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What's an experience that is unique to your country of residence?
  • I can tell if you're Catholic or Protestant by the way you pronounce the letter H.

  • Weirdo gives $4000 to charity so he can smash cheap guitar signed by Taylor Swift
  • This is just sad. He could have given it to a kid on a cancer ward who loves Taylor Swift. He probably has grandkids who love her music, they could have had it. He surely has kids in his neighbourhood who love her music, could have donated it to a youth music group or something. But this is what he chooses to do with it. To impress a man who still doesn't know how to apply foundation after 50+ years of using it, apparently just rolling his face across a tableful of it each morning like he's fingerprinting his head.

    If Trump doesn't even so much as 'truth' about this, I think this silly fuck is gonna feel genuine grief. He's probably expecting a phone call, or even a meeting & photo op next time Trump's in town. "I spent 4 grand to do this, surely he'll notice me!"

    Sad, sad, sad.

  • Jazz hands
  • I believed this was real until I searched for it 😂 To be fair to my own credulity, Plutonium Jazz would not be the most insane thing people did with radioactive materials back then. The "medicines" alone make Plutonium Jazz sound pretty tame.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse texts pledging to ‘murder’ shoplifters disillusion his ex-spokesperson
  • The prosecution team was 100% to blame for this little shit not getting what he deserved. I hope the litigants in the civil suit do a better job, but to be honest, they barely even need to try. Even I could put on a suit and walk in off the street and convince the jury of his liability in those killings. And that's just using the evidence we had back in 2020. With these text messages, I could call it in over Zoom while driving around delivering pizzas for 40 minutes.

  • When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less?
  • Thank you, really interesting!

    On a side note, I always through Stack Exchange was just for computery stuff. Didn't know it covered everything!

  • Lifeprotip
  • This is why I keep my front door key in my foreskin. Either I evade the pickpocket, or I make a new friend. I cannot lose.

    As a younger man, I was able to unlock the door hands-free. These days, I need to fish the key out of my floppy beige KKK hood like a sock trapped in a duvet cover on laundry day.

  • Which are lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing?
  • Known to horror aficionados, but not to general movie watchers: Lake Mungo (2008)

    I highly recommend you don't read up on it. Besides the fact that the film just works so much better when you come to it fresh, most reviews - both in print and YouTube videos - spoil pivotal scenes, including in the artwork they choose to use as a thumbnail/heading. Just watch it. Even if the horror doesn't work for you (many people report being bored by the film), it's still a great film with surprising depth and heart. It's worth checking off your list for sure.

    The basics: It's a mockumentary set in Australia, made by a director/writer who hasn't done anything before or since, featuring actors who probably aren't known to you, even if you're an Aussie. Much of the dialogue is improvised, so it feels very real and natural.

    Try to watch it alone, in the dark, with no distractions (turn off your phone). This will help maximise your chances of being one of the lucky people the film has managed to scare in a profound way. I'm one of those lucky people, I'm happy to say!

  • The perpetual battle against pore-juice
  • What happened to my precious meme? 😭

  • Pyramid construction
  • What I find most difficult to grasp about this theory is that a pyramid made of blocks is hardly the sort of "aliens was here" construction one would expect from a race of creatures that had the technology to travel between star systems, presumably faster than the speed of light, or at least utilising wormholes or something. Like, how about you give us some of that new physics and maybe sans the goofy-ass ordered piles of rubble that serve no purpose and teach us fuck-all?

  • When you don't trust Facebook because of THEM, your car is your Facebook.
  • The reason the sun sets is it takes so much energy to run that they have to switch to a much dimmer "moon" at night to give themselves enough time to recharge the battery enough for the next day's light. It's solar-powered, so of course they need to ensure it's not running at max brightness in order to get the most gains.

  • Dozens from UK take up Putin’s offer to ditch ‘woke’ West and move to Russia
  • You can laugh, but the drywall installers of the UK ain't laughing. Patching up the headbutt dents in the homes of these angry potatoes is their bread and butter.

  • Just heartbreaking
  • 😭 the only thing worse than an animal going extinct, is being the last member of the species who still has a life left to live. Jesus, that's some profoundly, cosmically depressing shit. And I'm not sure if it's better or worse for the animal to be aware that it's the last of its kind. Fruitlessly calling for a mate, or knowing there's no point bothering.

  • Important information
  • You just use two forks, with the prongs on one fork filling in the slots of the other. They call this practice 'spooking'.

  • Harris holds 67-point lead over Trump among LGBTQ voters: Poll
  • Imagine being any of those initials and thinking Trump is your guy. Not just Trump, but Vance, MTG, Mike Johnson, and the rest of those creepy juiceless cunts, at least 80% of whom are self-hating and in the closet while simultaneously gutting hard-won protections for LGBTQ+ people and convincing their voters you're all paedophiles and groomers. Will there be much room for being non-straight in a post-Project 2025 America?

    May the leopards take their sweet time with you cretinous sellouts. Your preferred conservative tax policy isn't gonna deflect the bigots' bullets when Christofascists are in power, and your votes for these evil bastards essentially represent the bullets you're buying and earmarking for your fellow non-straights. Hence, excruciating leopard deaths all around 🖕

  • Would it be legal to crowdfund a licensed private detective to investigate a public figure and publish their results publicly?

    This started in my head as a plot device in a story, but I was wondering if it'd actually fly in the real world.

    There are many public figures who almost certainly have closets which are positively creaking to bursting point with skeletons. Politicians, especially. Can you hire a private detective to investigate someone without having a clear goal in mind? Like, just "investigate until the money runs out" kinda thing, in the hopes that eventually something incriminating or reputationally hazardous is found?

    Is this legal? If so, who should we send the P.I.s after first? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    It would be interesting to see how certain people would behave if they simply heard we were planning this. Like, would JD Vance suddenly start burning shit in a barrel in his backyard if he heard about the army of P.I.s we've paid to look into him? We could make that the scheme: go through the motions of crowdfunding an investigation, but the real P.I. will be watching the named individuals and seeing what they do in response to the threat 👀

    Candace Owens suspended from YouTube after Kanye West interview
  • Candace just might be the dumbest member of the rogues' gallery of dumb right-wing chancers that pollute our culture. A genuine imbecile. Makes Dave Rubin seem 50% less cretinous just by being in the same room as him.

    I can understand being locked into a worldview that doesn't make sense or is immoral, people are weird and easily led. However, if you think Candace Owens is smart and worth following, there's really no hope for you. You're basically a Tamagotchi with IBS.

  • JD Vance
  • So this is surely enough grounds to sue, if not criminally prosecute, this cunt.

  • Trump Wants to Hire 'Free Spirit' Laura Loomer. MAGA Allies Think She's Nuts
  • There's nothing "free" about being a racist and an <insert minority>-phobe. It's a day in, day out non-stop nightmare. Anxiety and desperation are the only emotions she's capable of experiencing. Everything she says and does in her life is fuelled by terror. And it's all of her own making. So not only is she a bigot, she's too stupid to have the depth of character necessary to recognise that it's all based on nothing.

  • Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • I hope this judgement helps Imane Khelif with her lawsuit(s).

  • What old-style forums do you still frequent? Any you'd recommend?

    I enjoy the way forums work and how they're laid out. I also love how useful they are, especially when so many companies are replacing their entire communities with a Discord channel, which is less than ideal. I only use a few forums, but I'd like to find some more to browse through, it doesn't matter the topic!

    My wee list:

    • TIGSource Forums - Video game developers big and small post here, there's even a section for showcasing work-in-progress projects which is really cool.
    • The Metal Archives Forums - The main site is pretty much the gold standard for metal music cataloguing. The forums are obviously about the metal genre, too.
    • Cook'd and Bomb'd - This is a comedy aficionado forum. It's about all comedy, but it originally focused on the work of Chris Morris (Brass Eye, The Day Today).

    EDIT: "Meal" to "metal" 🤦‍

    With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result?

    If it is, I assume it's measured in thousandths of a gram or something, but are we all nevertheless a wee bit heavier than we ought to be?

    People were quicker to violence in the Wild West days because everyone was struggling with the effects of cumulative CTE brought on by brain-rattling horse-based transport on roadless surfaces

    A single mildly bumpy ride won't turn you into an NFL domestic abuser, but over the course of 20+ years? And if you were on horses or in rickety carts from the time you were a squishy infant? Boom, curdled grey matter.

    No horses = no war, no murder, just pure enlightenment and peace on Earth.

    Beware the horse 👀

    The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim?

    The theory, which I probably misunderstand because I have a similar level of education to a macaque, states that because a simulated world would eventually develop to the point where it creates its own simulations, it's then just a matter of probability that we are in a simulation. That is, if there's one real world, and a zillion simulated ones, it's more likely that we're in a simulated world. That's probably an oversimplification, but it's the gist I got from listening to people talk about the theory.

    But if the real world sets up a simulated world which more or less perfectly simulates itself, the processing required to create a mirror sim-within-a-sim would need at least twice that much power/resources, no? How could the infinitely recursive simulations even begin to be set up unless more and more hardware is constantly being added by the real meat people to its initial simulation? It would be like that cartoon (or was it a silent movie?) of a guy laying down train track struts while sitting on the cowcatcher of a moving train. Except in this case the train would be moving at close to the speed of light.

    Doesn't this fact alone disprove the entire hypothesis? If I set up a 1:1 simulation of our universe, then just sit back and watch, any attempts by my simulant people to create something that would exhaust all of my hardware would just... not work? Blue screen? Crash the system? Crunching the numbers of a 1:1 sim within a 1:1 sim would not be physically possible for a processor that can just about handle the first simulation. The simulation's own simulated processors would still need to have their processing done by Meat World, you're essentially just passing the CPU-buck backwards like it's a rugby ball until it lands in the lap of the real world.

    And this is just if the simulated people create ONE simulation. If 10 people in that one world decide to set up similar simulations simultaneously, the hardware for the entire sim realty would be toast overnight.

    What am I not getting about this?


    Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing?

    Wouldn't it cut down on search queries (and thus save resources) if I could search for "this is my phrase" rather than rawdogging it as an unbound series of words, each of which seems to be pulling up results unconnected to the other words in the phrase?

    There are only 2 reasons I can think of why a website's search engine lacks this incredibly basic functionality:

    1. The site wants you to spend more time there, seeing more ads and padding out their engagement stats.
    2. They're just too stupid to know that these sorts of bare-bones search engines are close to useless, or they just don't think it's worth the effort. Apathetic incompetence, basically.

    Is there a sound financial or programmatic reason for running a search engine which has all the intelligence of a turnip?


    EDIT: I should have been a bit more specific: I'm mainly talking about search engines within websites (rather than DDG or Google). One good example is BitTorrent sites; they rarely let you define exact phrases. Most shopping websites, even the behemoth Amazon, don't seem to respect quotation marks around phrases.

    When a magazine goes out of print and/or out of business, do the original 'master files' for each issue still exist somewhere?

    Thinking about the gaming magazines I used to read as a kid in the '90s. Some of them have found their way online thanks to preservationist efforts, but most are seemingly gone forever. (I'm talking about the particular magazine I read as a kid, many others have complete or near-complete collections available online in the form of scanned hardcopies.)

    Do the publishing houses keep a digital copy of every magazine they release? If so, why don't they release them? They could probably charge a fee to download them, like other digital magazines do, but of course it'd be great if they just shared them for free for historical purposes on the Internet Archive or something.

    It would be an insanely short-sighted practice to not keep masters of these publications forever, no? 🤔 The raw files probably take up a few CDs' worth of space for the entire run of the magazine. Big assumptions on my part, I have no clue how any of it is done!


    1. Do they retain the files forever?
    2. If so, why might they not be shared 20 or 30 years later?


    What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use?

    [-ish] Ireland, Scotland = Irish, Scottish

    [-an] Morocco, Germany = Moroccan, German

    [-ese] Portugal, China = Portuguese, Chinese

    What rule is at play here? 🤔


    Katherine Knight: An Australian woman who, in 2000, murdered, skinned, dismembered and cooked her husband, and attempted to feed him to his adult sons

    She was the first woman in Australia to be given a life sentence without any possibility of parole.

    (Edited to add the link. I did add it originally, but I guess it doesn't post it if you also write in the body of the post? 🤷‍)

    Natalia Grace: Inspired by the plot of the 2009 horror film Orphan, Natalia's adoptive parents legally changed her real age so she would become an "adult", at which point they promptly abandoned her

    Natalia was born in Ukraine in 2003, and was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism. More or less immediately, she was given up for adoption.

    Adopted by a couple in the US, they facetiously but legally changed her birth year to 1989 with a view to skirting child abandonment laws. Her real age - the age she actually was when they adopted her - was confirmed by DNA testing, as well as contemporaneous documentation in Ukraine.

    After seeing Orphan, a horror film in which an adopted child is actually a crazy adult with a rare genetic condition that makes her look like a kid, they hatched the idea of fudging the documentation like in the movie - except in reverse. In the film, the character changes her documentation to make herself seem younger than she is. With Natalia, they needed her to be an adult.

    They moved her into her own apartment (an 8 or 9-year-old at this point), then quietly snuck off to Canada along with their biological children.

    And the evil cunts got away with it. They lied about her, saying she was threatening to kill everyone and was a sociopath (again, taking their cues from the horror film). A fucking 8-year-old dwarf was gonna kill them all, they said.

    Truly repugnant people.

    Can a judge sue a defendant for slander/libel?

    If a judge is called 'corrupt' by a defendant outside court in front of the media, or if something more unambiguously libelous is said, can the judge sue the defendant?

    Is there a name for this sort of object? I need something like this, but don't know what to type into the webs

    I'm going to convert my computer chair from pneumatic to static. I'm currently using plastic clasps that are held on with jubilee clips, but they're not great and need replaced (I'm a heavy lad). A sturdy metal version would be better.

    I'm assuming the plumbing world would have something like this, but the language of the plumber is arcane and inaccessible to regular goombas like me. What do I type into the search box?


    Is there a standard/preferred list order for non-alphanumeric characters?

    Alphanumerical lists are sortable by alphabet and number, obviously, but if you have a list where each entry begins with a different punctuation mark (or any other kind of non-alphanumeric character), is there a similar standardised ordering method for them?

    I imagine, for example, that a comma will come before whatever this is: ¦

    I just tested an A-Z sort in Google Sheets where each cell was a different punctuation mark, and it seemed to rearrange what I'd entered into some sort of order, but is this order shared universally? Is there a global Unicode-compliant ordering method everyone uses?


    for a grand total of 3-and-a-half minutes of the sounds of an electrified salmon being recorded over a landline

    Really ought'a be illegal to have filler tracks, especially from a band who delivers one new album for every third Pope. Fuckin' heartbreaking.

    EDIT: I suck at memeing, so I have to explain: I was talking about the promise of X-number of tracks on an upcoming album, only to get the album and discover that that number is significantly lower when you skip the fizzing and crackling filler tracks. I know the length of the album as a whole is "album length", because the individual songs are often very long, but it still feels like I've been tricked. And I don't wish to deny the band their right to artistically express themselves through buzzes, zips and whizzes 👍

    How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping?

    How do you sanitise the area to prevent infection? If you get surgery on the rusty sheriff's badge, how does it not get infected the next time you lay an otter egg? Do they connect a colostomy bag in that case, to give it time to heal?

    You can get a lethal infection from a paper cut if the right (see: wrong) bacteria get into it. Short of piledriving a snooker cue coated with hand sanitiser, I don't know how a filthy corridor of doom like the excretory system can be kept free of bacteria after Dr. Bussy Torn MD has been rooting around in there with his weed whacker.

    Surely antibiotics aren't enough on their own to prevent infection? Anywhere else in the body, sure, but the chucklet waterpark is like ground zero for biological malevolence. It would be like wearing nothing but a steel showercap to keep mosquitos from biting you.

    What dark arts are surgeons invoking here?

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