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TFT: Teamfight Tactics

  • Teamfight Tactics patch 13.14 notes

    In addition to balance changes, Soul Fighter comes to TFT with a new game mode, event, and more!

    Teamfight Tactics patch 13.14 notes
  • [TFT] Patch 13.14 Rundown
  • What Augments Turns a Comp from Decent to OP?

    Seeing this recent TFT Clips video about Double Trouble Taliyah reroll got me thinking.

    DT3 elevates Taliyah reroll from decent to an OP comp that almost beat this 3* Azir Lux if capped.

    What other augments elevates a comp like that? or even makes a comp viable (like those transformative hero augments for WW, Sett, Kassadin, Swain, and Galio carry).

  • How does MMR work when grouped?

    I've noticed when I play TFT with a friend of mine who is much better at the game, I lose almost every match. We are similar ranks right now, but he's climbed much higher than me in the past. When I play solo I feel much more likely to top 4, but as soon as we group up I am back to 7th and 8th place every match, while he wins nearly every game.

    I was wondering if there was some hidden MMR component to matchmaking in the ranked queue, or if this is all in my head. Anyone have any insights?

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  • Teamfight Tactics patch 13.13 notes

    Our first patch of Runeterra Reforged has a Shurima rework, Baron and T-Hex nerfs, and a whole lot of balance adjustments!

    Teamfight Tactics patch 13.13 notes
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  • [Reposted] [Guide] 6 Sorc Lux/Veloz

    Hello! I'm cya nerds and I hit masters earlier this week, currently sitting around rank 40.

    I have been a challenger player since Set 3 and started playing during the Beta!





    My Sorc Stats


    • Uncontested most games
    • Very Flexible with different variations like Void, Multicast, Strategist, and Demacia
    • Caps very high with 8 Sorc, Ahri 2, Ksante 2, Vel'Koz 3


    6 Sorc activates Max health damage to 2 enemies instead of just 1



    Two different gameplay options

    Void/MultiCast/Sorc Flex or Vertical Sorc

    Let's focus on the Vertical Sorc gameplan:

    1. Start the game with tear/rod/BF
      1. Pick up any void and sorc units early game: Cho, Malz, Swain, Kassadin, Ori, etc.
      2. Swain is the most important unit in this comp early game (if you see it on the carousel and it's an item we can use, don't be afraid to grab it).
      3. Use void egg positioning for CC on the enemy's frontline, and have it tank initial aggro.
    2. Slam items. For example, if you have a tear, cloak, or vest. You can slam a gargoyle on your frontline or make a chalice for the backline. As a rule of thumb, slam items if you have 3 items on your bench.
    3. Continue picking up Sorcs, Void, and Teemo for multicast/strategist.
    4. Scout on wolves and after picking your 3-2 augment to see if you are contested Sorc/Multicast units.
      1. If one other person is playing AP or if people are already slamming Guinsoo for Azir/Aphelios/Zeri and look committed, you can focus on continuing to play vertical sorc. If more people are contesting, we can pivot towards void/multicast.
    5. 3-2 level up to 6 and based on your HP don’t be afraid to roll down for Swain 2, Malz 2, Kassadin 2, Vel’Koz, etc. If we high roll a J4 or Lux, then we can streak most of stage 3.
    6. You can roll down on 4-1 for the board shown below, try to not go past 20 gold since going 8 will be very difficult at that point. Many people in the current meta will fully roll down 4-1 and hit their 4 costs, leaving Lux left in the pool and making it easier to hit a 2\* Lux on 4-5 for our second rolldown.
    7. Reference board below for intended level 7 board without sorc heart/spat


    Level 7 board without sorc heart\/spat


    1. Level 7 board with sorc heart and/or emblem. Swap Kassadin out for J4 if you find him. If you have J4 at 1\* but Swain and Taric are not 2\*, continue to play Kassadin for void/Bastion and extra front line.


    Level 7 board with sorc heart\/spat

    1. On 4-5, you can roll until you hit Lux 2\ or fully upgraded frontline with Jarvan 1\**.
      1. Jarvan 1 is fine to go 8 with if you have tank items but if you are poor and stuck on 7 you can just keep rolling for Lux 2\* and J4 2\*.
      2. Reference board below for intended level 7 board without sorc heart/spat


    Level 8 board without sorc heart\/spat


    1. Level 8 board with sorc heart and/or emblem


    Level 8 board with sorc heart\/spat


    Level 8 capped board with 8 sorc

    Level 9, you can drop out of 8 sorcs for Ksante and Heim!


    Lux/Vel'Koz/Swain Item Tier List:


    Lux with HOJ Guardbreaker is not balanced

    Triple item combos for Lux are fairly easy due to the radiant demacia item.

    AP support items are important in this comp, spark/shiv and ice cream cone both increase your overall damage significantly. No item Malz and Vel'Koz will randomly deal over 3k damage in fights with support items.

    You do not have to have blue buff on Lux or Vel'Koz, it's usually a secondary option after Shiv ice cream cone, hoj, and shiv.

    Healing is not exactly mandatory, but it really helps you win against Zeri/Kaisa/Deadeye (pretty much every matchup). Gunblade Lux/Vel'Koz is really good to help sustain long fights.


    LEGEND Recommendation

    Poro - Flexible as possible and higher chance to roll sorc crest/crown/heart

    Ornn - Sniper Focus and Eternal Winter are disgustingly strong right now. Sniper focus is slept on, definitely can also hold it. Eternal winter can go on J4 or Swain. Deathfire Grasp is perfect for Lux. Trickster glass for J4 and Swain is solid.



    S+: Sorc crest, Sorc Crown, Sorc Heart, Overcharged Manafront

    S: Long Distance Pals, Gifts from the Fallen, Unified Resistance, Tons of Stats, Idealism, Martyr, Jeweled Lotus III, March of Progress, Social Distancing (if no cones), Magic Wand

    A: You have my bow, Infernal Contract, Radiant Relics, Strategist Soul, Pandoras

    B: Everything else







    Thank you for reading my guide!

    I took a lot of inspiration from my friend CHRISTOPHO and his Shurima Azir guide! Officially approved by him.


    cya nerds

    I am not OP source:

  • [Repost] The 4 Types of Luck

    Teamfight Tactics is all about luck. But luck is a skill. In this post I'll talk about four types of luck and how they manifest in skill expression.

    Type I: Blind luck. There is no skill in this unless you count not being AFK and being able to click on 3 Sennas.

    Type II: Motion. "Keep on going and chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down\."\

    In order to benefit from blind luck, you have to roll. How many times have we backseated a friend who refuses to roll on 3-2 despite having 4 pairs? Knowing when to roll is the first and easiest level of skill expression in TFT. If you're reading this post, you probably already know when you need to roll, as in the common 3-2/4-1 breakpoints. A common criticism of rolling is "what are you rolling for?"; that is, "One must distinguish between motion and progress''. And while it's true that at some point you need to make this distinction, I don't think newer players see any difference between rolling on 3-2 and hitting Garen 2 and rolling on 3-2, hitting nothing, and bleeding out. While we should aim to avoid rolling wastefully (for one upgrade, for a 5\* at 7) if you don't roll until you know that you're going to hit you're probably not going to hit.

    Type III: Recognition. "Chance favors the prepared mind." Know when you're lucky and know when you're unlucky. This is when skill expression starts to manifest, so this skill comes in a few levels.

    1. Know how to play flex, because first-timing a comp is gonna lead to a fast 8th, meaning you know what units to look for and what items to build on those units, and therefore what components to prioritize on carousel.
    2. Know how to build items that can work in multiple comps that you know how to play.
    3. Know how to rolldown by holding pairs that fit in comps you know how to play or seem broken enough that you can just put units in and win without thinking too much.
    4. Know when to hold pairs so that your level 7 board isn't just whatever random garbage you find on your rolldown, but also whatever random garbage you found in all the preceding shops.

    There are two ways to recognize luck (well, three if you count just looking at the highest winrate comps). You can read comp guides until you've internalized the intuition behind decisions and plays. Or you can strike out on your own path, be an innovator, and craft the new meta. Jokes -99% of us are here because we want to netdeck something and get free LP. Recognition is (probably) what enables players to hit Masters, it is the level of skill that can be learned by following guides, and it is (in my opinion) still nowhere near the level of skill required to manifest Type IV.

    Type IV: Directed Motion. Make decisions based not just on your game, but also on other's games and other games. This is the harder flavor of Motion to grasp because it requires not just preparation but knowledge and experience. Rather than micro-level decisions (what to buy in your shop), directed motion dictates macro-level decisions, specifically the two most important decisions in TFT: when to roll and what augments to select.

    Applying directed motion to know when to roll requires a level of awareness of other players that most of us cannot obtain because we are too busy watching Netflix. Instead of blindly rolling at 3-2 and 4-1, you might have enough HP to see that all the Aphelios/Zeri players have already hit so instead you're going to go 7 on 4-2 and get your Azir 2/Nasus 2 for free. Instead of mindlessly slowrolling above 50 when playing reroll, you see that you're contested and you devote all your energy to getting a higher placement in the mirror, and end up killing off the contester early enough that you can still hit your units and secure a top 4. Every time you lost because someone 3\*d a Zeri, it's because you didn't roll to deny them. If you roll on 3-2 and don't hit your units, it might be because you're unlucky, or it might be because you're contested and it was still early enough to pivot out.

    The role of directed motion in augment selection may go unnoticed today because separates Gifts of the Fallen from Gotta Go Fast III. But without augments stats, it's all about your experience, because directed motion favors the individualized action. You can't try all 200 augments, you need to pick augments because of your unique knowledge or "pocket picks".

    Aren't these all just the same thing? Yes and no. Motion requires a bias for action, because just by rolling you increase your chances of getting lucky. Recognition requires preparation to recognize when you are getting lucky; if you're in motion and happen to stumble upon a new path, recognition lets you know whether it's the path to victory. Directed motion requires tactics, and it enables you to make informed decisions on when to roll and what to play.

    Im not OP Archived source:

  • [Repost] [13.12] Riftwalk Kassadin Reroll: A Guide that I Stole!?

    Another good guide from r/competitivetft about Kassadin's augment Riftwalker The guide is too long, so posted an archived link. I am not OP

  • [Repost] [13.12] Rank 24 Auqaa Trist Reroll hard force guide [100+ Game Sample Size]

    Hey, I will sometimes repost some helpful stuff I like from my RSS r/CompetiveTFT so people who left reddit can enjoy some TFT stuff here. I will add archive source at the bottom.

    Hey everyone! I'm Auqaa. Set 9 is amazing and is a wet dream for a hard force reroller like me :) I've only played reroll trist this entire set and I'm currently at rank 24 with 176 LP. Proudly, all 111 of my games in set 9 have been tristana. I know there was another trist guide recently from Clear who is also around the same rank, but thought I'd go deeper into my thought process for those that want to get some longer explanation.

    Lolchess: Twitch: haven't streamed in a long long time but perhaps I can get into it again :D

    Legend & Augments: Lee Sin - IMO every lee sin augment is good, 90% of my games I'll go two lee sin augments and one combat, and this is enough to top 4 (see mindset section below). Everyone knows by now on a roll is a prismatic in disguise (basically buy every 1-cost pair in the game to get infinite rerolls).

    Non lee-sin augments that I will pick up: Think Fast, Silver Ticket, Missed Connections How to use Shopping Spree: The rerolls will rollover each round, so save all your rerolls until you're above 50 gold. Resist that urge of the shiny button. Galaxies & Items: Scuttle Puddle, Hearth-Home, Targon Prime, Shuriman Bazaar, Yorick’s Graveyard, Glasc Industries

    Basically any augment that benefits you late game, or benefits you with gold before the 2-1 augment is really OP for this comp. Early gold from augments + On a roll is a guaranteed top 4 because you can roll with 75% odds for tier 1 units. Late game spike augments will hit right on time with when you're already near capped and can continue your win streak.

    Most importantly, these augments don't give a significant advantage to the current meta comps that are weaker early but stronger late, so this plays to your overall advantage.

    Trist: LW & Gunblade + 1 (GS, Runaans, Guinsoo, IE, DB, QSS), my two favorite radiant items are radiant GS and radiant runaans. Not math based, but visually they just look like they melt everything. Maokai: Protectors Vow, Gargoyles + 1 (Bramble, Sunfire, Warmogs) Stages / Mindset: It's important to understand that set 9 is the most forgiving set of all time. You have a bail out at the start of every stage thanks to lee sin augments. So you're almost guaranteed to hit at least three 3-starred units before the 4-1 augment comes regardless of how much gold you lost out on due to unlucky streaks or not making econ. I literally could not care less if someone griefs my 4 loss streak at 2-6.

    Two options: Based on my spot and how many units I have, I tend to roll down either after the lee sin 3-1 augment comes, or right before the 4-1 combat augment will pop. So if I think I can realistically hit the 3 stars as early as I can, I will try to spike instantly to start knocking down other players' hps. If it's a rather unlucky start, then I slow roll and keep the loss streak up until after the stage 3 creeps, and roll down to 0 before the last augment comes out. This is because I want at least 1 combat augment in the game just to keep up with the average 2 combat augments per game from other players. Three 3-stars, then Push!: Trist, Maokai, and it doesn't matter if the third 3 star is poppy, viego, or jinx. Push levels once you get your first three 3-stars and trust that the process will let you three star the rest of your comp later. Contested? I've had my fair share of contested games where it really comes down to a slight advantage if you just hyperroll after the 3-1 augment while the other person tries to play the econ game. Unfortunate when it happens but there are some techs that you can slide in just to make sure you at least place higher than them. For example, Echo + Viego at lvl 7 on the two top left corners is a brilliant tactic that will do 2k damage to their corner carries. Or building sunfire.


    Up until you reach level 6 your positioning really doesn't matter because you're either lose streaking or just waiting to hit your comp. I literally do not move my units unless I have a zephyr or something because scouting is hard to do if I'm watching Haikyuu while playing the game. So these boards are how I position every game pretty much.

    Level 6: Level 7: This is lowkey so good at stage 4 when people are ramping up their meta boards. If your viego or ekko procs rogue onto their backline corner carry, they just die for free. Level 8: Heimer: I like to get two in repair-o-kit and one in the morello gun and place the turret randomly in the front line. If you've somehow reached level 9, you can really add anything at this point, I'll try to put in 4 shadow isle with Senna + Gwen or something, but late game is different every game so I don't have a standard 9 board. That's it! Good luck and thanks for reading if you've made it this far. As always, let me know how these tips/tricks work for you!

    I am not OP Source:

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