Ive come to feel lately that the war isn't two sided. The war is raging between science, religion, and ethics. People will argue against science because of dubious ethics that are unrelated to religion. They will ignore scientific evidence because it goes against their moral compass.
Science is cold and uncaring. It will always be at odds against people who live their lives following their heart.
There is no debate between science and religion. The only religions that are incompatible with science are the insane fundamentalists. 99% of Christians don't believe that the creation story in the Bible is literally true; they believe in evolution. The 1% fundamentalists invented the debate between creationism and big bang, evolution, etc. because they want to force Christians to believe they can't believe in science.
I'm an excommunicated Catholic. I was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic school as a kid. The Catholic school taught evolution and a bit of relativity, which are incompatible with creationism.