The two dogs I had were easily taught to wait on the floor mat right by the door. Once someone wiped their paws with a towel they would proceed forward. 🤷🏼
If it’s wet or snowy out, I throw down a town on my way out, so my dog has no choice but to step on a towel on the way in. Combine that with using a leash and she has no choice but to stop until I’m satisfied with her feet
My sister-in-law does similar with a bucket of clean water, so she even gets dry dirt off, but that’s excessive.
Humans have lived in filth their entire existence and whatever being tracked in, if it’s not visible, it’s cleaner than most of human history and it’s clean enough to not cause harm
I take precautions to minimize the amount of shit I'm exposed to. Tooth brush goes in the shower bag, which doesn't live in the bathroom. Take my shoes off at the door, so I don't get street shit in my house. You follow?