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Sweden in NATO? Maybe not Ukraine, Sweden, Turkey and NATO: It ain’t over till it’s over

Should the EU backslide on Turkish entry, Erdogan could well renege on his commitment to support Swedish accession to NATO.

Ukraine, Sweden, Turkey and NATO: It ain’t over till it’s over

There was a post from a mass media site the other day saying Turkey was approving Sweden to join NATO. This turned out to be a bit of wishful thinking.

  • Just want to note that the link is an opinion piece, not a news article.

  • As a citizen from Sweden this is all on Erdogan now. I don't think we should agree to any more requirements. Just playing it out for political gain.

    • As a citizen from Turkey, sorry about that. We tried to vote him out, just didn't take.

      • As another Swedish citizen, I’m also sorry. The stuff he’s done to your economy is soul crushing, and that’s barely scraping the top of it. I’m really glad my friend moved away from there, but I feel for everyone who can’t.

        I hope things get better over there eventually.

      • Thanks <3 Yeah I was following the election, crazy close to getting him out. No idea how people wanted him still in power after the earthquake disasters. Feels like he used the anger towards Sweden (after the danish guy burned the Quran) to gain some votes by refusing us. What a mess it has become.


      16:55 Erdoğan says Putin agrees with him on "Grain deal" renewal

      17:28 Kremlin denies having agreed to prolong grain initiative

      Erdogan appears to be busy all over.

    • Legit question. What would be the tangible benefits of joining NATO?

      • Security in numbers from terrorist countries like russia

      • The US has been building military bases around the globe, constantly conducting military exercises and bombing arabic countries as a display of power and provocation against any nation who doesn't ally with them, eventually they will start a 3rd World War.

        NATO is based on the assumption the US will win any wars it fights,despite having been defeated by Vietnam and several others. The benefit of joining NATO is "you won't get nuked the US when the war starts". Naturally the neo-libs will mention this also applies in reverse but this is in fact the nature of a world war, you can't stay neutral, you'd either ally yourself with China, North Korea and the others, or you'd ally yourself with the United States and other Nazi-sympathizing nations.

        Therefore the benefit of joining NATO is securing your foothold on the winning side when WW3 happens, the downside is becoming a puppet and being required to bomb innocent civilians in Arabic nations, also probably Cuba and Venezuela when the US decides to go there.

      • The idea was that Sweden and Finland would enter NATO togheter. Finland bordering Russia is by far the biggest argument for them and Sweden also semi borders Russia by ocean access.

        This discussion was brought up early in the war when it was not clear how strong Russia was.

        For me I don't see the point in joining anymore but was a bigger consideration early.

        Though exiting the deal when Finland already joined would put a dent in our relations. Sad we will lose our decades of neutrality because of one dictator biting of more then they can chew, but so be it.