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Pr(ule)ide flag
  • The yellow stripe clashing with the diamond looks very janky to me :/

  • Steve [MoringMark]
  • Well, she already saw a bunch of weird stuff such as Lilith's ears and... Hooty. So one more anomaly isn't that much of a difference probably. Also, if you're taken away by someone's beauty, you easily blend out less important stuff.

  • chair.exe
  • Thank you for this comment. I was reading by and wouldn't have understood this gold unless I saw your comment.

  • Friendship [MoringMark]
  • Ah, that makes more sense.

  • Hobbyte
  • Yes... that's why there are 8 Hobbits on the right – to represent 1 Hobbyte.

  • Mother of Titan [MoringMark]
  • He is the messiah!

  • breaking news: melroy of mbin is moving to linux mint from ubuntu!~1 twist of the microcentury!
  • Why is the text weirdly alternating between bold and normal?

  • Friendship [MoringMark]
  • What? In this comic MoringMark decided to make him a bit worse, no? Trying to hurt an acquaintance who you've been drifting apart from is not a trait I'd assign to "the most perfect person in existence".

  • Friendship [MoringMark]
  • Aww, that's sweet!

  • Rule
  • A prominent Democratic-Republican

    The modern American mind cannot comprehend this

  • God dag
  • assume spherical goose

  • stealing rule
  • Sorry 🙈

  • This qualifies as a Sandwich
  • Good bot

  • i only uploaded this because the servers are down rule
  • Have you considered that these people might just be non-native and are struggling with a second language? I really don't see how it's that big of a deal.

  • stealing rule
  • Tried to do "Both is good" and "Both fits good" simultaneously.

  • stealing rule
  • Both. Both (f)i(t)s good.

  • Making friends [Field Explores]
  • Love the lunch menu hahaha

  • i only uploaded this because the servers are down rule
  • Or someone just made a mistake. If anything, that's a grammar error, not a typo. And you're the only one who bit, no one else mentioned it once.

  • Big Kone lies
  • Next time without the SI blurb please :)

  • Why does Sync not display some comments?

    I've posted something today and somehow Sync gives me notifications in my inbox for replies to that post, but when I open the post, it can't find any. I can interact with them just fine in the inbox and in the browser. But in Sync on the post, the number of replies is shown to be 4, while the comment section states that no replies have been found.

    This happened before and also in other posts with some replies, but I just shrugged it off as common federation issues. But the people replying can be found when I open the post in my browser under the instance, so it's not due to my instance not finding them.

    What's happening here? This seems like a Sync problem. Should I move to another mobile frontend?

    Are you also able to stutter in sign languages?

    I must admit I have no deep knowledge of stuttering, but I always thought it was a psychological thing. So if you teach someone a sign language, will they continue stuttering? On the same note, are there native sign language speakers who stutter?

    How do I work with Magical Fire Rooms? (Shattered PD)

    I have a question. I recently started playing Shattered PD again, after having a significant pause from the game. Since then, a couple things have been added, including this room. My problem is, I absolutely don't know how to handle the magical fire. It can't be extinguished with liquid from a potion, you can't fly over it and you can't use a spell of Telekinetic Grab to fetch the items on the other side. What is the trick here? Is there something I've overseen?

    Blyfh Blyfh


    Gen Z nerd who is interested in programming, maths, linguistics and music. I like playing video games like Valorant and Brawlhalla. Interested in stories of any form, whether that be books, movies, anime, cartoons, series in general, graphic novels etc.

    Ally – BLM – Tax the rich!

    Posts 6
    Comments 244