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  • Cats reduce pollutants that contribute to smog that directly harm human health. But they do nothing to reduce the net carbon released into the atmosphere. In fact, by converting carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide they are hastening climate change (CO2 is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO).

  • We don't deserve librarians
  • I've never met a librarian who didn't offer enthusiastic help when asked. I'm sure there are some cranky ones out there, but I can't think of a public facing job where the workers are as cheerful and helpful as librarians. It takes a certain temperament to devote your life to encouraging others to read books.

  • Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real
  • This batshit motherfucker is going to drive so many voters to the Dems.

    Rich Republicans will continue voting for whoever taxes them the least. Poor Republicans will continue voting to spite their perceived opponents (minorities, gays, "the woke mob").

  • Vegan food: The west vs India
  • How is the dairy industry in India? I would assume it is nowhere near as cruel as it is in the West, where sadistic practices are incorporated at every stage of the process in the name of efficiency.

  • "I have 3 kids and no money... Why can't I have no kids and 3 money?"
  • It's sobering to think that those of us with this mindset would have had kids anyway if we were born a few decades earlier. Society all but coerced everyone to marry someone of the opposite sex and reproduce regardless of their wishes.