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Is really possible to understand the magnitude of ones own brain?
  • If whatever learning meant +1 brain complexity then it we would never catch up because it would be the infinite hotel. example: learning one unit of brain complexity adds one unit of brain complexity.

    if learning meant < +1 brain complexity, then the next limiters would be brain space and time. example: learning one unit of brain complexity slightly complicates an already existing complex.

    if learning meant > +1 brain complexity, then the more you learn, the farther you get from understanding the whole thing. example: learning one unit of brain complexity requires the addition of another unit of brain complexity plus its relationship with other complexes.

  • What is *love*?

    inb4 "Baby, don't hurt me."

    But for real...what do people mean when they say "I love you," or "Do you love them?" I'm really confused by this because love seems to have such a varying definition. People say love for all sorts of things, and it seems like everyone else understands which definition they're using in the moment. Here are some examples in which each one has a different meaning:

    • I love pancakes.
    • I love my mother.
    • I love my romantic partner.
    • I love my best friend.
    • I love my career.
    • I love going to the beach.
    • My dog loves me.
    • That couple is in love.
    • Where is the love?

    Background: I recently saw an episode of a show (spoiler below) where there was an adolescent heterosexual couple. The girl had a female best friend that she kissed, and is now confused about what she wants. She told her boyfriend about it. The boyfriend then asked her, "Do you love her?" What is he asking? If love means attachment and care, then clearly she does because that's her best friend. However, since that is so clear, he's not asking that. What is he asking??

    Another specification is when people ask "Do you love them, or are you in love with them?"

    I am confused by this term and the whole concept in general. I think I could really use some clarification, examples, or how to know which definition someone is going with when they use it.

    Name of show

    The show is Atypical on Netflix.

    What do you think of this?
  • !autism! might be good since it has a larger user base while the instance doesn't really have that many users yet nor a community for that kind of post.

  • NSFW
    What do you think of this?
  • I searched for AMA communities. I only found one: ! It doesn't seem active tho. You could try there as long as you're okay with possible disappointment. Otherwise, I don't have any other suggestions.

  • How can I get into the sailing scene?

    I live in Florida and am interested into meeting people that sail with the intent to be a hand on a sailboat for the experience and training. I know nothing about sailing nor do I know anyone that is into it. How can I get into the scene to meet people and feel things out?

    Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies?
  • I think most female to male abuse comes in the form of emotional coercion. So, something like, if the guy doesn't have sex with her how she wants, there will be consequences. Sometimes they're explicit, such as when she actually says it openly. Other times, she communicates it implicitly for plausible deniability. For example, every time a guy is not interested in the moment, she does something that hurts him soon after. This could be from throwing a fit about some regular chore, to shaming them to their friends, to actively seeking attention from or cheating with other men.

    I knew a girl that would tell everyone she was being abused before her boyfriend even knew it was happening. She would ask everyone to not say anything because she was scared he would abuse her more. She would also do things to make him angry in public so people would think he had an anger problem. People would start treating the boyfriend like shit, so he would start being isolated, which allowed her to abuse him more. If the boyfriend came out seeking help, no one would believe him and gaslight him further. The girl even went as far as telling relationship therapists that he was abusing her so that he had no escape while she now how documentation that he was abusing her. The girl was a completely deranged psychopath that did this with all her boyfriends. Of course, her friends were similar. One of her friend's boyfriends committed suicide after they had an argument. The girl then milked that for pity points every chance she got.

    I really advise everyone to learn about relationship abuse and vulnerable narcissists. They're incredibly sneaky and brutally perverse, and anyone can fall for one. It takes a while for even trained relationship abuse therapists to catch on to them. Look it up on YouTube. There are many therapists and survivors that share their stories and guidance.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • The billionaires rich buy both parties now.


  • Sevens
  • username checks out

  • I just had an idea that people smarter than me have probably had long before I heard of Lemmy.....but I don't see it implemented, so I'm sharing it anyways!!!
  • It would be cool if you could make your own tabs, so that everytime you subscribe to a community, you can go down a checklist of tabs you created, picking ones you think that belongs to.

    Fo now, I guess the work around is to have several usernames divided by categories, but that seems cumbersome and disjonted.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Not only that, all these failed/terminated google services collected huge amounts of data. They were able to analyze that data and make ridiculous conclusions about human behavior. Whether those services are functioning or not anymore, they still learned what they learned. For companies and governments that want to manipulate populations, that is the most valuable product that exists.

  • What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I keep an eye out for opportunities and let people know I'm interested in case something shows up ⛵

  • What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
  • Same! I looked into it myself, and it's nearly impossible to pull off. Since I have no experience sailing, it would take me at least 2 yrs of training. I'd have to start off by volunteering as a hand on someone else's sailboat. I'd also have to get a dingy to practice on.

    Eventually, I'd need to find a reliable person that would also like to try this adventure out, is dedicated enough to develop the skills necessary, has the financial means to pull it off, and isn't tied down by other responsibilities (eg house, family, etc.). We'd also need to get along extraordinarily well since we'll be together for ~2 yrs in a small space and deciding where to go and what to do jointly.

    Then, we'd need to drop ~$80k on a sailboat and another ~$20k on renovating it. Once that's completed, we'd have to take a few shorter trips to test it out, such as sailing around the Caribbean.

    Lastly, once underway, things could still get pretty bad. Mechanical issues aside, we'd have to worry about safety out in the open ocean. There could be violent assailants or storms. There could also be political unrest of unwelcoming area where we dock and resupply.

    Basically, this adventure is really difficult to pull off because it's not just sailing and living on a boat. There's a lot more to consider.

  • The US population only accounts for 4.2% of the world.
  • I would use the translator on my phone to understand 👍

  • The US population only accounts for 4.2% of the world.
  • I remember hearing that American service members are by far the best fed of all countries since WWII.

    Along with resource richness, I think it's important to note how USA's geography also makes it extraordinarily safe from invasion. It is flanked by two oceans with die hard allies as neighbors to the North and South. Anyone that wants to invade USA would have to make an impossible amphibious landing or super-blitz through Canada or Mexico. Both of those options are nearly impossible. The entire world vs North America might not even he able to pull that off. Then, once the invaders get to the continental USA, they would have to deal the most possibly armed insurgency due to the culture's obsession with firearms. So, the only way the USA could be militarily taken over is by near complete destruction of its population via long-range missiles. This disregards the USA's vastly superior military power. The USA has more aircraft carriers than the next 7 countries combined and each one is technologically superior as well.

    With that in mind, the USA didn't have to direct considerable economic efforts to protecting its homeland, while knowing that it's economic production would go mostly unharmed. In contrast, the Soviet's were scorching their own production centers just so the enemy wouldn't acquire them.

    Additionally, the USA has the most expansive freight rail system and the Mississippi River allows for easy and efficient shipping of resources, especially from the food production area (eg the Bread Basket). So not only can the USA produce lots of food without having to worry much about protecting that, but it can also easily transport the food to other locations efficiently. When it comes to food and defense, the USA is overpowered af.

  • Misplaced Faith in Racist Ignorance
  • That poor reporter's last name is Condom in Spanish

  • Foraging Wineberries!
  • I'm so jealous of your life rn!

  • Dark art drawn from nightmares I’ve experienced
  • , yes! I don't see how this post is a shitpost. It seems like awesome art to me. Pls share more 🙂

  • Tourists (and tourism) are a good thing.
  • I wasn't aware that tourism was unpopular as an industry. I know that tourists can be annoying in large quantities because they tend to not follow local customs, treat the place as disposable, expect to be treated with privilege, and can be careless with how their behaviors affect others. This happens particularly in tourist hotspots where the tourists have certain expectations based on what they've heard and then become upset when those expectations are not met. It also happens in tourist hotspots where the purpose is to party since people behave without concern for how their behaviors will affect their long-term reputation.

    However, tourism in general allows us to have different experiences and immerse ourselves in other cultures to gain new perspectives and relate to others. I, myself, have been a tourist many times, traveling throughout my home country and the world. I've been to 15 countries and over half of US states. I really value those experiences because I get to see what is universal versus local. I also get to see the world from other perspectives that help me have a clearer understanding of what the heck is going on since nothing ever makes sense to me lol.

  • Anyone figure out how to make a working hopper minecart unloader?

    I've tried the standard Minecraft one and several variations of it, but none work. The standard one below just doesn't give the cart enough time to unload. I tried placing 3 hoppers in a row and one in a closed track circuit, but those didn't work either.





    New Community: Ask Autistic People

    A community for anyone to ask autistic people questions: non-autistic people to learn about the autistic experience and autistic people to get information or validation from their peers.


    New Community: Ausome Videos

    A community for sharing videos that may be appreciated by autistic people, not necessarily autism-related.


    Sam calls out Olive Garden on Their Lie

    I love this Sam character in Atypical. He's like my soul twin.

    [JTA] Every single political and economic model established is a set of rules for selfish people to abuse

    I need to get this out of my system.

    Marx was right. "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." But he didnt incorporate the interaction between individuals and society. Selfish individuals will dedicate their efforts into finding a way to play the system to their advantage at the expense of everyone else. It is as certain as death. Feudalism, capitalism, slavery, fascism, communism with a vanguard party, etc is all the same with different names. There are the people that exploit and the exploited.

    Actual revolution is not political. It is universally cultural and has no boundaries or nationality. Until we as a species integrate the moral value that hoarding wealth and power is unjust like murder, we will continue to cycle through social political systems and charismatic pseudo-revolutionary leaders, repeating the same process with different names. True revolution has no leader because true revolution is incompatible with leaders. Once we establish that as an absolute must, then no matter the rationalization given by anyone (private property to control obscene amounts of wealth and means of production, freedom of speech to promote hate, free market to allow corruption, etc.), no one would tolerate it.

    At the individual level, we need to understand that the well-documented psychopathic-narcissistic pattern of abuse is the issue. Notice it and take steps to prevent that from taking control. No divide and conquer. No blaming or scapegoating. No populist love-bombing and future faking. No victimizing. No shame. No revenge. No flying monkeys doing the bidding of the unwell abuser. No idealization of anyone. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. There aren't winners and losers. There is no hierarchy. These are all made up to exploit, be it an abused partner or social class. Only equality, reciprocity, mutuality, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, freedom, and independence of thought. In one word love.

    Man, I'm on some BS today.

    Disclaimer: This is solely my opinion. It's been bouncing around in my head for a while and needed to come out. I really hope this doesn't turn into a [poop]storm. Please be kind with me and each other.

    Some kid near my house got the state to put up a cool sign

    Image: Photo of an official yellow diamond traffic sign that reads "CHILD WITH AUTISM"

    The Infodump I'm back on my BS 🤪
    [Autism] An Infodump on Infodumps


    An infodump is an informal term for someone sharing a lot of information at once. It is a common autistic behavior and typically revolves around a topic that the presenter is passionate about (aka a special interest). Among neurodivergent people, an infodump is seen as a love language. The person providing the infodump is showing the other person that they care about them. The following is my inference on why they are a common behavior among autistic people.

    Why do I think they happen?


    Autistic people tend to get hyperfocused, sometimes on learning a topic. These topics are usually referred to as a special interest and can become a major area of the person’s life, constantly thinking about it even when engaged in other activities. It can be so intense, that the person may forgo regular activities such as socializing, eating, and self-care. They can be that interesting to them. Imagine how interesting a topic has to be for you to start cutting out normal areas of your life. Seeing how this topic brings them pleasure and gratification, they would like to share it with others given the opportunity.

    Bottom-Up Processing

    We use bottom-up processing. We understand details before we understand the whole. Before accepting that there is a forest, we need to know what the trees are. Therefore, it is difficult for us to understand the whole picture only. As an example, the Russian Revolution happened because of Lenin and communist ideology. But why? Who is Lenin and what is communist ideology? Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and communist ideology was a social-political philosophy and prescription for social relations. But why did he become a revolutionary and why did they create and promote communism? On and on…until I’m learning about the Mongols taking Moscow in the 1200s. Did you know that one of the reasons the Mongols were so effective was because they promoted military personnel based on merit and not class? Moving on…


    Personally, the world is quite confusing to me. People say things they don’t mean and there are contradictions everywhere. For example, the speed limit on I-95 in Florida is 70 mph. Anyone going over that speed is violating the law and if caught, a State Trooper is directed to issue the speeder a citation or worse. Yet, the vast majority of vehicles on I-95 are going over 70 mph! What is happening?! I guess maybe neurotypicals have an understanding that if everyone is doing something, then that is the rule; it’s part of how they create truth by collectively agreeing to it. To me, the explicitly stated rule is the rule. Since there is this glaring contradiction, I’m left wondering, “What other rules aren’t rules?” Boom! This results in a desperate need to learn everything about driving, to include the history of cars, transportation infrastructure, traffic enforcement, traffic cultures throughout several states and countries, the process on how traffic laws are created, etc. Basically, I’m trying to figure out what is really going on so I know how to predict and behave. Notice that this is a simple example based on just one contradiction that nearly everyone in Florida experiences without much thought. Imagine how many contradictions I see everywhere in my life. The social world is a huge collection of contradictions between what is stated and what occurs. Nothing makes sense. I imagine other autistic people experience the same.


    Here I am confused as to what the hell is happening with traffic, so once I figure it out, I want everyone else to know. Shoot. If someone would have told me about it before I went desperately learning about it, I would have been so happy and appreciative. Me telling someone else is me saving them all the confusion and effort into researching this topic. I basically did all the work and am giving it out for free without expecting anything in return. It’s an act of service. But, it also works as a way to connect. We are sharing a collective understanding just like neurotypicalss, just this one is quite detailed. It’s also like empathy. We both understand and feel the same way about something. That is quite connecting and validating. Additionally, I’m proud that I was able to understand this confusing situation. I’m demonstrating that I bring value and contributions to others.

    So, an infodump isn’t just information. It’s an act of service, connection, validation, and establishing my value to a social group. In fact, this very post is an infodump doing just that. I’m providing effort into helping the moderators and future users to help this community, connecting with others on our experiences and perceptions of infodumps, validating that infodumps are a love language, and demonstrating that I can contribute to this community. Feel the relief of congruence, ahhhhhhhhh.


    Ok, I'm done. This is my explicit social cue that I have finished my statement. Thank you.

    Why was the American federal corrections system harder to escape compared to Colombia's?

    This is based off of my conclusions from watching Narcos. The narcotraffickers in Colombia were terrified of being extradited to the US because they knew they would never be able to break out of prison, whereas they were certain that they could strong arm their way out of any Colombian corrections facilities. Their methods in Colombia were to either use political corruption or intimidate corrections officers with severe consequences.

    Why did the narcos believe that they would not have been able to use those methods in the US? Basically, I'm trying to understand why the US corrections system is seemingly more secure and capable of maintaining drug traffickers in custody compared to Colombia.

    New Community: Penguin Pebbles

    This is a community to share pictures of nice or interesting things you happen to find in your daily life that you would like to share.


    When people get upset immediately after I try to clear up a social situation

    Caption: Oh no, I just directly pointed out the elephant in the room

    Image: Homer Simpson backing into a hedge to hide

    When I go to a party to find a friend


    • [Image] Below: A stranger at a partly looks at me like that
    • Me: Ooh, maybe they're like me ♾️!

    Image: 2 panels. 1st panel is a puppet facing to your right but side-eying you with a blank facial expression. 2nd panel is the same puppet looking straight forward with the same facial expression.

    Better than crack

    Image: Crack-addicted fictional character Tyrone Biggums scratching his neck.

    Caption: > Someone gives you a hug and says they appreciate how blunt and honest you are > > Y'all got anymore of that validation?

    When someone whispers 's' sounds to me

    Image: 2 panel meme. Top half is a mouth whispering into an ear. Bottom half is a close up someone's skin with goosebumps.

    Caption: Ssssneaky sssnakesss ssslithering sssslowly sssouth towardsss sssskittlesss

    BackOnMyBS I'm back on my BS 🤪

    I'm back on my bullshit.

    Posts 34
    Comments 101