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CD Project devs want to "call out" big problems like homelessness and the wealth gap in Cyberpunk 2077 sequel
  • Wait, I thought there wasn't going to be a sequel? Did I miss something?

  • "Privacy" for normies is... Weird.
  • TLDR in text please. Not going to spend 16 minutes watching that.

  • Dr Disrespect finally shares why he was banned from Twitch
  • Dr. Disrespect: I'll fucking own this problem!
    Also Dr. Disrespect: Owns up to inappropriate message exchange with a minor.


  • Trump’s War on Clean Energy Would Benefit China, Economists Say: President Biden’s landmark climate law could be repealed in Trump administration. Would jeopardize $488 billion in American investments
  • "War on Clean Energy" would seem like an impossible political platform to run on in 2024, but here we are. The U.S is exceptionally special, it seems. And I don't really mean that in a good way.

  • X will soon limit the ability to livestream to Premium subscribers
  • Well, that's good. The less features the site has the better. Here's to hoping they'll fade to obscurity!

  • How do I explain two years of doing nothing to a university for masters?
  • "the job market is so fucked up so but I've done a lot of open source work, here's my Github"

  • Cities skylines 2 is broken
  • Economy 2.0 is next week I think (hope!) - so this is just vanilla breakage.

  • what linux OS should I install on a backup notebook if my main one is debian?
  • The obvious recommendation is Gentoo stage1 tarball running in Windows Linux Subsystem.

    (on a serious note: whatever you're running on your daily driver)

  • YouTube is testing server-side ad injection to counteract ad blockers
  • Been using Nebula for a while now. Going to miss some YouTube creators, but I'll expect to get over it.

  • Were zx spectrum +2 keyboards disgusting to type on?
  • The rubber keyboard was pretty weird first, felt a lot like cheap pocket calculator, but once you got used to the BASIC shortcuts, you could program like a champ on it.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • The Swedish Social Democratic party (supposedly staunchly left wing) are the ones behind Chat Control 2.0. So just voting for left is not a guarantee we actually get sane MPs in the parliament.

  • Spotify Premium User Slams App Over Audiobook Feature
  • So, is this the type of SLAM you'd typically see in a moshpit? Or are we talking about wrestling slams?

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 26th
  • Manor Lords all the way. There's a big Cities Skylines II patch coming out this week (I hope). I might fire it up and check it out. It's getting close to "release quality" after pretty crappy release.

  • Is it impossible to be private online?
  • Ah, well. Maybe that saves a click and 10 minutes of someones life.

  • Is it impossible to be private online?
  • I notice you quoted the sentence from the description - did you watch the video itself?

    No, I'm afraid I didn't.

  • Is it impossible to be private online?
  • Every time I talk about privacy online, the pessimists always come out. "It's impossible to have any online privacy.

    My experience is actually completely opposite. While mainstream "normies" don't seem to care, most of them are using readily available privacy tools in their communication daily. Things like WhatsApp, Signal and iMessage. Most websites these days are HTTPS enabled. Governments are so concerned about this loss of monitoring capability, they're trying to craft laws which allow them to backdoor devices before encryption happens. And they're meeting resistance, despite all the lobbying (see Chat Control2.0). We've never had as widely adopted privacy tools as we have today.

    Big tech and advertising are two problems that still create trouble. A lot of this stems from completely different, non-privacy related reasons (the lax US policies concerning anti-consumer and monopoly laws) but even here policies around the world are slowly catching up. GDPR gives Europeans quite a bit of control over our data and while this is still just one baby step - it's much better than it used to be. There's a lot of global inequality here though. Facebook/Meta is synonymous to Internet in the developing world, because they've used their monopoly money to exploit the situation. Digital imperialism is still strong.

    I'm not going to harp too much on SMTP privacy, Proton has a bunch of nice services. If that's where your MX happens to point at is, then great, but we do also need to slowly move away from these old protocols that offer no privacy choice (yeah I know, SMTP is here to stay).

    What I'd like to see more, is talk about threat modeling in this space. Because that's where it all starts and threat models are quite personal. There's no "one size fits all" privacy, because our needs vary. Political dissident living in exile from hostile government has completely different needs for privacy compared to a person who doesn't like YouTube ads. We should try to foster easily digestible discussion around personal threat modeling - right now we (the privacy crowd) come across as loonies since lot of the advice we give starts from the wrong end of the model.

    I don't see digital privacy as a pessimistic space. But what do I know, I'm not a content creator.

  • 2024: The Year Linux Dethrones Windows on the Desktop – Are You Ready?
  • What else am I missing?

    Large scale manufacturers pre-installing Linux? Readily available multi-language support for home users? Coherent UI regardless of computer and distro underneath. Billions on lobbying money spent on politicians for favorable policy crafting? Billions spent on marketing campaigns to actually sell the idea to the masses who simply don't care any of your points (or any technical reasons, privacy or anything else that might be top of mind of the current Linux userbase).

    I'd say Linux has a good chance of capturing 5-6% of the market in the coming years if lucky (I believe we're somewhere around 4% at the moment), unless one of the big tech monopolies decides to start throwing money into it (Like Google did with Android)

  • [Resolved] Is anybody else having issues with DuckDuckGo and StartPage?
  • This is the moment in Scooby-Doo where the gang unmasks the person they've just caught and underneath is just the Microsoft Bing logo

  • What are the coolest Lemmy communities you know?
  • ! used to be cool, but it's heating up!

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose

    TunnelVision vulnerability has existed since 2002 and may already be known to attackers.

    Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose

    Pulling this off requires high privileges in the network, so if this is done by intruder you're probably having a Really Bad Day anyway, but might be good to know if you're connecting to untrusted networks (public wifi etc). For now, if you need to be sure, either tether to Android - since the Android stack doesn't implement DHCP option 121 or run VPN in VM that isn't bridged.

    Purchase Advice: Linux Laptop

    My current Dell XPS 13 has been my trusty old companion for the past 4.5 years and I'm very happy with it. Inevitably, the battery isn't what it used to be anymore - it won't reach full charge anymore and discharges in 2-3 hours of normal use (webrowsing, coding etc).

    I could replace the battery, but at 4.5 years, I guess it's time for an upgrade.

    My general requirements:

    • Good Linux support
    • Portable (13-14")
    • Great battery life
    • Good keyboard
    • A nice screen that doesn't have too much glare
    • At least 16Gb RAM / 1Tb SSD

    This is my work machine so I'm not especially budget-sensitive. Durable build would be awesome, I travel quite a lot and it gets banged around in my bag. I work in cybersecurity and do coding, so it doesn't need "content creator" features. The less "bells and whistles", the better. I'd love a microSD-card slot. I think I'd melt of happiness if it also has a HDMI port. I don't game on this machine (except, lol) , so don't really need gfx performance. I don't need touchscreen or 2-in-1 functions. Reasonable mic/cam - but I think that's pretty much given on a modern high-end laptop..

    I'm thinking I'm probably going with new Dell XPS 13 or some ThinkPad variant, but I'd be happy to hear some suggestions and experiences (both good and bad) of recent purchases from the community.

    Ps. Framework/System76 don't ship here. Unfortunately. I'm stuck with the big-corpo brands.

    4 Ransomware causes mental, physical trauma to security pros

    Untold harms of holding the corporate perimeter revealed in extensive series of interviews

    Ransomware causes mental, physical trauma to security pros
    8 None of these people exist, but you can buy their books on Amazon anyway

    Once you find one author with an AI-generated face and potential AI-generated books, Amazon will helpfully direct you to more

    None of these people exist, but you can buy their books on Amazon anyway

    Our AI-generated future is going to be fantastic.

    Archive link, so you don't have to visit Substack:

    44 Their Songs Were Stolen by Phantom Artists. They Couldn’t Get Them Back.

    Bad Dog, a group from D.C., was forced to take a crash course in streaming fraud, a shadowy realm that costs musicians $2 billion a year.

    Their Songs Were Stolen by Phantom Artists. They Couldn’t Get Them Back.


    0xtero 0xtero

    Glorified network janitor. Perpetual blueteam botherer. Friendly neighborhood cyberman. Constantly regressing toward the mean. Slowly regarding silent things.

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