a still vibrant downtown.
Of course, I wouldn't walk right now. It's freezing out there!
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars All but the hospital, university, arena, movie theatre, and bank. Notably all of those are still less than 45 minutes walk and understandable. Also all are under 20 minutes on my bike.
Seeing that those surveys exist does not really motivate me to ever visit the US besides the big cities. I literally have most of these in 15 to 30 minutes by foot or public transport. Wow.
In Manchester, England.
All within 15 minute walk except for:
Hospital - 20 minutes Metro (but health centre only 5 minutes walk)
Cinema - 20 minutes Metro (but theatre 10 minutes walk away)
University - 20 minutes bus
One of the really interesting things about reading this thread is noticing how these places clearly mean different things to different people.
Like one person says how "can somebody not want a pub in their neighborhood?" A pub and a bar might not mean the same thing to everyone. To some people a bar might mean something much closer to a night club and a pub something much closer to a restaurant.
Gas station doesn't mean convenience store to me AT ALL. To me it's only a place for buying gas. I would never go to one unless I was buying gas at the same time.
Is what I call a green grocer/fruit market what other people call a grocery store?
And the amount of grocery stores i can reach within a 15 minutes walk must be at least 80, easily.
This town is still structured around small family businesses. @fuck_cars
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I also don't get A Bar being so low. The bar is exactly the place I WANT people to be walking to instead of driving. Perhaps this is just a limitation of the polling method; these responses are mostly just gut reactions, not carefully considered positions.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars In a Brussels suburb we've got all of those things within max 15min walking except a gas station, a sports arena and a movie theatre.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars we've been in coburg and although a few bits of gentrification are getring toe-holds it feels like it hasn't changed much in 50 years. surprised to see bar ranked so low - definitely best to have within walking distance.
we can get to everything except hospital (though there are plans to build one in the next decade or so), sports arena (plenty of pitches around), university, and gas/petrol station (should have one this year or next).
I can’t help but think that this is just a ranking of how much people need these things. Everyone needs a grocery store all of the time, so it makes sense to have one nearby whether or not you use a car to get there. But people don’t need a bar or a shopping mall every day. So people might be more willing to have one a bit further away.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars this just shows that despite countless tv shows that attest otherwise, Americans have no appreciate for the humble neighbourhood bar.
I live within a 15-20 minute walk of all but three of these places: shopping mall, university, and sports arena. While a uni being closer would be neat, I am well out of college at this point in my life... the other two locations could simply not exist at all and I would be fine with that.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars Practically all of them (I'm in Europe of course) although the hospital and the sports arena would require a brisk walk, more like 20+min. But there are dozens of doctors nearby.
There's no university or sports arena within 15 minutes of me but, the bus station will take me to either and I could walk to the sports arena if I really felt like it. I think the movie theater might be closer to a 20 minute walk but that's still reasonable.
I can get to everything except the hospital, mall, movie theatre, and University in twenty minutes. If I use public transport I can get to those in about half an hour.
In a 15 minute walk, in the Greater #Montreal , I have access to:
- Grocery Store
- (Miniature) Park
- Pharmacy
- Bus Stop
- Restaurant
- Post Office
- Bank
- Gas Station (why‽)
- (Fake) Shopping Mall
Live in Rio, from this list i have almost everything in a 15 minute walk distance the only exceptions are
shopping mall(30 min walking)
public hospital (used to have but it closed, now the closest is 30 min walking)
Movie theater(30 min walking)
Sports arena(1h walking)
Public University(2h walking)
Although i have a lot of services close, it is still a chore to go walking because a lot of the walking is uphill, i wish there was more public infrastructure to help people move up and down like trams and stuff like that, way back them the city uses to have trams everywhere, but now there's almost none.
What isn't on the list, but i absolutely didn't want around, was an neopentecostal church. Unfortunately, they are everywhere and super loud and disrespectful.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars 7 of these are available to me, but the park closes at sundown, I don't have children, hair, or drink outside my home. The only one I use is the bus stop.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars Great question! I can do all of these in a fifteen minute (ish) walk except:
- a hospital (though I can walk to my doctor's office in 15 min)
- a university (if you count community colleges, I have one about 30 minutes walk away)
- shopping mall, movie theater, and sports arena
Every last one of these is accessible within 20-ish minutes if I use public transit, though.
Everything on the list, except for a shopping mall and a movie theatre, is within a twenty minute walk.
The bus route is a three year pilot project - a subsidized shuttle from the regional transit hub [ 1 hr South of us ] to the small city one hr north of us.
No university nor college though highschool has night-school uni credit courses.
I recently moved from the town where I grew up to a much larger city (small city).
I had almost anything I wanted within a 15 minute walk.
Now, the only thing is a relatively crappy convenience store. Adjusting to my new location is proving more difficult than I imagined. It's certainly nice to be a 2 minute walk to a private beach, but, I miss many of the things that were a very easy walk away.
Pretty much every place in Barcelona.
Even most villages will fit this, with the exception of the ones that require a large population, like hospitals, sport arena, and universities. @fuck_cars
I have all of that within a 350 meters radius from my home but a hospital, a shopping mall, a sports arena and a movie theater. Although i have 3 regular theaters within that same radius, and the university being that close is, admitedly, a bit of luck.
That's downtown Buenos Aires for you.
In 15 minutes i have multiple options for hospital and movie theaters, but still no luck for sports arenas and shopping malls. Although being far away from any shopping mall is actually for the better imo.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars if I make it a 20 min radius, then it's everything except sports arena and university, and there are multiples of both not much further than that.
If I keep it strictly to 15 mins, all I lose is the shopping mall and movie theatre.
I live where I live very much because I can have a walkable (slash cyclable slash public transportable) life.
Linving in.Montreal. Hospital is about 25 walking. No university but one college under 15. I have the mf olympic stadium at a 10 minutes walk lol. Everything elses checks.
@ajsadauskas@fuck_cars I'm in Riverside South in Ottawa, so I can only walk fifteen minutes to a park, a bus stop, and an elementary school (which also, I believe, operates a day care). That's it. But if I expand that to half-an-hour, I can add a pharmacy and a post office in one direction and *maybe* a restaurant and a grocery store in another (I'm not sure if I'd get there in half an hour, though. Might be a bit longer).
And lord knows the bus stop in Ottawa, via OC Transpo is... a gamble.