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[Discussion] Steam Autumn sale is live! What are you buying to llay on your deck?
  • Beat Saber & VTOL VR are my recommendations for VR games that can be more then a 30min ExpErIEncE.

    You didn’t ask, I know… :-)

  • How are you all playing these insanely complex games?
  • Fair enough - semantics. Some people have fun doing this, some don’t. You seem to be part of the second group, no problem with that.

    Your initial question was „how do people play those games?“ and „being part of the games online community and/or using the communities resources to play the game“ is one answer. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I am currently into Monster Hunter Rise. It does not exactly do the best job of explaining ingame what „30% Affinity“ on a weapon means. So I looked it up. That was fun to me.

    In the end I guess it’s your imperative to research games before you buy them. If they don’t fit your play style, don’t buy them. You don’t mean to say that no one should enjoy „complex“ games, are you?!?

  • How are you all playing these insanely complex games?
  • But see, for some people and some genres, the fiddling and trying and testing and redoing IS the actual gameplay.

    BG3 is a good example, Factorio came up in this thread as well. And from a certain perspective BG3 is as much of a playground as Tears of the Kingdom. The latter hides the numbers from you, the former invites you to play with them.

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I for example can’t seem to get into story driven single player games such as God of War or Farcry. The constant tutorialising drives me nuts…

  • Recommendation for multiplayer games
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse has quickly become the goto-local-multiplayer in my group.

    The game design is so devilishly elegant: you co-create 2D jump&run levels. Together you want to make them so easy that at least one player can finish the level (and get points), but also hard enough that not all of the group get through (no one gets points).

    It’s great. Will most likely be on sale. Don’t sleep on it!

  • $600 Million And A Decade Later, Where Is Star Citizen?
  • More people need to try Starsector. It’s so goddamn good.

  • A good way to access multiple web UIs on one local device?
  • Ah, right. Pi-hole only listens for the first jump. I was stupidly assuming that the VPN tunnel exit would be part of this.

  • A good way to access multiple web UIs on one local device?
  • Tried that, does not work. When I’m physically „in“ my LAN, my domains resolve correctly. Via VPN only IPs work.

  • A good way to access multiple web UIs on one local device?
  • How can I use my Pi-hole as DNS Server also over VPN? I run Wireguard on Unraid. And while the VPN works, I can’t seem to the DNS over VPN to go my way.

  • Discovery Freelancer: Fire and Fortune releases Sep. 1!
  • How would I go about getting this running on the SteamDeck? Is the .net requirement a dealbreaker?

  • *Permanently Deleted*

  • Welche Remoulade benutzen die bei Kamps?
  • Hatte grad keinen Kamps in der Tasche als der dringende Bedarf da war.

  • What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?
  • Was my first thought too.

    Not a shooter or a space RTS, but proper prime directive star trekking. Honestly I don’t even know what you would DO in the game. But I can imagine the UI clearly, so there is that…

    Maybe somewhat like to old 90s point and click adventure games, only in 2023?!? I don’t know. I want it though.

  • Anglizismen auf der Arbeit
  • Haha. Geil. Kompilat. Das adoptiere ich und brings allen englischsprachigen Kollegen bei.

  • Anglizismen auf der Arbeit
  • Ich mochte „Let’s burn that bridge when we get there“. Funktioniert auch nur auf Englisch meiner Meinung nach, wegen der Redensartvermuddelung.

  • What is a nice-looking online Lemmy client (by online I mean on a webpage)?
  • Help me here. Never got it, still don’t get it. Please explain like I’m 5.

  • Games with crossplay between PC and Switch
  • Check out - for me it’s one of those bookmarks that I get back to again and again over the years.

  • What forgotten cult classic games are worth revisiting?
  • „Robinsons Requiem“, available on GoG.

    It’s a survival horror first person rpg with a semi realistic health system. It’s creepy and hard and so goddamn good. I’m am actually surprised that it gets mentioned so rarely because I would not know of any other earlier game with those now so ubiquitous survival mechanics.

  • I'm pooping, AMA
  • Neptunes kiss.

  • Alternatives to Google Discover?
  • To get you started on your self-curated list of feeds, you could have a look at

    I think it’s neat to not only have the big and obvious sites in your feedreader that push dozens of items per day, but also some assorted small and cozy blogs that tickle your interests.

  • [Game] Looking for Recommendations
  • May I throw „Cassette Beasts“ in the mix? Is it premium as in the seventh installment of a series that lost its soul with the second release? As in costs 60+€ and is a collectathon with no heart? No. Not premium.

    But it has

    • tons of replayability. Gotta catch them all.
    • an intriguing story that is surprisingly mature for a pokeyman game
    • fan-tas-tic soundtrack

    Also lots of stuff to find and discover. Also also does not break the bank. Also also also does not eat the SteamDecks battery for lunch, because it’s only 2D. And finally, for us old people, the combat is turn based. You will not fail because of lacking reflexes.

  • Factorio got controller support in todays update

    If this is good, I might never talk to my family ever again. I was hesitant to get used to community control configs - no excuses anymore.

    flightsim Biberkopf
    MS FlightSimulator 2024

    Scam or amazing? What are your thoughts?

    I really DO like the additional "purpose" that will be added to the sim. I really don't like the not unlikely possibility that all that add-on money spent on the "old" flight simulator will be wasted.

    Undaunted:Normandy with my 15yo son

    Yesterday I played three scenarios of Undaunted: Normandy with my teenage son. For both of us it was the first time playing the game. And, different to several other games, my son seemed to have fun for real - not only to shut ME up.

    The game is really easy to learn, the system feels quite elegant, if also pretty luck-of-the-draw-based. But yeah, that was enjoyable.

    Which games did you play over the weekend? What yould you recommend for a 15yo typical teenager offspring?

    Biberkopf Biberkopf
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    Comments 63