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What do y'all use to plan your creations?
  • My ADHD don't need no plannin'

  • Stop With the Political “Frenemies” Nonsense
  • So you're saying I should try and make good with my relative who consistently is anti-trans and publicly advocates policies that would harm my child?

  • I almost can’t believe it, but Google Tasks is finally kind of good
  • It still sucks at giving notifications on time.

  • Some tools I find handy for managing ADHD
  • What kind of a truck driver makes the same amount as an IT professional?

  • Moderation / Rules of "news" community?
  • and I am sure it’s possible to put a political spin on almost anything if you want The US is demonstrating that right now. Everything is over politicised these days.

  • Oregon Finally Legalizes Pumping Your Own Gas After 72 Years
  • People in Oregon really don't believe me when I saw I never waites in line for gas when I lived in other states.

  • DeSantis unveils an aggressive immigration and border security policy that largely mirrors Trump's

    Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis is promising to end birthright citizenship, finish building the U.S.-Mexico border wall and send U.S. forces into Mexico to combat drug cartels. It's part of an aggressive and familiar plan to stop what DeSantis calls an “invasion” of illegal immigratio...

    DeSantis unveils an aggressive immigration and border security policy that largely mirrors Trump's
    4 Early vote count for Guatemala's presidential election indicates second round ahead

    Preliminary and partial results in Guatemala’s presidential election indicate the likelihood of a second round of voting and who the two candidates would be in the Aug. 20 runoff. About 98% percent of the votes were counted early Monday. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal reported that former first lady...

    Early vote count for Guatemala's presidential election indicates second round ahead
    0 Wagner mercenary leader issues defiant audio statement as uncertainty swirls after mutiny

    Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin has released the first audio statement since an aborted armed rebellion he staged on Saturday, defending the move as a reaction to an attack on his force that killed some 30 of his fighters. Prigozhin said the attack was to right an “injustice” in the 11-minute audio re...

    Wagner mercenary leader issues defiant audio statement as uncertainty swirls after mutiny
    Moderation / Rules of "news" community?
  • In the United States (at least) the whole point of a free press is to keep politicians in check. You can't separate the news from politics.

  • How to get subtitles even when they're not supported: a guide
  • Yeah their website super sucks for it. I have an Intel Mac and spent way too long trying to get it to work because everywhere I looked on their website it said it should work. Then I found an article that explained why it didn't work on mine.

  • How to get subtitles even when they're not supported: a guide
  • Some points of clarification.

    Zoom business accounts need to have subtitles enabled from the website interface in order to work.

    Live captions on a Mac only works on Macs that use Apple's chipset. Intel Macs do not have this option.

    Also, thanks for the Opensubtitles link, that will be useful.

  • Reddit alternative? Google introduces Perspectives, a search feed with results from humans
  • Well yeah, if they were truly going to follow the "don't be evil" motto they'd have to give up capitalism, which ain't gonna happen.

  • Advice on how to address lower back pain?
  • It really depends on the cause. For me the answer was flat shoes and a foam roller. But I know plenty of people who that didn't work for.

    I would definitely take an anti-inflammatory of some kind. Also, something heat is the answer, not ice, but again it depends.

  • Paramount+ cancels more shows
  • This is why I jump around. I'll keep something only long enough to watch what I want and the cancel and go else where.

  • AMC Canceled Screenings of an Anti-Trans Documentary After Backlash
  • AMC is one of the most profit centered companies around. If they think it will make money they will play it. The backlash was enough that they felt it would hit their bottom line so they decided not to play it.

  • Video update on Russia with context

    Beau of the Fifth Column talking about what's going on in Russia

    The first cultivated meat is approved for sale in the US
  • That's where my mind goes as well. I am more so talking about unforseen concerns. Don't get me wrong. As soon as it is widely available and affordable I will totoaly eat it, I just worry there might be something we are missing. It's kind of a human tradition.

  • The first cultivated meat is approved for sale in the US
  • Hopefully, while not being harmful.

  • ISPs say US should force Big Tech firms to pay for broadband construction
  • We need municipal and public utility broadband.

  • Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr have something in common and it's not good
  • Yes and technology has gotten a lot better too. The younger generation has had technology that more or less "just works." They didn't have to learn how to troubleshoot just to be able to use it as intended like previous generations have had to.

  • Discord, Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr have something in common and it's not good
  • The problem now is that these more recent platforms worked to make themselves harder to replace, so when it came time to replace them, there was more resistance.

    Things have become more centralized and people just want tech to work. So when things like the fediverse need patients while "stuff gets worked out" they are not used to it.

  • AnotherPerson Another Person

    Just Another Person on Beehaw

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