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(Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • What’s crytyping, I’ve never heard that word before 😅

    I would sure hate to be that person, assuming it’s not an alt or someone who’s in on the bait (like their sibling pretending to be the other person)

  • (Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • I know 🫂 It’s horrible. You should also read their other posts.

    Either this is a bot/troll or she is mentally ill with no empathy.

  • I hate how mean some people can be to others, this specifically talks about women
  • That’s awesome! I completely agree that men and women can be friends, maybe I should put those in quotation marks.

  • (Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • Oh yeah, that person was banned from my instance 😂

    I genuinely can’t tell if that was a bot, a troll, or an emotionally unstable person.

    From what I remembered, recent account, no profile picture, barely commented.

  • I hate how mean some people can be to others, this specifically talks about women

    (Saw some random Internet post a while ago about a guy who wouldn’t stop harassing his “friend”)

    Seriously, people kept saying that “people of the opposite gender can’t be friends”, and for the specific example I saw, if a woman posts about being friends with a guy while she has a boyfriend, and something happens with her and the guy friend that’s she didn’t ask for, apparently it was her fault and “she asked for it” and she also cheated on her boyfriend??

    And people say they feel bad for the boyfriend and that the guy did nothing wrong for having an innocent crush on her if he pressures her into sex/a relationship? It’s always the woman’s fault. “Obviously, women can’t even talk to men besides their boyfriend, totally!”

    So… can gay men with boyfriends not have man friends? Straight men and lesbians can’t have woman friends?

    A similar thing actually happened to me, a woman, with a guy friend, and I’m dating a WOMAN. (I wasn’t dating anyone at the time, but the guy still didn’t care about how I felt. Even if he said he did and was always like “with your consent, of course”, I knew he didn’t care about who I was as a person or my consent. He just wanted to guilt-trip and pressure me into being his girlfriend because that’s all I was to him: some hot lady who was evil for saying no.

    (Of course, this goes for anyone, and everyone can be friends with everyone regardless of gender, this just specifically talks about women because that’s what happened in the post.)

  • I’m actually not too sure :)

  • Lemmy Support Aurora
    If I go to a certain user’s profile, it says this (Banned) does this mean they are banned from my instance or can it say this if they are banned from a community too?


    my gf is hardly ever online and prefers games
  • I agree so much with this. Communication is key

  • Is there an active community where you can discuss/ask political questions?
  • I get it. I love your profile picture, by the way!

  • Is there an active community where you can discuss/ask political questions?
  • True. For some reason, I assumed people couldn’t ask political questions due to controversy

  • Is there an active community where you can discuss/ask political questions?

    I see several for political news but IDK if there’s one for discussing/asking about them.

    Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses?
  • Not really better. How do you not know what you’re doing? Did the show just randomly come on when you turned on the TV/Metallica song came up in a playlist?

  • This is my second date with her!!

    We ate lunch again, I ate pork. It was so awesome. 🌺

    A guy I met online kept flirting with me and suggesting we be in a relationship when I have a girlfriend, I had to block him. Please give me encouragement so I don’t feel bad :(

    I’m in a happy relationship with a woman, but some man I talked to once kept messaging me and suggesting we be in a relationship. I blocked him once several months ago (back when I was single because I was uninterested) and then unblocked him.

    Sure enough, when I went to check in with him and see how life was going, I made a mistake. he was at it again and kept suggesting again that we be in a relationship.

    He seems like a good friend and he seems nice enough but he seems like he would objectify me too much even if I were to be in an open relationship if all he cares about is being mine and not who I am.

    I didn’t want to deal with it, so I decided to block him, but I feel bad 😓. Plus, I’ll be friends with people but I’ll block if they suggest I date them, especially when I’m dating.

    It’s a bit different now because I’m legal, but I remember during my first days of posting on the internet (c. 2014) there were guys who looked around my age now claiming to be like 15 even though they looked about ten years older. Luckily, I blocked them too and even got my first boyfriend then! 🙂

    DAE know more terms in one language than the other?

    Native speaker of English & Spanish. Born in the US, technically, but we moved because of some job my dad had, I think.

    He decided to stay in South America, and when I learned about certain things via friends, school, and the Internet, they happened to be in Spanish.

    My parents, who I spoke English and Spanish with, didn’t really teach me certain adult stuff, so I learned through literature and school assignments (but also TV).

    (So sexual topics and topics related to drugs I learned in Spanish)

    I think I have a girlfriend now!!

    I'm 23F, she's 22F. I thought I was just an ally for a while, since I only liked one girl as a teen and mistook it for admiration/hormones but I have no doubts about being sapphic now! 🙂🙂

    I confessed to the woman I like that I was interested in her. She said she felt the same but was waiting for me to make the first move, and that she was interested in giving dating me a try.

    We went to lunch and she kissed me when we went home. She told me our first date was amazing.

    Congrats Like I’m Five: !

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > A community for people to congratulate your accomplishments, major or minor.

    Congrats Like I’m Five: !

    A community for people to congratulate your accomplishments, major or minor.



    So I’ve liked my neighbor and good friend Jasmine for a while. Plus, she was born in 02 and I 01, so we’re only a year apart, AND we both speak English and Spanish! (She’s Latina and I grew up in a Spanish-speaking area with Spanish as one of my native languages).

    Anyway, I was able to tell her I liked her and yesterday, we went out for lunch. She told me she was interested in me too but was waiting for me to make a move. She said she was willing to give dating a try, and even kissed my cheek after we left to go home.

    I’m bi/omniromantic but preferred men and identified as “mostly straight”/Kinsey 1-2. I also questioned being straight for a while, but I certainly have no doubts after this! 🙂😊

    We went out for lunch yesterday! (23F), (22F)

    A few years ago, this one woman moved in as our neighbor (22F now). We became pretty close, and I started to gain feelings for her. We both happen to speak English and Spanish, which I think is awesome!!

    Anyway, I gathered the courage to say I was attracted to her and we went out for lunch yesterday!

    (Not sure if you guys can answer this) Guy at my sister’s school keeps meowing? Is this just teenage behavior?

    This guy at school who my sister knows keeps meowing. My sister also has him added on social media, where he sends random videos of farting, burping, or him saying stuff in a weird voice to all his contacts of people his age?

    Is this just typical teenage boy behavior? I didn’t talk to many boys at that age, nor were they American/English-speaking boys so I don’t know.

    Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context?

    I’m a bit confused, mainly because I’ve never been told this before. I once was trying to talk to someone I met, and asked them questions about themselves to get to know them.

    After a while, they just said, “You don’t have to do this, you know. I’m fine with being silent.”

    How would you respond to this? I don’t really know the implications or anything.

    What does an English nose look like?

    I was told quite recently that I had an English nose. What does this imply?

    Why are kids like this?

    My sister Lena is 14. She has this one “friend” who is very odd from what I’ve seen? She’s known for being rude to almost anyone who isn’t popular at her school and yells at Lena for stupid crap.

    She tells Lena she’s horrible at everything, talks behind her back, says she can’t be in her friend group, then says she’s “joking”.

    Whenever something happens to anger the friend, she blames Lena and when she gets punished, she seems to have the mindset of “If I’m going down, Lena is going down with me.”

    Lena came to the U.S. with our family when she was nine, so this friend is also very focused on her being foreign and won’t stop talking about her being white for some reason?

    From what I know and have seen from this girl coming over sometimes, she finds random things to discriminate people for and also “almost” says the N-word (You “ni.. ninja!) against dark-skinned people or the K-word (“kite” instead of…) against Jewish people to “be funny”.

    Lena’s other friend who came over one day also told me that the friend was discriminatory, finding random reasons to insult someone (even them because they’re neurodivergent), and that they were having problems with her.

    I’m helping Lena figure it out. Lena doesn’t hang out with this girl for now, but I still gotta rant. Why are people even like this?

    I have a slight (not severely impairing) phobia of nudity (a Never Nude in real life, if you will). AMA.

    Title. I don’t know what to consider it, whether it stems from body dysmorphia or whatever but I have a general (although not extremely impairing) fear and discomfort of nudity. This may be common, though I haven’t met anyone who’s as uncomfortable with nudity and their own body as I am.

    Is there a community for LGBT discussion?

    It seems that the LGBT ones we got are for news and I don’t want to post random stuff about for example, my boyfriend, on a news community.

    What do I do for my sister/her friend?

    My 14-year-old sister Lena has made a friend who is constantly picking on Lena for the slightest things, calling her weird, screaming at her in social situations and in athletics, saying she is useless, etc. [my sister has mobility issues and asthma as well]

    Fortunately, Lena told me that she and another friend of hers stopped hanging out with the friend but the teachers still want her paired up with this girl? (No one else will hang out with Lena’s friend because her friend group is preppy and very cliquey)

    The friend is also doing the classic “You can’t be friends with those girls and leave me, they don’t like you/understand you like I do. I’m the only one who will accept you.”

    Yeah, I don’t really know how to help as I don’t go to her school and I’m obviously several years older than her

    AuroraGlamour Aurora

    On this account, I can see more posts I couldn’t see before.

    anime nerd


    Learning JP, ZH


    Alt for anime/random: !

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