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Apple expected to enter AI race with ambitions to overtake the early leaders
  • They don’t, but with quantization and distillation, as well as fancy use of fast ssd storage (they published a paper on this exact topic last year), you can get a really decent model to work on device. People are already doing this with things like OpenHermes and Mistral (given, 7B models, but I could easily see Apple doubling ram and optimizing models with the research paper I mentioned above, and getting 40B models running entirely locally). If the start of the network is good, a 40B model could take care of a vast majority of user Siri queries without ever reaching out to the server.

    For what it’s worth, according to their wwdc note, they’re basically trying to do this.

  • Apple expected to enter AI race with ambitions to overtake the early leaders
  • Depends. If they get access to the code OpenAI is using, they could absolutely try to leapfrog them. They could also just be looking at ways to get near ChatGPT4 performance locally, on an iPhone. They’d need a lot of tricks, but succeeding there would be a pretty big win for Apple.

  • After mice drink raw H5N1 milk, bird flu virus riddles their organs
  • I think I’ve tried this before but will give it another shot, maybe I just got the regular one.

    I wonder too if there are genetic differences at play. Like folks that taste cilantro differently.

    Anyways if it’s 90% as good as milk then that’ll be good enough for me to switch haha, thanks!

  • After mice drink raw H5N1 milk, bird flu virus riddles their organs
  • Please give me recommendations of oat milk that tastes good. I’ve been desperately looking and/or hoping for bacterial production to kick off to make it more environmentally sustainable, but I haven’t found anything that tastes remotely as good (on its own or in a latte). I drink ultrafiltered milk for what it’s worth, usually 2% so I don’t need the creamy aspect, I just like the flavor.

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  • Absolutely. But if we can flip Texas from right and alt right to centrist then we may actually get progressive candidates in other areas (and frankly, if we flip Texas blue we will see a shift in policies from republicans to the left). And, perhaps by some miracle, we can get star or ranked choice voting, but that absolutely won’t happen while republicans are in control here.

    Here’s to a better Texas (lifts shiner [but prefers one of the many smaller microbrews here])

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  • That wasn’t my immediate assumption. That was a conclusion drawn after you repeatedly stated that democrats were moving right and basically did nothing good. Which is fine, and I probably shouldn’t have assumed how you would vote, though given the environment these days it wasn’t too audacious of an assumption.

    By all means critique. But also please vote for the furthest left candidate that can win in every election you can vote in. Especially in Texas. This place needs so much damn help, and the Republican leadership definitely isn’t going to help (unless you’re ridiculously wealthy or own a large company). And get others to vote as well, because the only thing that will change Texas is to change the elected officials in charge.

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  • I can post articles as well. administration repealed the Clean,and proposed reversals of environmental

    Note that repeals of policies means someone had to have passed it originally. Guess who passed net neutrality originally? Guess who passed the clean water rule? Guess who passed affordable care act? Oh, it seems democrats actually do move us left.

    I also live in Texas, a state controlled by Republican interests for the past 20 years. Let’s look instead at locations where a state flipped blue. Just by one example, Michigan then passed a statewide constitutional amendment protecting abortion. You may be upset that we have to get statewide protections passed, but we only have to do that because Republican judges went against some 50 odd years of precedent to force it. So democrats are actually enshrining the very thing that Republicans took away.

    Look, you can troll all day and pretend that Democrats are just as bad as republicans, but that’s absolutely wrong on so many issues, and frankly I’m going to exercise my right to vote for the party that will protect the things I want protected and move us further left.

    Like logically, you should vote for the furthest left candidate that can actually win the election at every level. Anything less than that and you’re contributing to moving the country to the right. Reap what you sow and what not…

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  • That’s not true at all. Biden specifically has protected more public spaces and land, while Trump specifically attempted to lease / sell / make available more of it to corporate interests. Net neutrality is being restored after it was rolled back under Ajit Pai. We can be frustrated democrats don’t do enough, or aren’t further left, but to say they keep the status quo at the regressive place republicans want to take us is demonstrably wrong. So while maybe they won’t expand affordable care beyond where it currently is, they’ll at least keep it where it is and restore it if possible. If they won’t add new parks, they at least protect the ones we have and cancel corporate interest on existing ones. If they won’t raise the taxes heavily on the rich (which is where I think they’re most guilty of “status quo”), they at least won’t give them trillions in tax breaks like Trump did.

  • Reminder...
  • It doesn’t lead us to the same place but slower, at least not everywhere. One party has rolled back abortion protections, equal rights protections, bans books, and a host of other regressive policies. Democrats didn’t do that. Democrats might keep status quo, but the Republican agenda is literally to move us backwards to a worse place (though if they wanna move us back to when the highest marginal tax rate was 90% I could be onboard with that part at least).

  • The richest Dutch pay 28% tax while the rest pay 40% or more
  • Yeah, I think in general people come up with veiled reasons for lower taxes but fundamentally it’s just because they don’t want to pay taxes at all.

    I like taxes. I like having roads (though I want more public transportation), I like having firefighters and public parks and protected green spaces and…

  • The richest Dutch pay 28% tax while the rest pay 40% or more
  • Well they’d argue that the money they put in is taxed, presumably because it was income and subject to income tax. So any income used to assess tax, they’d argue is taxed.

    I’d just argue any income (including from capital gains) should be taxed according to your wealth. I don’t care if it has already been assessed for tax. If it’s income, and you already have excessive wealth, you should be paying a hefty tax. The point of taxes is redistribution of wealth and communal improvement (eg infrastructure) so I really don’t care if something is taxed once twice or more times, I care that wealth is taxed and used for public good.

  • The richest Dutch pay 28% tax while the rest pay 40% or more
  • So the real / original answer to this was the idea that we should avoid double taxation. If you were taxed on income already, and then invested that income which is now post tax, that capital gains then should be less taxed (or some argue not taxed) because you already paid taxes on it.

    I’m of the opinion that I think taxes should be based on any income you make, based on the wealth you have. Source of income for the wealthiest should be irrelevant (and yes this includes in my mind realizing gains from stocks by borrowing against them).

  • Disaster recovery with ZFS and zrepl
  • Reading the article I’m not sure why I should t use ZFS on a boot drive. The author does, and was able to set up a nice incremental (encrypted) backup solution that was able to get them back up and running relatively quickly.

    Only thing I can think is the manual nature of it maybe? I don’t see how btrfs would be better here based on the article unless I missed something perhaps?

  • Elon Musk axed the entire Tesla Supercharger team after their division chief defied orders and said no to more layoffs
  • Agreed but a lot of charging networks really could hire some talent out of Tesla just to work on their UI and other uptime measures. Even if they don’t deploy more stations, just getting their existing stations running well would be such a coup. Once folks have the reliability of Tesla chargers at all other chargers, it’s really quite impressive how many chargers we have already.

  • Elon Musk axed the entire Tesla Supercharger team after their division chief defied orders and said no to more layoffs
  • Man if I were a competing EV company or charging network, now would be a really good time to get some of the best talent there is. The supercharger network is objectively good, and now the people who actually made it good are imminently hireable.

    Man sometimes I wish I could be as box of rocks stupid as musk and still make money.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Really feels like Israel is trying to do the old Russian misinformation game even on Lemmy these days to try and suppress blue votes on a single wedge issue because they know it’s the only way to get Trump elected and get more guns and bombs than they’re already getting, and they wouldn’t get pushback at all for Rafah or any warnings of any sort, just a blank check for wanton genocide.

    Like I don’t like what’s happening in Palestine, but I don’t want to make it worse by pretending a non vote would somehow help them. Helping them would be ensuring that the party least likely to enable Israel the most is elected. That’s Joe Biden. Some people have ridiculous nicknames for him but my god wait until they make this look like restraint if Trump gets elected. Palestine would cease to exist almost immediately and Israel will de facto annex it, like Russia is trying to do in Ukraine.

    So really you can vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians or you can not vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians. Personally I’m gonna vote to minimize the pain and suffering of Palestinians, and also support the environment (again not to the degree I desire), and support abortion access, and trans rights, and taxes for the wealthiest Americans, and, the list goes on, but yeah, I’m gonna vote for Joe Biden.

  • When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something
  • Well fortunately the joint chiefs of staff understand their oath is to the constitution. They wouldn’t have helped on Jan 6 and they absolutely won’t help an agitator try a coup on the dutifully elected president of the United States.

    Cops are another story but highly doubt they’d try to stand up to the national guard let alone the military.

  • Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail
  • I mean you can model a neuronal activation numerically, and in that sense human brains are remarkably similar to hyper dimensional spatial computing devices. They’re arguably higher dimensional since they don’t just integrate over strength of input but physical space and time as well.

  • Creality K1 Intermittent Buzzing Streamable Video

    Watch this video on Streamable.

    Streamable Video

    TLDR: is the buzzing in linked video normal / okay / expected? If not, is there a way to fix it?

    I’ve just been putting my Creality K1 through it’s paces, and after using up all the hyper PLA that came with the unit, started printing some inland black basic PLA. Since then, I’ve noticed some buzzing sounds on either pure x axis or pure y axis moves. Video attached showcasing it. It doesn’t seem to create any buzzing on infill moves or perimeters that have a radius. Any straight lines though seem to cause the buzzing. Prints seem okay (though inout shaper seems off for sure looking at corners). I don’t remember it happening with the hyper PLA which I printed at the same speed (I am printing the black inland at higher temp to compensate for reduced flow).

    Thanks for any help or feedback! Enjoying the community on Lemmy here so far :)

    Creality K1 Tramming -- Loosen Z Screw and Tune?

    My Creality K1 bed is actually in pretty good shape (max deviation of 0.7mm left to right, 0.1mm back to front), but I recognize that many folks might have beds that are off as much as 1.5 or more mm. The K1 has 3 lead screws, but not proper 3 point leveling (maybe someone will create a daughter board and a 3 point conversion kit in the future, after Creality open sources their firmware for the K1 series -- anyone out there that does this, I'd probably throw some small amount of money at you).

    As far as I understand it, there are currently two methods to properly tram your bed:

    1. Follow the creality way, which is essentially immobilize the bed with shipping screws and retension the belt that synchronizes the 3 Z screws. To do this, you must turn the printer on it's side, remove the bottom panel, and fight the tensioner. Reports are mixed luck doing this.

    2. Skip teeth. You still have to do the bottom removal, but instead of completely removing the belt and detensioning, you slip the teeth on the belt drive (I think this is something like 0.4mm for each slipped tooth). There is less information about this, but there's a video in Chinese showing someone doing it. Perhaps a more helpful guide would democratize this more, and it might have more success than 1?

    My question is: there are grub screws on the 3 lead screws, on the top side, accessible from the printer cabinet -- would it be possible to loosen the grub screws, so the z rod in that position spins freely, turn that z rod just slightly, then reseat the grub screw? That would seem a lot easier to relevel the bed, than doing either of the above procedures. Am I missing something?

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