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Valve has a new Steam Chart for the most played Steam Deck games
  • Warframe at 28 is nice. The devs acknowledge Proton and even accept bug reports for those using it. Very cool chart overall.

  • "Ranma ½" Remake Announced With PV
  • I just started watching the original!

  • What were your thoughts at the end of this Spring 2024 season?
  • Spice and Wolf is a masterpiece. Excellent adaptation of the LNs. Incredible VA work on both the Japanese and English versions. Excellent writing, and some of the scene direction during the last few episodes was stunning. Really hope this hangs around to adapt the entire story.

  • Warframe - Low Performance while Game Reports 200+ FPS
  • Unlikely to help, but while you're experimenting: PROTON_LOG=1 PROTON_LOG_DIR="/tmp/" WINEDEBUG="-all" fixed some extremely annoying hangs during loading screens for me. Probably a 1 in a million chance it helps in your case, but who knows.

  • A free AK... AX-52!
  • Think we're getting a release date for 1999 at Tennocon?

  • GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE 4K Restoration | Official Trailer
  • Picked up my tickets. Love this movie so much.

  • Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [Week 20]
  • Waiting a bit to see what shows actually hold, but currently only watching Spice & Wolf and Kaiju No. 8.

    Spice & Wolf is perfect and is following the LNs almost exactly from my recollection.

    Unfortunately Kaiju No. 8 is boring as hell. Despite having immense power capable of one-punching kaiju into showers of blood, the MC has spent 90% of their screen time being functionally useless. It's just such a weird way to write an MC. I get 1 or 2 episodes, but nearly half of the 12 episode run? The pacing needs to pick up 10x. I'm not kidding. We should be seeing kaiju getting bodied every episode. The slow burn it's trying to structure itself around is not happening at all. Boooooooooo. Pick it up!

  • XPipe 9 comes with VNC, RDP, and SSH X11 support, a better SSH integration, terminal improvements, and many bug fixes
  • RE: Your edit. Votes are public. OP didn't downvote you. You, however, downvoted OP when they replied to your question. No idea why you'd do that when all they did was answer your question. FWIW I upvoted your comment so it doesn't get buried, but yeah, people shouldn't be downvoting posts unless they're off topic or against the rules IMO. No need to weaponize them.

  • Protea Prime Access Trailer
    Much ado about "nothing" - Xe Iaso (==Goodbye NixOS)
  • The biggest red flag here is that someone is trying to derive meaning from Eva, an anime whose religious/philosophical imagery and themes were used "just because they looked and sounded cool" (not a direct quote.) I mean I like it too, but it's gibberish.

    I'll say this about OSS and the community around it: It's painfully obvious at times that while the individuals working on these projects (often thanklessly) are brilliant people, they often lack the communication and project leadership skills necessary to make a project thrive. The last few posts I've seen on this particular issue have been extremely vague and for whatever reason just won't come out and say what they mean. They're verbose, go off on tangents, and beat around the bush. We must first have explained to us the plots of TV shows, movies, and other ancillary things in order to understand what likely boils down to "people with differing viewpoints cannot find common ground." I see the linked blog post as nothing more than someone trying to work out relatively complex feelings about the time/effort they contributed to a project they no longer have faith in more than an "expose-eh." Given that people in the comments of previous threads have boiled the issue with NixOS down to a sentence or two, I think this is an accurate view.

    See: Soft skills.

  • [Solved!] How to change the default homepage in qutebrowser ?
  • lol, and they downvoted my reply with the actual config options OP needs to change. Oh well. They're probably having a bad day or something.

  • [Solved!] How to change the default homepage in qutebrowser ?
  • Check out :set url.default_page and :set url.start_pages.

  • Ookami to Koushinryou: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF • Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF - Episode 2 discussion
  • Glad this is getting positive reception so far. I'll be curious to see what gets adapted going forward given the OG anime skipped some things and slightly modified others, but so far this is really close (if not exact) to what's in the LN.

  • fooyin's new features in v0.4.0 make it the most promising music player - LinuxLinks
  • Very cool! Still early, so ran into some bugs:

    • Buggy playback on some files. Would either not play or play back glitched. Using Pipewire plugin.
    • Inconsistent vert/hori split behavior. Not sure I completely understand what I was doing wrong, but when editing the layout sometimes a split would open to the right of the widget area I was trying to split.

    Anyway, I like that Foobar can group albums next to their cover art in a playlist. Made visually scrolling through a large playlist much more interesting IMO, and fooyin does it well! Now to see if I can tweak the size of them.

  • Unmasking the hidden gems of Void Linux | Animesh Sahu
  • Very interesting. Thanks for the detailed explanation! I'll check it out.

  • Mozilla released a Firefox Nightly test build with vertical tabs - gHacks Tech News
  • Downvotes with no replies explaining why? This is happening a lot.

    I use qutebrowser and still show tabs, but this is a very interesting approach. Thanks for the rec.

  • Ookami to Koushinryou: merchant meets the wise wolf • Spice and Wolf: merchant meets the wise wolf - Episode 1 discussion
  • Really good. Closer to the book as I remember it.

    Also, one of the few shows I'd love to hear a dub of given how good the original dub was. I've been listening to the audiobooks of the LNs (which have the same VAs as the dub) and they're great fits for Kraft and Holo.

  • Dante: No Grind?
  • All parts in 1hr15m-ish. Got 3 of the parts right in a row and bought the missing one after.

  • SDL Developers Weigh Reverting Wayland Over X11 For SDL 3.0
  • Interesting. I've been developing a game with SDL2 and think I know the stutter you're referencing. I passed it off as an oversight in my rendering code, but maybe it's as you say. Forcing Wayland does appear to work on my test machine, but integer scaling is broken. Might require some more tinkering or proper support in SDL3, but that's the only thing that didn't work OOTB, so not bad.

  • SDL Developers Weigh Reverting Wayland Over X11 For SDL 3.0
  • To have this laundry list of negatives get a reply basically saying "yeah, it's bad, but we need to impress the stakeholders by forcing a Wayland default even if it doesn't work correctly" is baffling.

    I use SDL so this hits a bit closer to home. Hopefully they can arrive at a conclusion that isn't harmful to us devs. It's already kind of a tossup whether it's even worth it to provide a native Linux build when Proton works so well anyway. I can't imagine this will help.

  • Troubleshooting errorless system hang on kernel 6.7 (AMDGPU)

    Edit: See update at end of post for more details (no solutions, but things to consider.)

    As of Linux 6.7 I'm getting hard freezes that require a power cut to reset (sysrq doesn't work.) Happens at both idle and load anywhere from 5 minutes in to an hour. Running journalctl --follow and dmesg -w (both as root) reveal nothing at the time of the crash. Kernel version 6.6 continues to be 100% stable.


    • Distro/Kernel: Arch Linux 6.7.arch3-1
    • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
    • GPU: AMD RX580 8GB via AMDGPU
    • RAM: Some configuration of 16GB at 2667 MT/s.
    • WM: SwayWM

    I'm unsure how to go about properly reporting a bug if no errors are being generated.

    Any advice?

    I'm not alone on this apparently (warning, it's reddit.)

    Update (01-27-2024)

    I've spent the last 5 days or so bisecting the kernel from stable 6.6 to 6.7 while also touching on linux-next and 6.8rc1. I've experienced hangs on each kernel after 6.6 but under different conditions. In some cases sys-rq can rescue the system, but other times it's a hard (still errorless) crash. I believe all of these crashes can be blamed on AMDGPU given all other user reports (see: reddit thread above) mention having an AMD card.

    List of similar issues

    Note: Some of these are from earlier Kernel versions, but they're included since they present the same way.


    Patched/Unpatched 6.8rc1 attempts

    This bug report is the closest I can find on the issue. which links off to this report, which includes a patch. The patch in question is for 6.8rc1 and allows the system to stay up longer, but frequently "trips," meaning the system begins to stumble and halt for tenths of a second with accelerated video playback in my browser (qutebrowser) has to contend with load elsewhere on the system (gaming, etc.) Hangs under this patch and kernel can be rescued. However, with video acceleration disabled in the browser (and the browser not even running,) hard crashes can still occur. So either there's two new issues being brought into the fold (one to do with video accel. and the original issue mentioned in this post), or the original issue is just manifesting in different ways.

    Bisecting 6.6 to 6.7

    This process was taking forever because there's no reproducible situation in which the system halts. My method was to build the kernel (8 minutes) then reboot and let the system idle on a Sway session while I'm off doing something else (2 to 4 hours.) If I come back to a hard lock, then I mark the version as failed and repeat. This method let me try 2 versions of the kernel a day, not nearly enough to have this fixed quickly or easily. Due to the amount of time it takes to detect a crash, it's also possible to mark a bad commit as good (meaning it didn't crash in 2 hours, but would have in 4 or 5, etc.) I won't be continuing this.

    The state of AMDGPU in general

    It seems I'm lucky to have not had these issues before. A little bit of time reading issues like this show that people have been encountering problems for a while now (pre-kernel 6.7.) There are issues that have been open for years that still appear to be problems on modern systems and hardware. I'm not passing blame to anyone here, just stating that it's a miracle any of this stuff works at all given how complex the hardware is that even those who appear to be spending huge amounts of time dealing directly with it can't properly untangle what causes these faults.

    Help understanding huge performance increase with PROTON_LOG=1

    TL;DR: PROTON_LOG=1 drastically improves performance in Warframe.

    I've been dealing with persistent stuttering and general slowdown in Warframe, particularly when assets were loading in upon startup and especially during loading screens. Generally, once I would get into actual gameplay things would be smooth (according to both myself and Mangohud,) but going from a hub to an open world area would completely tank performance or even outright halt rendering for 30 to 40 seconds in the worst-case scenario.

    I decided to start poking into what was happening and immediately found out that PROTON_LOG=1 completely solves all of these problems. The longest loading time (30 seconds or so) is now 5 seconds. Missions load almost instantaneously.

    The generated log is extremely verbose at around 1MB a minute. I don't see anything obviously wrong, but then again the game is working as it should.

    Why is this? Wouldn't not generating the log be faster?

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