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Triangle rule
  • why would that get you banned?

  • Ich🐮⚙️iel
  • das jetpack kriegt man schon relativ "earlygame". bis dahin reicht der Aussichtsturm aus.

  • Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • yea but the models are already trained and noone pays to use the open source ones, so you're not really contributing to the training greenhouse gas emissions if you use an open source gen ai model locally.

  • I guess even Elon has his limit
  • okay but it makes for an epic song, checkmate commie.

  • You should treat the new AI as a coworker and friend!
  • what's the crystaline entity?

  • Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • I mean, technically water is countable

  • I stole it. i admit it.
  • me too but me no haha is the best thing I've read this week

  • Shelf Life Rule
  • wtf is concord.

  • ich🥒🍅iel
  • ich weiß, oder? finde wenn man es direkt als richtig übersetzt passt es nicht so gut. naja, jetzt wo ich es schreibe fällt mir auf das ichiel das direkte übersetzen wahrscheinlich bevorzugen würde, auch wenn es nicht ganz so sinngemäß ist.

  • ich🥒🍅iel
  • iwo, nicht ikr

  • M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • using a searchengine helps avoid domain squatting phishing. this is why I like domain bar as a search engine. if it's new I search it, if it's a place I've been to before it autocompletes the url.

  • biodegradable
  • kill the baby.

  • biodegradable
  • for me the distortion adds to the meme because it changes how I pronounce the second part in my mind. because of the distortion I read it with a rising and falling tone or whatever it's called, which made it a lot funnier.

  • ich🐈👍iel
  • Ich finde es toll dass man die Prioritäten des Zwischennetzes so leicht erkennen kann


  • ich🐈👍iel
  • geht's nur mir so oder sieht die aus wie Kim Wexler?

  • ich🚄iel
  • die Rakete weiß wo sie ist weil sie weiß wo sie nicht ist...

  • Trump Campaign Powerless Against Group of Teenage Girls Saying "Ew"
  • so very wrong. LLMs ARE ai, and AI image generators are not LLMs.

  • New to Soulseek, can you share files without port forwarding?

    I'm new to Soulseek, just downloaded a bunch of music I like. I want to not be a leach and give back to the community by sharing the things I downloaded, however Mullvad doesn't allow port forwarding. Is it possible to share files on Soulseek without having open ports? Does everyone who shares stuff on Soulseek use no VPN/a VPN with port forwarding?

    Opinions on Session?

    It seems really cool but I'm a bit wary of it due to the crypto stuff.

    0laura 0laura
    Posts 2
    Comments 99