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Yup that's how I got depressed
  • That's true. Let the largest BGP routers go down for 5 minutes and any demands the people who run them have would be met.

  • The modern "bulb" in a 150-year-old lighthouse.
  • Probably not, I think. The only mention of cooling I saw on the website was "Anodised heat sinks to maintain cool running of LEDs on steady burning duties."

  • Distracted. [Outbursts of Everett True, 1914]
  • Thanks! I was confused too. I thought maybe the woman blew the man away.

  • ‘This will not be 1968.’ Chicago police prepare for DNC as whole world watches once again.
  • The math doesn't check out, even if nothing else had changed. 2024-1968=56. The youngest 18-year-old recruits from 1968 would be 74 years old now. They've been retired awhile. And other things have changed. The culture, including the culture of that organization, has changed.

  • So you're saying if I put shoes on my dog...
  • It's an emotional support animal, a programming rubber ducky, and it helps with workouts, since having to run after a sheep burns calories.

  • So you're saying if I put shoes on my dog...
  • Do doggy boots count as shoes? Do socks count? Would a sheep with boots and a cigar be allowed?

  • Anon thinks about CPUs
  • Probably the silicon being made into a wafer.

  • The full video from the famous "Tank Man" photo
  • I don't have a link right now. I literally remember seeing it on the television on the nightly news in the United States.

  • The full video from the famous "Tank Man" photo
  • I remember the video from the next day and a lot of people were run over. All of the acts of that part of history get conflated in memory. That's why it's good to have video and good to have professional historians.

  • Lonliest time on Lemmy ...
  • Central timezone U.S. I'm up later because it's the weekend.

  • Borzoi
  • Chihuahuas

  • Borzoi
  • Chihuahuas?

  • begun they have, effed we are
  • I think pseudo-intelligence is a really good way to put it since pseudo comes from a Greek word meaning to lie or deceive, and those programs hallucinate way too much to be trusted.

  • Worst part is, it's probably shite pizza
  • Pizza costs money. They're already trying not to spend more. You have to actually discuss forming a union to get the good pizza.

  • First they tried to "cure" gayness. Now they're fixated on "healing" trans people.
  • 😲 Biting your child's hand‽ I've never heard of that before.

  • First they tried to "cure" gayness. Now they're fixated on "healing" trans people.
  • They used to think it was possible with left-handedness.

  • Sovcit got a letter.
  • I think they mean ecclesiastical deed poll.

  • Water rule
  • The board has already replaced the health insurance risk manager with AI. Don't worry! Now, a neural net is guessing based off of how much money the CEO wants to make next quarter.

  • Anyone else have their eclipse viewing ruined by clouds?
  • I was in the 90% range. I tried to find the sun and couldn't, although someone who was a few miles away said they saw part of it.

  • Rule
  • A reverse image search says it's Australian senator Cory Bernardi.

  • 1024_Kibibytes 1024_Kibibytes

    I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I'm interested in human culture.

    I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.

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