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What are your ideal temperature and weather conditions?

Among some friends I seem to be the odd one out who doesn't like heat and the sun. To me an overcast fall day, 10C is perfect. Rain is welcome if it does not overstay its welcome.


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  • Summer: I'm not outside, but 80's and breezy. Some clouds. I'm bad with heat though ๐Ÿซ 

    Autum: 60-70, mild breeze. Overcast if possible.

    Winter: Fluffy snow, I like how quiet it gets.

    Spring: 60-80, any cloud coverage. Breezy

    Any time of the year, as long as I'm inside: Rain. Lots of rain. And thunder. I hate driving in storms, but I love watching and hearing them.

    Edit: Whoops, sorry. This is Fahrenheit.