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anon is Ted Mosby
  • Rather Disorganized attachment style. Sounds like he has a desire for closeness, is prone to regrets and shows behavior symptomatic of both anxious and avoidant attachment style

  • Is linking to daily notes excessive? GraphView unusable...
  • I forgot about filtering in graph view. Thanks a lot for the reminder!

    I don't get the naming convention of a Zettelkasten. What if you have two notes about radioactive mayonnaise, but with different timestamps?

  • Is linking to daily notes excessive? GraphView unusable...

    Hi Obsidian Community!

    I link all notes to the daily notes of the day on which these notes were created (automatically via Templater). But I noticed that I can't see anything in my graph view. There are way too many connections and everything is centered around my daily notes.

    How am I supposed to identify emergent structures in this mess?

    Am I doing LATCH wrong?

    Should I skip the linkage and leave it as a date key just without the brackets?

    Or am I just misunderstanding how emergence works?

    Looking forward to any ideas, thoughts, opinions and general input!

    Your Opinion: Should Daily Notes link to themselves or the day they were created?

    Hello Obsidian Community, I would like to hear your opinion on the following matter:


    In my daily notes I use a comment block after Yaml, in which I link to yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's daily notes. The daily note links to itself, because all my notes are linked to the daily note of the day on which they were created and it just stuck, when I edited my default template to create a daily note template.


    Sometimes I create a daily note for a specific day a couple days later, and thus my memory is not as good as on the evening of the day in question.


    Now I figured that it might be sensible to record that information by linking daily notes not necessarily to themselves via the today key, but to the daily note of the day, when I actually did write down what happened on that day.

    What is your opinion on that? Any real benefit here? Would that be worse? Do you have any other input?

    Interested to hear your thoughts!

    Hund entlaufen in Prölsdorf (gefunden)
  • Wisst ihr noch wo er sich losgerissen hat? Bringt da seine Schüssel mit Wasser hin (kein Futter, denn das kann andere Tiere anlocken, die er dann meidet). Außerdem ein Kleidungsstück von euch dort hinlegen. Das gibt dem Hund Grund dort zu warten. Hoffentlich findet ihr euch wieder!

  • another day another banger
  • The story turns out to be an act of revenge by the co-author, who donated 10 million pound to Cameron's party in hopes of being given a cabinet position. After Cameron refused to give him such, Ashcroft co-wrote an unauthorized "biography" of Cameron.

    With this in mind, I wouldn't give this story any second thought other than the realization that Ashcroft is an utter tool.

  • Can willpower be trained ?
  • What you are citing, that willpower is being used up over the day by decisions, is called ego depletion and it is wrong! There are experiments where two groups were either told that this is a thing or the opposite, that willpower is strengthened by every decision instead, and it turns out, that both groups had different willpower self assessments at the end of the trial in accordance with the theory of willpower they were told in the beginning, meaning it's just a placebo in the end. Neither ego depletion nor the opposite exist, but people feel as strong in willpower in accordance with their belief of how willpower works.

  • Privacy respecting smart watches for android

    Recently got a Galaxy 4 smart watch gifted, but I am continuously getting barraged with (repeated) permission requests and hit with restrictions on features due to not granting certain permissions.

    Is there an alternative that fulfills the following requirements:

    • respects my privacy by both, not storing my data on their servers and not selling my data, both health and identity data.
    • works with Android, i.e. Is not restricted in use by using Android as the Galaxy 4 apparently is.

    I mainly want to use the watch to track sport sessions, basically just for running.

    Are there any tips on how to keep my peace of mind when dealing with smart watches? Things to keep in mind, etc?

    Thanks in advance!

    Sociologist Monthly Open Chat 2023-Oct

    Welcome to our open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat. If you have recommendations on books, papers, blog posts, videos on sociological phenomena, please share them. What interests You definitely interests others :)

    Sociologist Weekly Open Chat 2023-W35

    Welcome to our weekly open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat. If you have recommendations on books, papers, blog posts, videos on sociological phenomena, please share them. What interests You definitely interests others :)

    I am considering turning this into a monthly open chat, what are your thoughts? Is there any specific type of content, which you would like to see here?

    Sociologist Weekly Open Chat 2023-W34

    Welcome to our weekly open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat. If you have recommendations on books, papers, blog posts, videos on sociological phenomena, please share them. What interests You definitely interests others :)

    Sociologist Weekly Open Chat 2023-W33

    Welcome to our second weekly open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat. If you have recommendations on books, papers, blog posts, videos on sociological phenomena, please share them. What interests You definitely interests others :)

    Running with asthma - Advice?

    Hi c/Running,

    I would like some advice on how to overcome/circumvent asthma-induced pain, while running.

    I'm an avid runner, but I struggle with asthma for which I do take well-adjusted medication. I have difficulty running more than a couple minutes at a time. Whenever I start running, my lungs quickly begin to hurt (it's not my sides, my muscles could do so much more, but it's actually my lungs hurting), the pain becoming so bad, that I have to pause for more than five minutes after just two, three minutes of running. It takes between 20 to 30 minutes of this stop-and-go to finally "acclimate" myself enough to be able to run normally. As you can imagine, this can get very annoying and frustrating and makes running with a group nearly impossible.

    On a side-note: When I am running outside, I experience this no matter which season it is or where I am running (forest, urban, field), but when I am running on a treadmill at the gym, I usually don't experience it so severely. Maybe something with the AC?

    1. Do You have similar experiences and can You share what helped you?

    2. What can I do to reduce the time it takes me to start-up?

    3. What can I do to have no/less asthma-induced pain, when starting to run?

    4. What kind of training schedule would you recommend for people with asthma? Are normal training schedules just stretched out regarding the increases in intensity over time or do I need a completely different approach?

    Thank You for any advice on the matter!

    Weekly Open Chat 2023-W32

    Welcome to our second weekly open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat. If you have recommendations on books, papers, blog posts, videos on sociological phenomena, please share them. What interests You definitely interests others :)

    Restructuring Old Notes

    When reinventing the wheel and coming up with a new clever way to structure notes or new info to add to the YAML, how do you treat your old notes?

    Do you go back and apply the new format or do you just leave them as is only looking forward?

    If you revisit old notes, do you have a strategy?

    I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.

    Weekly Open Chat 2023-W31

    Welcome to our first weekly open chat!

    Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and ideas, or just chat.

    New community Mod!

    Hi, I'm Arxir!

    I volunteered to moderate this community and would like to introduce myself and also get some input from You on what You want this community to be.

    About Me

    I studied Sociology at a university with an empirical and quantitative focus. In my thesis I analyzed police brutality during protests against police brutality through a relational lens.


    I would like this community to not only be a bucket for links to sociological papers, news articles and blog posts, but also a place of discussion and a platform for exchange and educational/professional guidance.

    My thoughts on achieving this are to provide a more detailed introduction to sociology in the side bar, a weekly open chat and to encourage You to share your thoughts and theories, because we have to open ourselves up for criticism to be able to learn. Therefore, there is no wrong thought to share here.

    Now I would like to hear from You. Who are You? What are Your thoughts? What do You want this community to be? And what do You think can be done to achieve this?

    Lastly, I would like to add, that if You are interested in managing this community and sharing mod duties, please feel free to write an application, where you outline your experience with Sociology and Moderating as a comment here or as a direct message. Thoughts on what you would do to improve engagement within this community are a welcome addition.

    Kind Regards


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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