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A happy computer is a productive computer.
  • for those in the know, what actually was that? not the prop, in the show I mean

  • bro pls
  • Mfw this pipe dream costs 22 billion and we just gave Israel 105 billion to keep genociding

  • Got to find a leftiest place.
  • Not agreeing with the system of having nations is one thing, but you can’t just not believe they’re there

  • Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy, Without Congress
  • He really does think this is his holy mission to bring about the yadda yadda biblical prophecy huh?

  • 2023 UN Vote to End Cuban Embargo 187-2-1
  • I mean even Australia and Canada voted against them, its truly embarrassing

  • 2023 UN Vote to End Cuban Embargo 187-2-1
  • I can't post there because Im too communist

  • 2023 UN Vote to End Cuban Embargo 187-2-1
  • someone post this to lol

  • 2023 UN Vote to End Cuban Embargo 187-2-1

    image source

    In case you were curious, this happens every year and its been overwhelmingly in favor since before I was fucking born


    the US and its most loyal Dogs vs the rest of humanity (except this time even its lackeys voted against it except the most depraved and desperate)

    From the River to the Sea!

    A good fantasy book? you know, wizards, dragons, princesses, that kind of stuff
  • Discword

    Discworld is so fun, start with book 4 7 or 11 or 13 to get a feel for the strength of the story (and read one of the best ones), but really its pretty fun from the start if rough because the author is figuring out how to be an author still a bit

    11 is probably my favorite, but you should read 4 and then 11 because they're connected.

    edit: damn I should read the whole post first...

  • I hate everything about this

    I was listening to the scrubs rewatch podcast when I learned that Zach Braff's middle name is israel, and I knew he was jewish, he talks about it a lot- but I realized I had to check. When I googled his name + palestine this is what I found, and its just chock full of nightmares

    tbh Braff's quote in here is very lukewarm, hes basically a detached rich guy being like "hey the vibe here is pretty nice" not "We must secure a future for our children" please let me know if he's out there saying worse rn

    I mean fucks sake, here's biden's quote, in case anyone had any doubt !

    I just wanted to make sure I wasn't listening to a genocidal freak not gaze into an abyss

    Palestine-Israel Crisis Megathread
  • Israel is doing a genocide, the us and its puppets are funding or arming the genociders, and Europe is banning protests of the genocide.

    Western capitalist hegemony is a fascistic death cult that will destroy us all unless we destroy it first, and every day we don’t millions are condemned to horrific deaths

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • Im imagining any russian person who sees this comment just smiling smugly

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You don’t give a fuck about the wrongdoings of any country but the ones you were told are “enemies”

    Cops in the US murder thousands of people every year, bet you don’t even spare a thought for it, is my point

    State violence only bad when it’s not my state

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Americans call the Boston massacre and only 6 people died, just saying that on the level of supposedly horrific state violence that should never be forgotten, so you have any idea how many massacres of the same and larger scale the United States has perpetrated just in the last 30 years?

  • ‘We Cannot Win’ Says Top Russian Commander
  • is that the 'newspaper' that invented the ghost of kyiv?

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Asking someone WHO IS LYING, "why are you lying" is GOADING or MOCKING?

    What an unreal thing to say, are you kidding me?

    wild, wild thing to say

  • anti_cishet_aktion AOCapitulator [they/them]
    What are these pride flags?

    Just did a ranking chart of all the flags with some friends as a laugh, there were like 100, and some of them were wild and impossible to find information about, any of you know what these are?

    What are these pride flags?

    Just did a ranking chart of all the flags with some friends as a laugh, there were like 100, and some of them were wild and impossible to find information about, any of you know what these are?

    AOCapitulator AOCapitulator [they/them]

    I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste

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