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Insects and Bugs, Cute or Creepy?
  • generally what makes insects creepy is long thin legs and scary mandibles. those that don't have these features can be really cute. bonus points if they're fluffy.

    then again creepy can be cool depending on presentation

  • How many accounts do you have?
  • That's true in most cases, but i've had a lot more success posting stuff to my furry-specific Mastodon instance than posting hte same thing to generic Twitter and Bluesky. So there's something to the ability to have a specific audience.

    But i genuinely have an issue when i go to upvote or reply and it tells me that i'm not logged in, and that's when i find out that i've accidentally left my instance and am not logged in anymore. That kind of thing shouldn't happen at all, it shouldn't be this easy to accidentally land in a different instance.

  • How many accounts do you have?
  • One Lemmy and one Mastodon. I really like the fediverse promise of interoperability between instances, i hold it up to this promise, and i get annoyed when it fails.

  • Students Horrified When Error Message Appears on Vending Machine, Revealing Something Dark (Facial Recognition)
  • According to the article, it's done for market research, i.e. finding out who buys what, which is a thing businesses like to know. But also apparently it allows the machine to generate "AI-powered product recommendations", which i guess means it tailors reccomendations to each user? Which it can do because it has a touch screen, and the touch screen itself already strikes me as full of shit.

    That's what the article says this machine in particular does; but yes, it could totally change the price on you depending on what you look like, and all other kinds of deeply shady things. You can count on a private company to do that kind of thing and then use their favorite argument: it's technically legal.

  • Was the creation of the fandom and cons inevitable?
  • There were going to be communities dedicated to talking animals on the internet, that much is certain. Just about everything else was shaped by early founders. Aside from the furry fandom's very existence which may be inevitable, every part of its shape and characteristics were laid by people like Sysable.

  • How do you keep up with your favorite artists' posts? (e621)
  • Bookmark them all. And then you sort by "most recent visit" so you see the artists you haven't checked out in a while

  • what's something you're into that you don't want anyone you know irl to know about?
  • None of my family members know what a furry is and i'm keeping it that way.

  • femboy_irl
  • i want a turn in a femboy sounds good

  • this fucking guy (art by me)
  • i would have never thought of this in 1000 years lol

  • Furry BOLOID
    this fucking guy (art by me)

    I'm on every social media known to man:

    I think I like you - webcomic
  • the looks

    the feels

  • ginger bunny (by me)
  • What's funny is that i ran this image through Nightshade to protect it against AI, whereas i posted to FA and E926 before AI was as big so that older version is clean. Apparently the bot doesn't get confused between the two versions which is great.

  • ginger bunny (by me)
  • impressive

  • ginger bunny (by me)
  • wait how?? does the bot find the furaffinity link and do a reverse image search? that's so cool and honestly overbuilt lol

  • ginger bunny (by me)

    I'm on all or most socials that you can think of

    Do you participate in your local furry community?
  • Yeah, i looked really hard and my city of 300k has maybe three furries in it. The neighboring city of half the size has a small convention.

  • La francofourrure BOLOID
    Liste de contacts Telegram, furmeets, conventions, associations furry en France Les réseaux sociaux du furry fandom francophone

    Trouvez les réseaux sociaux populaires du furry fandom francophone !

    Les réseaux sociaux du furry fandom francophone

    Il vous faut rien de plus!

    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Liste d'assos, événements, furbar, furmeet, etc en France Listes Krymson

    Retrouvez ici les listes des serveurs et associations en rapport avec le fandom furry français !

    Listes Krymson

    Incroyable carnet d'adresses!

    I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.
  • You don't understand, this batter was a lot saltier than the batter you're thinking of

  • Is this another error with the upload service, or is video uploading disabled?

    {"data":{"msg":"Too many frames","files":null},"state":"success"}

    I tried uplading short clips at 30 and 25fps. The image above uploaded just fine so i don't know what to make of it.

    Thank you for everything you do!

    Anthro Comics BOLOID
    Anemoia - a midwestern comic by Gutter Bunny

    Anemoia features goth aesthetics and trans angst set in the midwest

    I finally made my first comic :) [all pages at link] [CW suicidal ideation]
  • Yeah i'm that kind of guy, i have grandiose ideas that are way beyond my means so i end up never making anything. Making this comic was an exercise in modesty, where i took a simple concept (still ended up being 10 pages which is not nothing) and, for the first time, brought it into reality. And that's the thing, it can be the greatest story idea ever, but it has no merit as long as it's a dream, bringing it into reality is what makes it matter - and, not coincidentally, it's also the hard part.

    Going forward i have to 1. lower my standards and 2. increase my capabilities, and if they meet in the middle then something can happen.

    Also i didn't even mention that making this comic is how i found out i have aphantasia. I figured it wasn't normal to find sketching this hard so i looked into it, and i found out that being unable at all to picture images in my head is not normal. For my next project i'm using Blender as a crutch. I've already finished a page, it looks a heckuva lot better than the above, it was a lot easier, a lot more pleasant, and it took not even a quarter as much time.

  • I finally made my first comic :) [all pages at link] [CW suicidal ideation]
  • The reality is that, once i uploaded the images, this kind of interpretation is out of my hands. The only value of what i have to say is the insight of what I was thinking while writing this.

    In my mind, the deer definitely starts resisting, but it's too late because he willingly let himself get locked behind a padded door, he dies anyway. I just didn't think it was necessary to show it since it's basically guaranteed.

    I imagine the tiger is a semi-pro hunter and butcher who supplies local predators and has been doing it for years. I cut dialogue that implied it's even a generational occupation. The reason the tiger is more optimistic about the future and a little generous with his victim is that he's the only one having a good time, he has a job that fulfills his love of killing people, and he's been having it easy with the rise of nihilism and individualism in prey animals. If anything, the fact that he feels a lack of challenge and excitement can be seen as suffering from success.

    But again, what i have to say only has value insofar as that's what was on my mind while making it. The reality of what it is can be different, and what you make of it in your own mind is something else again. There can be a twist and/or reveal, that's more than fine

  • I finally made my first comic :) [all pages at link] [CW suicidal ideation]
  • Yeah, this is basically the therapy that my 20yo self needed.

    I'm so glad anybody read it, it has been worth it :)

  • Anthro Comics BOLOID
    I finally made my first comic :) [all pages at link] [CW suicidal ideation] Itaku — Online Art Community

    Itaku — Share, browse and commission art on an actively improving community based platform!

    Itaku — Online Art Community

    It's about a suicidal deer who lets a tiger eat him.

    This was hard, took very long, and i'm not proud of the result; but it exists and is finished, and that alone makes it better than a perfect work that doesn't exist. The image wouldn't upload, i guess click the link? Sorry about that

    I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.
  • Tons, and cinnamon, flour, and a little bit of salt. I find that the bread dilutes the flavor, so i overload the batter to compensate.

    I don't like bland french toast

  • The comment box of that thread in particular doesn't appear to work. Details in post body

    My account is on and i'm trying to comment on the latest discussion thread on, but as the gif shows, the comment box doesn't react to clicks. Other things seem to work fine.

    Perplexingly, every other thread that i can find on lets me comment normally, it's just this one thread where the box doesn't react. That would imply that this thread in particular has a comments limit, but i can't see any indication of that.

    Apologies if i'm being the big dumb, it's true that most computer issues are between the keyboard and the chair

    I will log off for today and try again tomorrow, i have a whole rant ready in my mind god dammit

    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Kabame tente le plongeon KabameTheHusky - [FURRY-FR+18] Objectif > rush diamant > nether > ender dragon avec les bébêtes ! Plus que 4h de live et 4h additionnelle possible ! <3

    Watch KabameTheHusky's clip titled "[FURRY-FR+18] Objectif > rush diamant > nether > ender dragon avec les bébêtes ! Plus que 4h de live et 4h additionnelle possible ! <3"

    Anthro Comics BOLOID
    Rigsby is about some outsider teens and their families living in rural Wisconsin in the early 2000's
