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  • My opinion so far (as Plat šŸ˜)

    • no buffs for 5 yordles? It should be more rewarding to play 5 of them
    • more than 3 Demacia will still be weak.
    • Multicasters nerf with Strategist nerf kills Velkoz3/Sona3 comp (teemo4 might be still playable)
    • buffs 4 Rouge makes Zed3 even better
    • Shadow isles buff good for Kalista3
    • Slayer nerf kills Kayle3 comp most likely
    • many buffs to Voids, no idea how good they are
    • giant buffs to 6 Karma3 with Galio (and Ryze)
    • so many buffs to Sorcerers (malza, oriana, swain, taric, lux, ahri)
    • Aphelios and Zeri are back!

    Weird patch overall