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Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • Will any pressure below 1 bar work at all? Wont it just suck the air in instead?

  • Switch from Ubuntu to something immutable?
  • no, a container is not a virtual machine. Containers, unlike virtual machines, uses the same kernel as host system. That means you cannot spin up a windows container on linux because windows uses NT kernel and linux uses linux kernel. What containers like that will in fact do is allow you to get applications from different distros as if you were running that distro.

    For your use case (windows xp game emulation) there are two options. A virtual machine or using wine. My suggestion is to try first "bottles" and then VM

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?
  • was kicked in the head like this once. Flew a meter into the wall

  • Deduplication tool
  • What do you mean that a file deduplication will take forever if there are duplicated directories? That the scan will take forever or that manual confirmation will take forever?

  • Deduplication tool
  • That sounds doable. I would however not trust my self to code something bug free on the first go xD

  • Deduplication tool
  • This will indeed save space but I don't want links either. I unique files

  • Deduplication tool
  • I had multiple systems which at some point were syncing with syncthing but over time I stopped using my desktop computer and syncthing service got unmaintained. I've had to remove the ssd of the old desktop so I yoinked the home directory and saved it into my laptop. As you can probably tell, a lot of stuff got duplicated and a lot of stuff got diverged over time. My idea is that I would merge everything into my laptops home directory, and rather then look at the diverged files manually as it would be less work. I don't think doing a backup with all my redundant files will be a good idea as the initial backup will include other backups and a lot of duplicated files.

  • Deduplication tool
  • I did not ask for a backup solution, but for a deduplication tool

  • Deduplication tool

    I'm in the process of starting a proper backup solution however over the years I've had a few copy-paste home directory from different systems as a quick and dirty solution. Now I have to pay my technical debt and remove the duplicates. I'm looking for a deduplication tool.

    • accept a destination directory
    • source locations should be deleted after the operation
    • if files content is the same then delete the redundant copy
    • if files content is different, move and change the name to avoid name collision I tried doing it in nautilus but it does not look at the files content, only the file name. Eg if two photos have the same content but different name then it will also create a redundant copy.

    Edit: Some comments suggested using btrfs' feature duperemove. This will replace the same file content with points to the same location. This is not what I intend, I intend to remove the redundant files completely.

    Edit 2: Another quite cool solution is to use hardlinks. It will replace all occurances of the same data with a hardlink. Then the redundant directories can be traversed and whatever is a link can be deleted. The remaining files will be unique. I'm not going for this myself as I don't trust my self to write a bug free implementation.

    NEW 2024 Framework Laptop 13 (Intel Core Ultra Series 1)
  • The exiting part will be if they launch a passive cooled arm based laptop.

  • Any suggestions for cheap but decent laptops for coding?
  • If you can get a metal body laptop, I would suggest you do. Metal chassis with Linux will last a long while. Programming will not take much resources (and if it does, rewrite your code). Since you're into light programming like python any distro would be fine. It feels like the community has somewhat agreed to suggest Linux Mint to new users so I'll support that.

  • Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?
  • This is what I think one need to do to test if that would work

    • get latest ubuntu live cd
    • install bottles
    • run label printer installer for windows in bottles
    • check if the program runs at all

    If the device is a COM device in windows then I think it should just work out of the box. If not, then the entire device needs to be forwarded using udev rules to wine. Let me know if you want to attempt this :)

  • Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?
  • This sounds interesting. What the hell is RevOS? What kind of label maker is that? Does it have a name? Do you know what kind of cable it's using to communicate with the pc?

  • Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?
  • If you want yet another promotion you know what to do next

  • Hey Battery, are you OK? You've been saying 0% for 15 min now.
  • I've not worked with batteries but I would assume there are two pins for voltage and ground, one temperature probe pin and or two pins for serial communication (probably I²C). If batteries would have had some sort complex handshake then it would have needed a corresponding UEFI patch so that system is able to refuse booting if the power level is too low. That's why I assume there would be no handshake (unless it's apple ofc).

  • How to change password in Ubuntu
  • Yeah true, though it's dealt with already. Time to put the lid back on that can.

  • Hey Battery, are you OK? You've been saying 0% for 15 min now.
  • How is it that one cannot purchase a bunch of flat rectangular batteries and just put them inside the laptop (wherever they fit) and connect them manually to some custom charge controller? We do it all the time on other devices like drones and shit. We have generic round cylindrical batteries, why isn't there flat generic Li batteries?

  • How to change password in Ubuntu
  • hahaha It actually did, I found out shortly after initially posting this. I'm constantly reminded that I haven't learned reading yet (documentation, datasheets, terminal output etc...)

  • How to change password in Ubuntu
  • I usually try to avoid bad habits like this but this time it was justified.

    The Ubuntu laptop had to connect to company vpn. It were using openconnect-network-manager-gnome thingy to do that. Recently the company upgraded their vpn software which is sorta incompatible with openconnect and requires a modified user agent string for it to prompt for 2FA keys. package in ubuntu 22.04 is too old to modify that in the gui. I tried in the terminal manually, editing the config manually with vim and even dumping the config from my personal Arch laptop. We also tried proprietary Cisco AnyConnect but there is probably a server misconfiguration which causes the connection to drop and reconnect once a minute. In Ubuntu 24.04 it works given the user agent modification, and even though it was released a couple of weeks ago, LTS users don't get the update before mid August. So the easiest solution was to take the software compile it in the VM and use it there. It's a temporary solution but we had to have something working by the next morning. With such setup it's an annoyance to have password prompts show up. On top of that the keyboard is kinda fucked and some characters register multiple times making the situation with passwords even worse.

    If you have a good idea what I could have tried let me know, love to hear new ideas.

  • How to change password in Ubuntu

    I've run passwd and sudo su; passwd to change password for root and my account. Password is set correctly when using sudo and su but whenever I get prompted by pkexec it accepts only the old password. I've rebooted my system to make sure it was not an issue.

    Edit: Solved Turns out the password were changed for root account but not my user account. I think the reason is that there are no password quality requirements on root accounts, but there are on the default account in ubuntu. Changing the password from root account passwd user worked fine.

    Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD
  • what? shouldn't blocked domains be routed to instead of loopback? This might cause the system generally to wait for a response instead of instantly realizing those domains don't exists

  • Cooperation on Simulink project

    Hi, what do you use to cooperate on simulink projects? I tried using git on GitHub at first but the issue is that GitHub has a size limitation on blobs. It suggested to use git-lfs however that filled the storage space up almost instantly. is there any other solutions you've found useful?

    squad 6.0

    has anyone had any success with squad 6.0 yet?

    independent workspace switching

    I'm looking for an extension that makes the workspace on multi monitor setup independent. Right now If I switch workspace on my laptop it changes on the big screen as well.

    [unsolved] btrfs corruption?

    In my dmesg logs I get following errors a lot: [232671.710741] BTRFS warning (device nvme0n1p2): csum failed root 257 ino 2496314 off 946159616 csum 0xb7eb9798 expected csum 0x3803f9f6 mirror 1 [232671.710746] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1p2): bdev /dev/nvme0n1p2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 19297, gen 0 [232673.984324] BTRFS warning (device nvme0n1p2): csum failed root 257 ino 2496314 off 946159616 csum 0xb7eb9798 expected csum 0x3803f9f6 mirror 1 [232673.984329] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1p2): bdev /dev/nvme0n1p2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 19298, gen 0 [232673.988851] BTRFS warning (device nvme0n1p2): csum failed root 257 ino 2496314 off 946159616 csum 0xb7eb9798 expected csum 0x3803f9f6 mirror 1 I've run btrfs scrub start -Bd /home as described here. The report afterwards claim everything is fine. btrfs scrub status /home UUID: 145c0d63-05f8-43a2-934b-7583cb5f6100 Scrub started: Fri Aug 4 11:35:19 2023 Status: finished Duration: 0:07:49 Total to scrub: 480.21GiB Rate: 1.02GiB/s Error summary: no errors found

    What do you look out for when you purchase wifi cards?

    What properties that affect the range, speed and features should a consumer be looking out for?

    Reset flash drive

    I've been messing with my flash drives trying to follow some random documentation with dd and now both of my flash drives are reporting 0 bytes of free space. I was trying to clear out everything and start from scratch as if they were new. I wonder if there are any program out there that can just sudo reset-everything /dev/sdX

    tui programs over ssh dimension mismatch

    I'm experiencing an issue with commands that provide a tui interface like journalctl, systemctl and vim. It feels like terminal dimensions are not matching up somehow. And this issue is present only some times. On host I'm using Black Box and I tile my windows using pop os tiler. I'm also frequently scaling the font with ctrl + and ctrl - shortcuts. Remote sshd host is running Debian variables $LINES and $COLUMNS are set. bashrc files are in their default state.

    How is this supposed to work? Isn't my terminal client sending new $LINES and $COLUMNS each time there is a change?

    searchengines Agility0971
    customizable search engines

    Do you know about a private customizable search engine? I would like to hint the search engine about what search results I like without specifying them on every single query.

    For instance when need to search up some programming documentation almost always there are some blogs in the search results meanwhile I'm always looking for the official documentation. I want to go to settings and specify something like ```

    • official documentation
    • blog and every single time I search something up I get less noise. Also being able to block some domains like ``` would also be nice. In case I get annoyed by some domain that have a lot of ads and information at the very bottom.
    Gnome app for converting screen recordings into gifs

    Do you know about any gnome apps that can be used on screen recording (.webm) to gif so they can be uploaded here on lemmy?

    Edit: found Footage. For some reason it was not listed on Gnome Apps

    How to find functions in documentation

    I'm using NvChad and in ~/.config/nvim/lua/core/mappings.lua there is a keybinding for LSP code action: lua ["<leader>ca"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.code_action() -- TODO: write buffer to file end, "LSP code action", }, this keybinding applies the code action, but does not write to file. I want to write changes to file as soon as I've applied the code action.

    How can I use the documentation at to find the correct function? I've tried looking for a write() function but I could not find anything I can call from lua.

    Bash script analysis

    I wonder is there any program that can take a bash script as input and print out all bash commands it will run? A program that would unroll loops, expand environment variables and generally not perform any destructive action nor call any external binaries. It's like a dry run of sorts.

    network manager service name

    Who thought it was a good idea to use pascal case naming convention for network manager NetworkManager.service while all remaining services in existence uses kebab case? It should be network-manager.service.

    Agility0971 Agility0971
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