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Former SquaredCircle kbin people! 🚨🚨Moving Update 3: The Revengening..? (Also final update I guess?)🚨🚨 - SquaredCircle -

Incoming *long-winded wall-o-text* that could have probably been 3 sentences. Idk this is what you get for 99% of what I post being just fuckin' links I guess lol sorry....

🚨🚨Moving Update 3: The Revengening..? (Also final update I guess?)🚨🚨 - SquaredCircle -

Cross posting this over here because of the obvious federation delay. If you're already here, feel free to leave your comments on this thread instead of waiting for the 12-24h delay on kbin, but feel free to comment there should you wish.

Full post is in the comments below.

  • Sweet, I decided to sign up over here earlier today so I wouldn't have to deal with Kbin's jankiness anymore. Being able to upvote things without getting error messages is a nice change of pace.

  • Incoming long-winded wall-o-text that could have probably been 3 sentences. Idk this is what you get for 99% of what I post being just fuckin' links I guess lol sorry.

    So I've done a bunch of testing between various instances since before the weekend (including some random ones I didn't mention) and gotten plenty enough feedback from all of you guys who helped. It definitely seems like is gonna be the new home for SquaredCircle. Everyone seems to be able to access it, everything is working smooth as silk, things are federating out in a timely manner. On top of that the admin provided links to check the instances federation which could be quite useful in the future if issues occur. The rate at which its picking up subscribers is also faster than we have had on kbin outside of maybe the first month or two (many of whom are likely not even active anymore) which seems like it's gonna help a lot with our growth too. Currently at 89 users in 5 days.

    Fedia was in consideration but is a hard no as a bunch of instances you all use aren't even acknowledging its existence (when they should) and the ones I use that are seeing it seem to be federating at delays that would make having discussions or timely news posts completely impossible (6-12hish). I did test a couple other mbin instances but again, federation was lackluster at best.

    That being said with the other instances I tried I didn't really find anything too impressive to want to say 'we can use this place as a backup'. (I am also loathe to use one of the other bigger lemmy instances as over the history of lemmy/kbin a lot of defederation has happened (and could continue at a higher rate given their size) and then people could get more easily cut off from the community and cause issues.) (cont)

    • Tying into that: Kbin. We now know Ernest isn't dead at least lol, so while the place may be (at the moment) in shambles the project does continue and the site appears to be safe, if sadly partially reliable. My intention was never going to include deleting this place cause my data hoarder ass doesn't know the meaning of the word 'delete' so tl;dr~ will become our new home..

      ..but if it makes sense to all of you: will become our backup.

      Realistically we shouldn't need a backup with from what I've seen. Bunch of us have been posting and commenting for days now (and as someone who has been using it in general for 6+ months off and on I've had little issues) but we're all already here anyway and if Ernest is working on things then it would be a shame to toss this place in case it does get better. Easier to use it as a backup we may not need than build up a second community from scratch to confuse more people.

      So assuming that makes sense with everyone, we basically have two weeks left in the original time estimate left. It's up to you all (if you haven't moved over to the community already) whether you wanna go all in (heh) now or wait out the 2 weeks. If anyone does wanna stay here for the next 2 weeks I'll keep posting stuff across both communities but by the 18th at the latest I'll be full time on the lemmy community and just keeping an eye here for spam now and then until we need it.

    • I'll post it here too. I know a lot of complaints were about the Lemmy UI. Here's some mobile apps and webuis for Lemmy. I don't know how up to date it is as I'm new to Lemmy myself.

      I personally use Interstellar which I don't think is on that list as I'm trying to help test it.

      The good thing is no one absolutely has to move to Lemmy to access this community!

  • With the ability to use the old reddit ( or new reddit ( or interface available I'm a lot happier being here. I'm just glad this hasn't caused a huge loss of posters, in the old forum days a change from one site or forum software to another would see half the users or more disappear.

    If Kbin started federating properly again, I'd go back to using that though. I didn't want the microblog at first, but it really grew on me.

    EDIT: I keep going for the boost button... there isn't one.

    • A bonus of federation is if things stabilize on kbin, you can go back there and use that account/interface to browse/post here.

  • I'm genuinely surprised at how quick growth has been over here. kbin has become near inaccessible to me, so I've been more active here by default.

    I saw Ernest's proof of life post and I genuinely wish him well. But since a big part of our community is live show discussion, we need stability and federation to behave themselves.

    @GeekFTW Since we're keeping kbin as our back up, don't forget to log in once every month to make sure no one wrestles (pun intended!) ownership from you.

    • I saw Ernest’s proof of life post and I genuinely wish him well. But since a big part of our community is live show discussion, we need stability and federation to behave themselves.

      This. I wish kbin well, hope to see it flourish much more and get better, but imagine a huge ppv with 12-24h comment delays, that's just death.

      And no worries, I'll be checking into kbin daily to keep a quick eye for spam and such given kbin has no 'lock community' feature.