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This is the best picture of Oscar I've ever taken
  • Oscar is one of the cats of all time

  • Funding Ukraine is inherently a genocidal endeavour. If you want war to end and for Ukrainians to stop being killed, there's only one solution, and it's not telling Putin he's a meanie.
  • I think you hit the nail on the head, it's in the US' and NATO's best interest to keep this war going. Bringing Ukraine into NATO just creates an extra buffer between Russia and the rest of western Europe. I have no idea how this war ends, but I don't think it ends with Ukrainian Jimmy Fallon dancing on Putin's grave

  • Do not loose hope!
  • If only we grew exponentially :(

  • What/Who is the most obscure music(ian) you enjoy?
  • Scale the summit is pretty good if you like instrumental music focused around the guitar

  • I hear VW founder is pretty popular in Ukraine right now
  • I mean Henry Ford is no saint either

  • My old tanks VS your old tanks
  • Lmao, how old is some of the US' equipment. What a joke

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • Ah, perhaps you are familiar with the hairy ball theorem then. Very manly

  • Rule
  • Jong

  • What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #21
  • I've been playing Diablo 4. Pretty fun so far, but an arpg can only innovate so much.

  • Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • I mean I don't really see myself as a tankie, I did get temporarily banned from lemmygrad for saying that ACAB means all cops, so there's that I suppose.

  • Seeing libs seethe about “too many tankies” is really funny.
  • Idk man, I got a temporary ban for saying that ACAB means all cops and some dipshit told me to read Lenin's State and Revolution lmao. Seems to me like a lot of people on here are just having dick measuring contests about how far left they are.

  • bread rule
  • What's wrong with philosophy tube?

  • The first true philosopher
  • He's just searching for an honest man

  • Big_Farto Big_Farto
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